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Angelica opened her eyes to the room door opening, seeing Sunghoon sluggishly walk in.

He took off his jacket and jeans dropping them onto the floor making her roll her eyes.

"Disgusting, you're not gonna shower?" She groggily whispered, startling Sunghoon.

He glared at her playfully as he moved towards the bathroom.

"Of course I am. I'm not you." He defended himself as he opened the bathroom door, turning on the light.

She shook her head in amusement as she sat up, stretching her arms over her head and looking at the clock.

3am... Earlier than other nights at least.

"We all know you wouldn't shower if I hadn't woken up." She teased as she walked over to the space where his clothes were, picking them up off the floor.

"How would you know that?" He retaliated playfully from the shower.

"Because I've known you for almost seven years."

"You should go back to bed baby." He said from the bathroom and Angelica shook her head.

"I was already awake anyways."

She walked inside the closet, dropping his pants into the hamper.

As she shook the jean jacket to hang it on one of the hooks, she heard something drop onto the floor.

She furrowed her eyebrows as she kneeled down to grab it.

Turning the black object in her hand, she noticed the tip of it.

"A silencer?" She whispered to herself as she continued to stare at it.

Now, why the hell would Sunghoon need a gun silencer in the middle of a Tuesday night?

Before she dug her hand into the other pocket of the jacket, she stopped herself.

I can't.. That would be invading his privacy and the thing that should be enhanced the most is trust...

Shrugging her shoulders after thinking about it for a few seconds, she still dug her hand into the pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper.

Once she unfolded the paper, her heart dropped to her ass.

A grey haired Mr. Park.

It seemed to be security footage, with dates on the sides.

This was yesterday..

She heard the shower being shut off and she looked behind her, placing the jacket on the hook.


Sunghoon walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, stopping in his tracks as he noticed what was in Angelica's hands as she sat on the bed.

She stared at him as she raised the objects in her hand.

"So when exactly did you plan on telling me what you've been doing? Now? Or a few seconds from now?"

He nervously looked to the floor for a second, but looked up at Angelica.

She stared at the picture, feeling her heart raise with the more she looked at it.

Feeling the bed dip next to her, tears weld up in her eyes.

"Since when have you known?" She questioned as she looked at him.

Sunghoon stared at his hands as he nervously played with his ring again.

"A month, maybe? I found out the day we got back from our trip." He answered quietly as he looked at Angelica whose tears dropped down her chin.

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