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"Your dad's hot."

"Shut up, you guys are weird." Daisy groaned as she walked inside the house with her two friends following behind.

Her friends giggled as they walked behind her to the kitchen.

"Well we can't really deny it." Her friend Luna said as she sat on the kitchen island.

"He's my dad. He's 36. We're 11." Daisy said with a face of disgust as she shook her head.

"He's still hot." Hana said as she raised her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"If you guys want out of the house, just say so." Daisy sassily said as she took a glass of chocolate milk from the fridge.

"You know we're just kidding." Luna laughed as she threw her head back.

They heard the front door slam shut and footsteps coming their way.


"I want to be called that." Hana whispered making Daisy glare at her.

"Yes dad?!" Daisy responded as she waited for a response from him.

He walked into the kitchen as he adjusted his round rimmed glasses over his nose.

"Hello, Mr. Sunghoon." The girls greeted politely to which he gave them a polite smile back.

Sunghoon placed a hand on Daisy's head as he ruffled her dark brown hair.

"You didn't even say goodbye this morning, you're not my favorite anymore. Where's your brother? I'm promoting him." He questioned as he stole her glass of chocolate milk from her hand taking a quick sip, making her roll her eyes playfully.

"He's probably upstairs with mom. You know that's always where he goes first."

"Yeah. Why didn't I guess that?" He said as he shook his head, returning the glass to her.

"Don't worry, you're still partially my favorite." He placed a kiss on her head making her groan in disgust.

My dad is so cool in everything he does... How does he do it?

He walked out of the kitchen as Daisy's friends gawked at him.

"You guys are disgusting." Daisy said as she shook her head.


"I'm home!" Sunghoon announced as he walked into the bedroom, seeing Angelica laying on the bed with a manuscript in her hand and a little boy laying across her lap.

"Move over Hoonie, that's my spot." He jokingly said as he practically jumped on the bed, tickling the boy who couldn't stop laughing.

"Daddy my name is Haneul!"

"I call you whatever I want Hoonie since you're invading my territory."

"Mommy's mine too!"

"Who says?!"

As typical as it may seem, Daisy was a daddy's girl, while Haneul was a mommy's boy.

Just like how Daisy was with Sunghoon, Haneul was with Angelica.

Clingy to the max.

"Of course, you have to be home to make things loud, don't you?" Angelica said with a smile as she shook her head in amusement.

Sunghoon playfully glared at her as he grabbed the manuscript from her hands and threw it on the floor, digging his hands into her sides, making her thrash as she laughed.

"Stop!" Angelica laughed as both boys tickled her sides since Haneul decided to join the fun.

They both stopped as they let Angelica catch her breath.

Sunghoon turned his head to look at Haneul, who still had his school uniform on.

"Go shower Haneul so we can go out to eat."

"But dad I wanted to play with my new to-"

"You can play after, kid."

Haneul pouted as he got off the bed and walked out of the room, softly closing the door behind him.

Sunghoon turned his head to look at Angelica, who was sitting up to reach for the manuscript again.

"Dang it. You made me lose the page you tree trun-" She yelped as she was suddenly on her back without notice.

He gave her a soft kiss on her lips which she reciprocated.

"I missed you."

"You saw me this morning." She giggled as he kissed her jaw.

"Yeah but I haven't seen you in 9 hours. That's a long time. I had to listen to Jake yapping about his new house and his happy newly married life for 9 whole hours!" He overdramatically said as he kissed her lips again.

Angelica laughed as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders in a hug, he buried his face against her neck as he let out a sigh once her hand met his hair.

"I missed you too Princesa."

Sunghoon only rolled his eyes at the nickname as Angelica chuckled.

He suddenly bit her neck softly making her gasp.

"Sunghoon, we are not having another kid!"


"Uncle Jay gave me a present!" Haneul excitedly said as he shoved it into Angelica's face making her smile.

"I know I'm the best." Jay said as he shrugged his shoulders with a smirk.

"Well I got him a bike, so you're not special." Sunoo said as he narrowed his eyes at him.

"I got Daisy a computer, so I win." Niki said as he shook his head at them.

"Well I'm uncle Jake, which means I automatically win, right Daisy?" Jake said as he turned his head to look at Daisy who smiled brightly at him.

"Uncle Heeseung is still my favorite." She said playfully as she watched Jake pretend to be hurt.

Heeseung cheered as he clapped his hands making her laugh.

"Don't worry uncle Jake, you're my faaaavorite uncle." Haneul said as he skipped over to Jake, climbing onto his lap.

"I knew I chose a boy for a reason." Jake cheesed as he hugged Haneul who giggled.

"I knew I chose none for a reason." Jungwon mumbled making everyone laugh.

Sunghoon and Angelica watched the long table interact, feeling bad for the waiter, who was sure to get a big mess along with a huge tip.

The kids ended up having 6 uncles who spoiled them to no belief, even if their father still spoiled them pretty often.

Sunghoon looked at Angelica, who continued to munch on her chocolate cake she had gotten for dessert, almost dropping a piece onto her lap.

"I love you." He said softly as he stared at her.

She turned her head to him in confusion as she didn't hear him.

"What?" She said through a full mouth making Sunghoon laugh.

"He said he loves you mommy. I heard it!" Haneul said as he pointed at Sunghoon, who only smiled brightly.

Angelica felt her cheeks burn as the attention of the whole table was on her.

"I love you too Princesa."

"Don't call me that."

"Dad's a princesa." Daisy said as she laughed making Haneul laugh as well.

"A pretty princess who got saved from a castle." Haneul giggled as he clapped his hands.

"Accurate." Jake mumbled endearingly as he smiled down at his plate.

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