Apple smashing <3

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It was drawing from summer to autumn, which meant for Mike, Tre, Billie and I that it was the perfect time for our 'annual' apple smashing.

"Whose got the bat again!?" I shouted, further up the grass hill as I looked down at the three boys.

Mike wasn't far behind, pointing his thumb over his back at Tre. Who was already out of breath using the baseball bat as a walking stick. With how many cigarettes that idiot smokes I'm surprised he's not coughed his lungs up yet with the size of this hill. And Billie Joe, was far behind. Sighing as he lugged himself upwards.

I was first to the top, where we found the apple tree.

The hill led up to a large and spacious field, where an apple tree was grown right at the beginning. I ran to the tree excitedly checking out the hanging apples.

Sour, rotting, and most probably home to many worms.

"Have they rotted!?" Tre's voice carried from over the hill.

"Sure have!"

Mikes head popped over the top as he smiled gleamingly at the sight of it. Tre following behind in excitement.

"I'm going first!" Tre announced with his bat at the ready. "Throw me one over y/n!"

I giggled taking one carefully from the tree whilst spotting Billie who finally reached the top. He let out a breath of exhaustion throwing himself down on the grass sitting.

"Are you sure you can get this one Tre?" I asked loudly, watching him space himself out for the throw.

"I got it! Just throw it over!"

I shrugged before lobbing over the rotting apple. Tre took a swing with the base ball bat, as the apple slid under and he missed.

"That was beginners bad luck! Try again!" Tre shouted.

I heard Mike snort from behind where he was with Billie. "It's suppose to be beginners good luck Tre not bad luck!"

"Shut up Mike! You'll distract me! Y/n are you ready!?"

"Are you ready?" I asked playfully, taking another apple.

"Throw it over!"

I tossed it over more precisely this time in hopes Tre would be able to bat it. But of course, it was Tre who was bad not me, he missed again.

Every year when the apples turn off date we'd come up here with a bat. Throwing them to one another, with the pointless aim to hit them with the baseball bat for them to explode.

But every year since seven grade Tre had been shit at his aim. And after throw and throw, he showed no improvement as he continued to miss.

"Tre you're still as shit as last year!" I hollered as he missed another apple.

"I'm getting better I swear! Just throw another!"

I gave Billie a quick glance as I grabbed another apple, he sat picking blades of grass in front of him flicking them away.

"Come on!"

"I am Tre!" I sighed, before turning to look at him and throwing him over another.

Which he missed.

"Tre you're shit at this," I breathed out, turning to Mike and Billie sat on the grass. "Mike swap with Tre,"

"Hey! I'm getting better!" Tre defended as he jogged back over.

"I'm wasting apples on you you can't even hit! Plus- Mike makes the explode the hardest,"

Tre blew his jaws tossing the bat beside Mike on the grass. Mike was quick to pick it up and stand, boasting about how good he actually was as he walked to a good distance away and prepared.

"What's up your ass today?" I heard Tre ask Billie from behind.

"Nothing," He bluntly replied.

I threw Mike the apple, as he swung with force and hit it on point. The apple exploding everywhere as I shielded myself with a shriek.

"Mike!" Billie scolded, I spun around giggling as Billie was stood up. Wiping the pieces of apple from off him.

"Good one Mike!" Tre gave a thumbs up.

"Come on Bill!" I finally gave in. At first I tried to ignore his attitude, but he was nearly as sour as most of these apples. "Cheer up!"

"I told you guys I wasn't in the mood for smashing moldy apples," He mumbled.

Mike walked back over with the bat, offering it to Billie. Squashed up apple all up it. "Come on, have a go,"


"Come on,"


"It's fun,"


"You grumpy bastard," Mike gave in.

"Fine!" Billie snatched the bat out of Mikes hand, beginning to walk his distance away. But not happy about it as he slightly stomped over the grass. Before he gave a dramatic turn and looked at me ready for me to throw an apple.

I looked at Tre and Mike, who both shrugged. So I did too as I grabbed another apple.

"You ready Beej?" I shouted over.

"Just throw the stupid apple,"

I tossed it over, with more speed than I realised. And apparently my aim might have been as bad as Tre's. Since it completely missed the bat and hit him straight in the stomatch winding him.

Billie groaned dropping the bat as he fell to the floor folding over himself in pain.

"Shit!" I cussed, running straight over. "Are you alright Billie!?"

He pressed his head to his knees for a solid second before looking up at me. A queasy smile. "Yep," He half groaned. "Brilliant,"

"You're own girlfriend just took you out with a rotten apple," Tre laughed comedically as he showed up behind me. Mike beside him.

Billie gritted his teeth. "Aware Tre,"

"You folded straight over like a lawn chair!" Mike joined in, elbowing Tre as they both grabbed to one another in fits of laughter.

I looked away from the pair back at Billie concerned. "Gosh- I'm sorry Billie Joe, I swear it was on accident,"

His eyes looked back at me as he released them from being furrowed. Looking at me softly although I'd taken all the air out of him with a dying apple. "You've got some real good speed in your throws y/n, I'll give you that,"

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