A dream <3

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Billie Joes P.O.V

There she sat in front of me. We were in her living room. She was sat on one of the sofas as I was in front of her standing. She looked so sad. Why did y/n look so sad? Was it me? Had I made her that sad?

It pained me to see her this way. So destroyed and beaten down. I hated seeing her like this, it tore me apart. Shredded me into pieces. I loved her and I stood here seeing her so distraught. But the guilt in my stomach gave me the feeling her sorrow was fuelled by me. And that made me want to throw up.

"I don't know what's sadder, when I use to be young and naive and think I deserved this or now that I'm older and I know I don't," She mumbled, eyes to the floor. She always looked there when saying how she feels. Like she's ashamed of what she's doing but she can't help herself.

She was talking about her parents. This I knew. Yet she hardly could look up to see me. Was she really talking to me or out in the open to herself?

"I'm sorry you go through what you do," Was all I could say. "You don't deserve it. I'm just glad you know that at least,"

"I just want you sometimes," Then her eyes looked at me.

They made me freeze, she stared me right in my eyes. It caught me in a twist. "You do?"

"All I want is you in these moments. You think you can't comfort people when they're upset but you always say the right things," She smiled slightly. "Even when you're not saying the right things. Coming from you it feels right,"

"I'm sorry I can't do more. It rips me in part when I see you like this,"

"No. You don't have to do anymore than you do Billie. You here just helps me,"


Her eyes went back to the floor. Breathing in like she was preparing for something. But then she looked at me. Her eyes had never been more beautiful yet sad. "I wish we we're still best friends Billie Joe,"

This was just a dream. I realised there and then. She was just a figment of my guilty imagination. But she felt real.

"We are still friends," I panicked. Although I knew it was a dream I hoped she'd know it. I guess a part of me let me believe that she'd know what I'm telling the fake her right now."Well always be friends. Best friends. And- and... and I love you, you know that don't you?"

But what I was saying she wasn't listening. Her eyes began to look more glassy. She was tearing up. "I miss you,"

"I'm here right now, okay?"

And then a single tear broke. Running down her red cheek. I wanted to reach out and wipe it but I found myself stuck. Then she swallowed, and spoke. "But you're not really." She chuckled sadly. "Are you?"

I finally woke up. Gasping for my breath as I re thought the dream.

How sad she'd looked. How teary her eyes were. The sparkling in them from her tears. How they'd hang from her bottom lashes. And her cheeks red and smile painful.

I threw my covers off myself reaching for the closet pair of jeans. Tugging them on in a rush walking past the digital clock that told me it was three in the morning.

Going down the stairs in a hurry, I grabbed my converse and once at the bottom put them on. And then I was out the door.

I ran over the road and made it to her door just across. But I found myself stuck in time as I stared at it. Was this right to do?

I missed her so badly. I could just only hope she's missed me a fraction of that.

So when I finally knocked with jittering hands. I waited. Worried.

What would I say to her? What would she say to me?

But when she opened the door, her hair frizzy and obvious knots in it from bed head. Squinting her eyes at the light she'd had to adjust to having just woken up before they released looking at me. "Billie Joe?" She questioned. Her voice was hoarse and rough. "What are you doing h-"

I cut her off. Pulling her into a hug. The tightest one I could give with out possibly suffocating her. She tensed, released as her fragile arms made their way around me too. Squeezing me too like she needed me.

It felt nice finally to feel needed by her.

I'd pushed her away. Misjudging her limits. And all I wanted was to feel her as close to me as I possibly could.

"I've missed you y/n," I mumbled into her hair. "I just want you to know that,"

"Oh Billie Joe," She replied. "I've been waiting too painfully long from a hug from you again,"

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