Chapt 2; Heading to Encanto

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The sunlight stinged your eyes, then you jolted up awake. You looked at the time 6:00 am , you got out of your bed, and head to the bathroom to take a shower. After you changed into your clothes, you head to your room to take your luggage down and make breakfast. As you were making breakfast you heard the door open, and there you saw your mom. "Dont mind about breakfast, Cariño." your mom says to you as she prepared the table "I dont mind, mami. I like cooking fluffly eggs for Miguel anyways" you say as you placed the last egg on the plate. You then place the plates with the eggs and hotdogs on the table. Miguel and Darren has also woken up, then a few minutes later your father and you grandma also has woken up. "BREAKFAST!" your mother called out to the member of the family who was in the living room "Wow! What a feast! Did Darren made all of these? Good job, my boy!" your dad complimented your brother for making breakfast. This happens everytime so you got used to it.

After breakfast. All the luggage were packed in the wagon and we riden the wagon to the airport. It was a sunny day, the sunlight bounced on Y/Ns skin and parts of theyre hair was blowed due to the wind. They got to the airport and boarded a plane headed to Colombia.

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They got to Colombia and then wagon their way to get to Encanto. Took sometime, but you got entertained playing with your younger brother.

Now your family arrived to Encanto. You jolted awake because you heard people laughing. Then there you saw it.. Encanto, it was beautiful, a small town but it was beautiful. House was colorful and the roses along the trails follows you . People were cheering and laughing a mile a way. But tension filled you, you doubted that you were fun and interactive, but shyness filled you as the wagon was getting closer and closer to the village.

As you arrived you all unpacked and set in to the new house, the house where your mom lived when she was little. It was dusty, the sun reflects the dust, but a little sweeping would make the place new. The house was in this beige color and it has stairs around the corner. The kitchen was at the right side and then the living room was at the left there were some furnitures placed already but you assumed theres new ones coming.

"Kids! You guys go unpack upstairs, heres the keys" your mom says. Miguel grabbed you hand and then headed upstairs. There were 4 rooms, you bet that you and Miguel are going to be roomies. You unlocked the door in your left as your older brother went in to the right.

Y/N opened the door and see two beds and each side, the bed infront of you have a window and a desk with a lamp on it at the end of the bed and the closet was at the further back near the frames of the bed. The walls were in a somesort of beige color and have these tint of painted flowers around the top of the walls. The room was pretty but needed in decorating.

"Here it is.." you said almost in a sad tone "You still know how to speak english?" you asked you brother as his eyes sparkled on the question "Mhm! Ofcourse, english is my favourite!" he giggled after you chuckled then asked another question "¿Qué tal español? (how about spanish?)" your brother furrowed his eyebrows and replied with "¿Sí?" with an akward smile. "You need to study Spanish more, hombre joven" you giggled as you make your way on the center of the room. "Hey I study! I just dont understand it.." he protested. You laughed "So, pick a bed" you say. Your brother makes his way beside you and looked left to right, then went to the bed next to the window. "This one! This one is yellow, I like yellow" he says as he plopped down on the bed "Okeyss" you answered, as you unpack your luggage.

You could hear the giggles of the children outside your house. You didnt entirely have a happy childhood since your father wanted nothing than his children to study. In those 13 years in that country, you never had a friend, you hoped that would change.

You looked at the clock and it was 3pm already, you finished putting you clothes in the closet and planned to put your things later. You walked down the stairs and trying to find your mom. You looked out of the window and see your mom talking to a woman with a teal dress and a darker teal dress and another woman with red hair and a yellow colombian styled dress. The red haired woman saw you and you quickly hid behind the curtain. You heard a laugh behind you and saw your grandma laughing "No need to hide, sweetie. They dont bite" she says as you frowned, you sat on the sofa behind you 'were they the people my grandma talked about last night?' you asked yourself. "Oh I forgot! Y/N could you please buy groceries. Your father didnt bought food yet, so why not ask you. You know when the meat and vegetables are good so, heres my wallet!" your grandma tossed the wallet to you "Sure thing, grandma is there any other things I need to buy?" you asked "Hmm.. I dont have anything in mind but if you, do just buy it" your grandma replied.

You walked toward the door and put on your boots. You were scared because you didnt have any clues about the Colombian culture, you were basically culture shocked. You held the door knob and you see all these people wearing these colombian styled clothes and the houses were all colorful and the smell of fresh flowers filled your nose. The women who talked to your mom, looked at you as you step out of the door, you made eye contact with them for a sec, when you then walked away.

Y/N pov:
I made eye contact with the women mami was with, then immidietly walked away. I looked down as I walk then looked around a bit. Everything was different.. I mean I know I make new recipes but this feeling was never this new. I noticed some of the people were looking at me and whispering to each other. I grew really embarrassed. Was my clothing that ugly? Is there something on my face? Am I wal- "Oof" I grunted, I bumped into someone oh no. Sweat teared on my face as I look up and see a girl with green glasses and a dress filled with designs. She tilted her head, then I grew anxious starting to poke the skin under my nail. "Sorry" I say, then walked away quickly. I was scared before but never this scared.

I saw stores selling meat and vegetables. I walked towards then paused, I need a basket, so I started searching. Saw a store with materials, maybe they sell baskets. I walk to the store and finding a basket. "Y/N!" I heard.. Maybe Im just hearing things so I ignored it. "Y/N!!" someone screamed my name. When I took a glimpse and trying the person who was screaming my name. Then I saw the girl who I bumped into earlier. She wasnt screaming my name right? Maybe theres another person whos name is Y/N. I got back trying to find a basket, then so I found.

I heard sprinting towards me then it stopped, the person was panting, I looked to my left to see the girl who I bumped and was calling my name. I didnt bothered her, then grabbed the basket to pay for it, but then she spoke. "Y/N-.. hah.. Your..Y/N right?.." she spoke breathlessly. I was shock on how she knows my name, I hesitantly answered "Y-yes, Im Y/N. Do you need some..thing?" I say as I tilted my head. The girl then stood up "Im Mirabel Madrigal! Your new to Encanto, I heard your name when my mom was asking if I met you yet, well I havent but now I am!" the girl says. Damn, she spoke like shes in a hurry. "Oh that was your mom? Well, nice to.. uhrm.. meet you, Mirabel..?" That was stupid, why did I spoke like that. I feel so embarassed. I started to poke the skin under my nail again. " No need to be nervous! Im not a bad guy, this village dosent have bad guys either! So your safe" the girl says, well the village dosent look like I would get killed so she has a point. I payed the basket then I tried to think of something to say "Thats a nice top! The fabric looks so rich!" mirabel complimented. I got complimented.. That was sweet of her.. I can feel my face blushing a bit due to her nice words "Thanks! This fabric is called Cervelt, and is mostly used on our traditonal wearings in my country" I say feeling releived "Woahh.. Thats cool! Your countrys clothing is so prettyy. Where country are you from? If you dont mind me asking" she asked while we started walking towards the food stores. "I lived in (Country) before" I replied " Woah, I heard that place has alot of sceneries! Must be beautiful living there" she says amused "Well I didnt really get to get out as much, when I was still living there.. But I guess it is still pretty" I say. Some kids run towards us and was pulling Mirabel to play with her "Oh- Hold on! Sorry Y/N if I couldnt speak to you longer- Agh! BYE Y/N, NICE TALKING TO YOU!" she says as children pulled her away "IT WAS NICE TALKING TO YOU TOO!" I yelled as I smiled after. I then bought groceries and headed home after.

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Sorry if its a little long but hey! Y/N now has a friend❤❤

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