Chapt 31: Good and rested

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(Disclaimer there maybe bit of bra-ness in this chapt but this aint spicy👌 Anyways enjoy reading💗)

Camilo pov:

I lift up Y/N and brought them to the bed. They had bags under their eyes, and pale lips. They look like they were gonna pass out, so maybe this will help. They started sobbing and I just hug them and being silent. I suddenly heard the sobbing fading and I look at them and see them peacefully sleeping. I smiled and cuddled for a while but soon have to go because of chores. Ugh..  I look at Y/N who was still sleeping. I pull from the embrace and then covered them with a blanket. 

I went outside to do some chores "Camilo!" I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see Y/N's mom "Have you seen, Y/N? I've been looking for them" Y/N Moms ask "Oh they're sleeping" I say rubbing the back of my neck.  Their mom nodded and thanked me then left. Gosh, she didnt even ask where they are.. Hm I'll just ignore it. Finished most of my chores and I'll just leave the rest.. Ughh.. my backs killing me.. those kids came on jumping on my back.

I come home to Casita and headed to the kitchen to eat a snack. Tia Julieta was there cooking for dinner. She notices me "Camilo, need a snack?" She says as she wiped her hand on the apron "Am I really that predictable?" I joke as she gave me an arepa "So.. Is Y/N gonna be awake anytime soon?" She asks me "Well I do- Wait how do you know Y/N is asleep" I ask her in surprise "Oh come one. Did you forget you have a super hearing sister?" She chuckled "Your mother was hopping in joy when she saw Y/N on your bed" She said to me. I feel my face heat up "You guys went in my room?!" I say in shock "Y/N's my head cook you know. So I have to be worried for them too~" She says as she put the meals on the table. I groan and was headed to my room. As I was heading there, Mami went out her room and when she saw me a rainbow appeared on her head. I blush and quickly went in my room.

I sigh and was headed to a chair. I sat down and stretched. After I see Y/Ns head peeking. I stood up and went to my bed. Y/N stretched and covered themselves with the blanket. I smiled and plopped on the bed.

Y/N turn to me and I pat her head. She blinks and looks at me with sleepy eyes "Still sleepy, Hermosa? You should sleep more.. You had a rough week" I say to them as I go closer to them. I kiss their forehead, and raked their hair.

They tilted their head upwards making them look at me. They smiled and pecked my lips. They bury their head in my neck and muttered "Thank you" I nod and smiled. After some minutes they went back to sleep.

I pull away from the hug and head out for dinner. I sat at the table and everyone is doing their chit chatting while I focus on my food "Is Y/N now okay" I feel a nudge. I look and see Dolores whispering at me "Well I dont really know yet.. But they are rested" I tell her. She nods and proceed on eating.

After dinner I went to my room with a plate of food for Y/N. well if they didnt eat it I'll eat it soo.. Ehem. I went to the bed and place it on a pillow which turned into a side table. I then head to the wardrobe and started to dress up to my sleeping wear. I then go to the bathroom do my night routine yada yada and head to the wadrobe again and grabbed a shirt (any shirt in general). I then head to Y/N and while doin that I grab a book while passing. I see Y/N still wrapped in the blanket "Y/N~ Amor~ You need to change and eat. You dont want to sleep uncomfortably" I tell them. They just groaned. Welp guess Im the one who has to change them. They changed me soo.. to be fair.

I grab and arepa and shove it in my mouth. I get closer to them and poked their cheek. Gosh they were fluffy. I made an annoyed face and I chuckle and slowly grab the blanket. I start removing their top slowly and tried my best not to look as much. I then put the shirt on them, and took off their skirt successfully. I sigh in relief not making them wake up. I dust my hands and grabbed another arepa. I was about to shove it in my mouth but see that Y/N is still uncomfy. I tilted my head and thinking on what theyre uncomfy of.

Hmmm.... maybe their b- I quickly blush on the thought and shook my head. Is it..? No no no, it has to be different. But there aint any else.. Ehh I'll just ignore it.. But they look so uncomfy ugh.. No choice. I rub my hands and take a look on Y/N who is in an uncomfortable state.

I get closer to them and place my hand on their shoulder to turn them by the side. I swooped my other hand under their shirt, but trying to not to make them wake up. I reached the hook and unhooked it as fast as possible. I unhook it and took off my hand under the shirt and then swooped my hand again but its in the sleeves. I grab the strap and removed it from their arm and then it goes the same for the other strap. I was about to be done but then I remember I have to take the bra off.. If I accidentally hit their boob, I'm gonna need dozens of arepas. I let go of their shoulder and gently moved them til they lay flat on their back. I took a deep breath and put my hand under their shirt and gripped the bra. I slowly took it out trying to not make a single wrong move.

I successfully took out a bra and was relieved that was over. I grabbed their clothes and hung them on the railings. I go back at the bed and grabbed an arepa, I grab the book also and start to read while eat

As I was reading and eating. I feel a hug and I look down and see Y/N embracing me. I smile and just proceed to read


short Y/N pov:

I wake up with the sun shining my face. I rub my eyes and see Camilo right in front of me. I feel my face heat up and was about to pull away but Camilos embrace tightens. I felt like my chest is pressed.. So I look down to see me changed in comfortable clothes. I took a peek in my collar to see my bra is removed. My face burned as I noticed.
I did not remember the whole yesterday because of drowsiness.

Did Camilo change me..?
Even took my bra of to not bother me..?!?

I feel my face in fire on those thoughts

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After this I have nothing to think to write😋
But i'll try my best to keep yall updated


(Art in bannr made by _irya2.0_ )

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