Chapt 3; Introducing La Familia Madrigal!

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A/N: This was still 2 years before the like incident with the candle.

A few days pass

Y/N pov:

It was morning again, I sit up rubbing my eyes, then I looked over to Miguel who was humbly sleeping, then looked over the clock. I stood up then stretched while walking towards the door, then head to the bathroom to take a shower. I then finished showering, so I head to the kitchen to make breakfast. I decided to make pancakes and eggs. it's never a complete breakfast without eggs, that's what my grandma always says. I was mid cooking eggs as I make the batter for the pancakes, my mom then walked to the kitchen to grab the jar of coffee powder "You really like cooking" my mom says as she smiled "Of course and I really appreciate the way you show support on me, even if papa doesn't think Im suitable to cover the restaurant" I say sadly. I don't know why my dad doesn't want me to be passionate about cooking. Darren doesn't even know how to cook, but I still help him to make papa proud of him "Yea, I don't know why he doesn't trust you. I believe he bonked his head while I was giving birth to you" mom says laughing after, I chuckled.

After making breakfast, everyone was now awake, then mom called everyone for breakfast.

As we were eating
"So.. What'd ya'll think about Encanto?" my mom says "The place is wonderful! I met another magical person. She was a pretty young girl with magical hearing! I could get all the gossips in this town" grandma commented. Hm there was another magical person? I guess this magical blessing is pass down to generations. "Oh! Oh! I met a boy named Antonio! He said his house and family is magical!" Miguel says. I guess this magical crap is true. Controlling weather? Healing meals? Super hearing? This gets more exciting everytime but it also feels scary somehow.

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Time passed
I was thinking of other recipes to try out. When my mami called me "Y/N!! MIRABLE CAME TO SEE YOU!!" my mom calls. I was surprised Mirabel came to see me. She must have something better to do like helping people or something. I rushed down stairs to see Mirabel swaying outside the door. I walked towards her and see my mom nodded so I went outside. "What do you need?" I asked "Oh, I don't need anything I just wanted to hangout" she says. Hangout? With me? How so?? I know it seems weird for me not expecting me to hangout with somebody, but I haven't interacted with other people in a while, like realllyyy while. "Soo.. Did your mom already introduce you to the Familia Madrigal?" she asked. I tilted my head "Why is there something special about the Madrigals?" I say confused. She was shocked and I was Confused. Did I did something wrong?? She now is grinning widely, then dragged me towards a grandma with a velvety colored dress with butterfly designs at the bottom. The grandma looked at me up and down, then smiled a bit.

"Mirabel who's your friend?" she asked "This is Y/N, M/Ns daughter! Shes new so I'm touring her the village!" Mirabel replied. The grandma then smiled widely and took my hands and gave a shake "Nice to meet you Y/N. Encanto is a safe place so feel at home" she grins, I gave an awkward smile "Thank you ma'am, I already feel at ease" I say, she then waved good bye and I also waved good bye. "That's my abuela. Abuela Alma. You can call her abuela if you like. She found this village and discovered the miracle" she explains "Miracle?" I asked "Mhm, the miracle. The miracle is this magical candle that never burns out that's where the gift come from" "I see, so these gifts are these powers hm?" I say "Mhm! All of my family members have gifts! I'll introduce them to you!" she says as she grabs me and dragging me around until we stopped at a girl with a tight bun and ribbon on her head. She was beautiful, the ribbon really suits her.

"This is Dolores. She is the daughter of  my Tia Pepa! She has super hearing so no matter how silent you are she hears it" she whispered the last part. You looked at her and smile, she smiled back and then places her hand on your shoulder "Hello Y/N, nice to finally meet you. Your abuela was very nice and she talked about you, when we were chatting" she says. Her gentle voice was calming "Nice to meet you too, Dolores" I reply then she took off her hand on my shoulder whilst she smiled a bit wider "You look like a great match for my brother. He loves to eat" she says, I was about to speak but Mirabel dragged me to another girl but this time with an athletic body.

"Luisa! This is Y/N, she's a newbie. Then Y/N this is Luisa my sister who has super strength" she introduces "Nice meeting you, Luisa" I greeted, she was about to say something until a person was calling Luisa to pick up wagons filled with heavy things "COMING!! Well nice meeting you Y/N, but I've gotta go. Bye!" she says running off. "She's very busy most of the time" Mirabel says sadly, then drags me to a woman who was talking to my mom yesterday.

"This is my mom Julieta her powers are healing people with food!" she says as she took a bun and ate it. Then another woman who was talking to my mom yesterday, stomped in, but she has a rainy cloud over her. Is this the woman who controls the weather with her mood? " JULIETAA, YOUR HUSBAND IS RUNNING OFF WITH BEES AGAIN!" the red head whined as the cloud thundered. "This is Tia Pepa, she controls the weather with her mood" Mirabel whispered. Then two men rushed to Tia Julieta. One with a short afro and one covered in bee stings "Ay, Augustin" Tia Julieta then grabbed a bun and shoved it in the man who was covered in bee stings mouth. The bee stings healed as he munched the bun "That's my Dad, Augustin! And the other guy is my Tio Felix, who is married to Tia Pepa!"

Mirabel explained, then dragged me again to a girl who was majestic. Her hair was neat, her dress was not wrinkled, and the way she looked at me, I felt like I'm looking at a famous person, well I bet she is in this village " This is my eldest sister Isabela. She creates flowers" she said annoyed "Hello! Y/N is the name? Dolores alarmed me when she passed here" she says. Wow I felt special speaking to a princess look a like. "Mhm! Nice meeting you" I greeted, then she handed me a flower she sprouted in her hands.

Mirabel then dragged me again. Jeez when is the dragging going to stop. We then stopped to a man near who was playing with the children, then.. he changed into other people?? "Camiloooo" Mirabel calls. He now shifted into a boy wearing a yellow ruana with little chameleon designs on it, it was cute. I looked at his face and made I contact with him. Man his face looks cuter, he has curly fluffy hair and sweet hazel eyes that reflects the sun. I feel my face heat up. Shit. I looked down quickly and took a glimpse which the boy was now smirking

"Hola, Hermosa~" he says. Shit shit shit shit shitt. I feel my face getting more red than a tomato. Mirabel nudged the boy then tsked at him "This is Camilo my primo, he can shapeshift. Don't mind the flirting it's normal for him joking around people" she explained. Mirabel then grabbed me but someone grabbed me back. It was Camilo "Didn't catched your name, Querido" he says "I- uh-" I was stuttering shit. The sun that shines between the curls of his hair was so cute. It made me wander my mind of and was just staring at him "Y/N. Her name is Y/N" Mirabel rolled her eyes then dragged me out of the situation

"Damn girl, falling for my cousin now?" Mirabel says "Mira! I- me- No- never, no" I said while Mirabel bursted laughing "Y/N Madrigal, kinda like it~" she teases "NO" I obliged.

We then walked to a boy who looked like Tio Felix I guess this is his son. "This is Antonio! He will be having his gift when I he turns five" she says as Antonio gave me a little wave.

She dragged me again to a wall thats painted with the Madrigals. She pointed to a man with glowing green eyes "This is my Tio Bruno. He used to tell the future but one day.. he poof! disappeared" she explained "Oh does anyone know why he left?" I ask  "Nope, he just abandoned his door" Mirabel answered "But people say, his door still glows from time to time" she continued trying to spook me  

We then got back and posted to the side of a shop, feeling tired and stuff. I didn't get Mirabels power so I asked "How about you Mirabel, what's your gift?" I asked. She looked sad when I asked the question. I shouldn't have asked. "I don't have a gift. I don't really know why, but y'know it's fine" she answered sadly "Oh I'm sorry. But you still have the same special mess as the rest of your family" I say as I gave her a side hug. She smiles and says thank you to me. It was getting late so we said our goodbyes to each other and went home

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Time passed I layed on my bed to sleep but that Camilo boy was stuck in my mind. I couldn't sleep as much.

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Chapt 3 Doneee
You have now met camilo😋
More camilo moments coming up
Hope you enjoyed byee❤️❤️

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