Chapt 37: Shut up

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Y/N pov:

They kissed..

I feel sour in my throat and was just stunned. I see a smirk grow on her lips as it was stick to Camilos. I feel my chest tightening. I back away and rushed to somewhere, anywhere to not see them. I stop close to an alley and bursted crying. I couldnt breathe.. I feel like I would pass out any moment.

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself down.. but it just keeps worsening. I left the alley as tears still roll down my cheeks. I look down so that people wont see that my tears are literally down pouring.. I try my best to stop my tears from.. just- crying in general. 

I clear my throat as I went to casita. I head to the kitchen and splashed my face with water. I took another deep breath and started cooking.. but I couldnt focus.. my hands were all shakey..  My eyes are watering again. I couldnt think at all, than that fucking bitch. 

I sniffle and just proceed cooking italian spaghetti for one of the orders of the towns people "Fucking- Whore. She says Im a whore. Hah- Im the whore, Im not a fuckin mirror.." I mutter as I grabbed the wine I bought since morning. I open the lid of the pot "Why didnt he pull away.. tho? Ugh- Im just insecure! Mhm! Insecure sminsicure, Im fine! Youre okay.. You are okay" I muttered again as I pour half a bottle of wine. I look at the wine "Meh" I say as I chug the bottle. I couldnt know if Im drunk now, or I am just a lunatic now. 

I sniffle again and started slicing tomatoes. I hear footsteps rushing to me "Y/N!" I hear Dolores. I turn around to see Dolores, Mirabel and Isabela rushing to me "Y/N.." Mirabel says as she goes to me closer. I sniffle.. then bursted crying.. but I didnt wail.. sob.. like that. I was just standing there, my eyes pouring and I didnt even made a sound than just sniffles. I stab the knife on the cutting board and Mirabel jumps. I lean on the counter behind me and started sobbing. I covered my face my hands. Isabela sprouted a vine under me and Mirabel assisted me too sit on it "Oh Y/N.. Do you think-" "No. I dont think its Camilos fault. I mean it isnt, because he wont do that to me... did he..?" I cut off Dolores. Dolores shook her head "He would never do that to you.. I hear it" She reassures me "Oh, Im gonna prick that bitch" Isabela says in frustration as she sprouted a cactus on her hand "Right now.. He's trying his best to be with you" Dolores says "But that nasty bitch keeps on tailing on my primo" Mirabel continues with an angry tone "Like who is she? Isabela before transformation?" Mirabel half joked "Eugh.. Dont even make me remember Isabela before transformation" Isabela shivered. I chuckle but was still in a bad mood "Dont worry, Y/N all would be over soon.." Isabela reassured me. I nod sadly.

I was a bit lighten up by the joke but.. I still feel like shit.. I feel like in one blow Im dead..

"You can go home Y/N. Its getting dark" Mirabel say to me "No I ne-" "Y/N. Just dont mind about cooking. I bet your drunk" She points out. They walk me home. We said our goodbyes and I took a deep breath. I open the door to the adults still talking at the dinner table as my dad cook. I was about to head upstairs but Mia came down. A devilish smirk appeared on her face again. Like she thinks I deserved it. I feel sick to my stomach just seeing her. I rush to me room and sat on my bed. I feel like crying again.. I change myself into my sleeping wear and hope to just sleep it off

"Y/N!! LETS EAT!!" I hear my mom called. I laid on my bed and hid in the blanket "Y/N!! I'M NOT CALLING YOU AGAIN!" I hear my dad yell "IM NOT HUNGRY!!" I yell back, at the mid of my voice breaking. I hear spoons clanging on the plates and laughter. Thats where I.. start to cry again. I cry quietly until I hear all silent again.  I hear everyone say their good night and head to their bedrooms "Come on, Miguel. Good night. Love you" "Love you too" I hear my mom say to Miguel giving him a kiss. The door closes and I was just silent pretended to sleep "Y/N?" I hear Miguels voice "Hm?" I reply wiping my tears away "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" He asks. I smile and hummed "I'm not crying. See! Im smiling" I say as I make a fake grin "Now you need to go to sleep now before I cry from listening to you noises" I say as I tickle him. He giggles and nods. He went to his bed and was fast asleep. I look at the ceiling and still sniffling. Until I hear a knock on the window. I look at my window

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