Chapt 25; Hope you're clueless

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Y/N pov:

I wake feeling hot and sweaty. I was about to sit up but then something weighted over me. I look down to see Camilo embracing my thighs and using my stomach as a pillow.

Gosh.. I totally forgot last night. This guy is still stuck to me like a magnet. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. Now.. How am I gonna take off this chameleon..

"Camilo~" I whisper to him while patting his head. He groaned and just stretched and then.. slept again. This guy really is a deep sleeper.

He then turned to the side but one hand was gripping my shirt- well technically its his but I'm wearing it- You get the point! I was about to move his hand to let go, but it won't budge. I sigh. I quickly took off the shirt and left him with the shirt in his hand. I walk to the railings and started dressing myself up.

Starting to get comfortable quick with me changing in Camilos room.. Is that weird?? Bet it is. I just shrugged it off and grabbed Camilos ruana and folded it and place it on his bed. I then went to his closet and grabbed his usual polo and jeans. Boy, I love he's jeans. Ugh no thinking about jeans now. I place his clothing he was gonna wear on his bed and I checked the time. I was awake an hour earlier so.. I guess.. hmm.. I'll just make them breakfast. I don't mind. Its a way of thanking them for me staying here, I guess.

I walk to the door and then left. I then head to the kitchen and started brewing tea for Julieta. I then started preparing for making breakfast and then started cooking eggs and making some arepas. I hear some footsteps and I see Julieta "Oh! Y/N please dont mind about breakfast" Julieta says "No no no. its my way of saying thank you. Its the least I can do" I say "Alright. But let me help you" She says as she picks up fruits and grabs a knife.

After a while..

We place the food on a table and I hear humming and knocking. I see Mirabel knocking on the doors and then going downstairs. She saw me in a sort of surprised "Y/N! You stayed here?" She say "Mhm. Needed to take care your primo a bit" I say. She smirked "Woww you're so caring to your boyfriendd" She says teasing me "Oh shut up. I saw you with Jose yesterday. Smooching and lovey dovey moveyy" I say teasing her back. She turned red and nudged me I laugh as I set some food on the table. 

The other Madrigal then went out to the breakfast table. Alma walked towards me and held my hand "Oh Y/N, thank you for taking care of Camilo. I really appreciated it" Alma thanked me "Oh! Its uhm-  no biggie!" I respond. Pepa rush to me and gave me a big hug "Oh thank you! thank you! thank you!! For making my Camilito back to his happy self!" She says then kissed my cheek "No problem" I say while she pulls away from the hug. She then proceed to go to the food table with a rainbow on her head. I see Camilo and I walked towards him "You okay now?" I ask him. He jumped and turned around "Oh Im alright now thanks" He says giving me a smile. I nod and pat his head. I see his cheeks turn pink and then rush off to the food table. I chuckle. I was about to walk away but Felix stops me "Y/N! Your should join us!" He says handing me a plate "Oh- uhm- Alright?" I say he then went back to the casita. I went to the food table and grabbed some arepas and fruit. 

As I was grabbing arepas, someone tap my shoulder making me jump and food was flying. I see Camilo catching the food with his plate stacked with arepas "Still jumpy ey?" He teases me. I roll my eyes and started grabbing arepas again "Good reflexes" I say as I nudge him making his food wobbly "Oh! I have a question.. Did you change me last night?" he asked. I took a glimpse at him and I see his hand on his neck and cheeks red. I feel my face heat up then just swooped off avoiding the question. We then sat at the table. I was beside Camilo again and Antonio. Alma made a speech that I didnt listen to. I was about to bite my arepa when I felt Camilo leaning close to my ear and whispered "You did huh?" he says. I blushed hard and turned around to Camilo and pinched his nose. Making him grunt. I roll my eyes and let go of his nose and rested my hand on his thigh. Hoping he's still clueless but.. he wasnt. He knew anyways. Im still flustered to admit it. 

After breakfast.

I was in the kitchen cleaning the dishes. I see Camilo swooping in the kitchen "So.. How was your night?" he asked "Oh. hm.. It was a heaty night. You were hugging me all night" I say. He turned red and leaned on the counter "Well what can I say. You are soft~" He says "Oh hardy har har" I say sarcastically leaning at the counter he was leaning on while wiping my hands.

"You alright now?" I asked. He looks at me and smiled. He places his chin on my shoulder "Mhm, very. Without you I'll be emo" He jokes at the last part. I smile and he took on his chin on my shoulders "Oh! Forgot I need to take care of Mr.Romuchos kids. Aghh.. Well see you later!" He says "See ya!" I say as I continue to pack the last bunuelos and arepas "No kiss?" Camilo asks. I was surprised, I thought he already left. But most of all Im shock that he asks for a kiss. I turn around to see Camilo infront of me, and leaning to my face. I feel my face starting to burn and butterflies in my stomach. When is he gonna stop making me flustered?! I roll my eyes and smashed my lips onto his. He held my chin to make the kiss deeper. I pull away and smirked "Here's your kiss~" I say as I turn around to continue on packing the bunuelos and arepas. I heard a "hmph" from Camilo. I chuckle as I hear footsteps fading

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


I almost had a writing block because of these exams >:((

I had a lot of ideas then poof :')



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