Chapt 5: Preparation for the Cerenomy

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Present day (where Y/N is now 15)

I was headed to Casita to help Tia Julieta with the cooking, I bet theres a lot going on because its Antonios Gift Cerenomy. It was normal for them to make me cook in their kitchen.

As I was headed to Casita I bought ingridients for the cooking, then I saw Mirabel singing to the kids about the Familia Madrigals. I smiled and walked towards the kids and gave them cookies, I packed earlier. They then continued.

As I was turning to head to Casita, I bumped my head into someone really hard "Agh, fuckin- sorry.." I look up to see Camilo rubbing the back of his head. I blush because of embarrassment. I dusted my skirt and rushed towards Camilo "I'm sorry, are you hurt?" you apologized then asked "I'm fine, I'm fine. You know you need to be careful with your head of yours, you don't want to waste your beauty, Hermosa" he says.

I feel my cheeks heating up I then rushed to avoid him seeing me flustered. My stomach always fills in with butterflies whenever he compliments or call me sweet nicknames. I don't know if he's like this to other girls, but still it makes me flustered

"Heyy, it's rude walking away you knoww" he catches up "Well I'm sorry, but I need to head towards Casita. Don't you have chores to do anyways?" I say "Well yeah but talking to you is one of my chores" he says as a smirk formed on his face "Pfft- eres tan coqueto (you're so cheesy)" I teased "Ayyy, no need for that, Hermosa. I'm only cheesy to you, because you're the dough to my arepa~" he flirted. You laughed on the flirty comment "Come on its truee. Your like dough. You're soft, smell good, andd~" he cuts off, and grabs my cheeks and squishing and stretching them "you're squishy!" he joked as I slapped his hands off my face. I can feel my face burning again, I bet I was redder than a tomato covered in chilly sauce. His hands were soft and gentle when he touched my cheeks, he does it often. He says because it's cute. I can feel my face getter hotter and hotter thinking about it every second.

"CAMILOO! COULD YOU HELP ME BUILD THESE SHELFS. CECELIA WONT STOP BUGGING ME WITH THESE SHELFS- AY!" a boy called out to Camilo "SURE THING, JOSE! aghh.. I wanted to talk to you more. Well nice talking to ya', Hermosa~" He teased. I kicked him, but not to hard. Enough to make him stumble.

I got to Casita and headed to the kitchen. I greeted everyone in the way there. When I entered the kitchen ir was a mess, a big mess "Oh my, Tia! Im surprised you still cooked with this mess" I say as I cleaned counter tops "Oh no no no, its fine I'll clean that after I make batches of empanadas. Its a big night later you know" she answered. I can see that she's tired. Must be a tough job, cooking for like, thousands of people. I analyzed on which food to start, and I noticed that carimañolas that are ready to be made is on a bowl. Then a whole serving of Pastel de Gloria that is not yet baked, is on a counter. I guess I this is where I start.

I put the Pastel de Gloria in the oven and set it to bake. I then rushed to the bowl of carimañolas to make more.
"MIRABEL!!... What are you doing?" I heard Abuela Alma screaned. I took a peek and saw Mirabel with a bunch of kids infront of Alma. Then Dolores swooped in and said something, that I couldnt catch. My hair started blowing and I turned around to see Tia Pepa stressed again "My babys night has to be perfect.. And its not perfect. And people are going to be coming-" Tio Felix then rushed to Pepa "Your blowing the flowers. The flowers!" Felix reassured Pepa, then Isabela swinged through "Did somebody say flowers~" she says. All the people clapped and cheered as she give Tia Pepa a bouqet of flowers. Then walked closer to Mirable and whispered her to something. I shrugged it off and went back on cooking.

Mirabel walked in and placed the things she was carrying. "Woah.. Mi vida are you okay? You dont have to over do it" Julieta reassured Mirabel. Augustin then walks in covered in bee stings. The family were talking and I handed Julieta a healing bun as I grabbed the Pastel de Gloria in the oven. I took a taste there was something missing. I tried to figure out what it is but couldnt. Hmm.. Maybe Camilo can help

I head out the kitchen and tried to find Camilo. No luck. I saw Dolores, maybe I can ask her. I rush to Dolores "Dolores!" I yelled quietly "Yes?" she answered " Have you seen or heard, Camilo" I asked. She tilted her head trying to hear him "Hmm... He's behind you" she says. I turned around and saw no Camilo. I turned back to Dolores but she shifted into Camilo "Got'ya again!" he says. I punched his arm and grabbed his wrist to the kitchen.

I grabbed a Pastel de Gloria and shoved it into his mouth "Mmm.. Its mm.. Good!" he says while munching "Is there something missing ?" I ask "Hmm.. Maybe sugar powder will help!" he says while tasting the pastel de gloria "Ofcourse! Hold on" I rushed to the cabinet and grabbed the powdered sugar. I then sprinkled the Pastel de gloria with the powder and shove it into Camilos mouth again "Hnm..You know.. I may be.. an eater but no need to shove food in my mouth" he says as he was munching "Sorry, just rushing" I apologize "No need to rush, Hermosa. I wont leave you" he gulped the food. I kinda blush on the comment "Anyways, It taste good! 10x better!" he says as he melted in the deliciousness "Your really a great cook, Hermosa! You may need to bake 10 more cuz Im headed to a full meal with your cooking!" he says as he ruffled my hair. I can feel my face red and a smile forming my face. I try to cover it with my hands but he still noticed.

He bursted laughing and I grew more red. I took a glimpse at him. He's so cute. His curls bounces whenever he laughs. Little did I know, I was staring, a really longg time "Whats wrong, Corazon? Do I have some on my face?" He says as his face got closer to mine. I can feel his breath on my skin. His big doe hazel eyes was looking at me. Blood rushed in my face. I was flustered. SUPER. I panicked and bonked my head onto his "AGH! pinche-ehem.. Damn, Hermosa. What are you? A boar?" he chuckled while holding his forehead. I placed my hand on my forehead it kinda hurt.

I then heard laughing I looked at my right to see Julieta bursted laugh. Shit. I forgot she was there. My face grew redder from embarrassment. I took a look on Camilo he was a flustered mess. But he was kinda smirking. "Now you pajaros del amor. Should go prepare for the ceremony, its almost time" she reminded us. We said our good byes.

I rushed out casita, to home. Its stupid of me to be falling for this jokester. I bet he likes somebody else better than me. But that moment is stuck in my head. I can feel myself blushing just rethinking about it.

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Chapt 5 Donee!!

Wattpad keeps on not saving the story >:(( 

Anyways hoped you enjoyed!

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