ii. 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠

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From burning hot to absolutely freezing, Miyagi-Do and their observe stood in a freezer

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From burning hot to absolutely freezing, Miyagi-Do and their observe stood in a freezer. Sam rubbed her bare arms. "Are there no geikos that take place in a spa?"

"It's not about the heat or the cold." Daniel shook his head her way. "It's about adapting to the environment around you and using that to your advantage."

Bryce leaned on the wall, crossing his arms as his lips chattered slightly. He listened to Daniel go on. "Look around, what do you see?"

"Arrogance." Sam mumbled toward Bryce.

"A bully." Demetri added.

Bryce hummed with a little smile. "It's so comforting knowing the two of you think so highly of me."

"Frozen London Broil." Chris looked toward the boxes of frozen meat.

"No, not the meat. Look past that." Daniel encouraged with a nod of his head. "I see the exhaustion of breath. The twitch of a muscle. Chatter of teeth. The shift of a stance. If you lean into the cold, it will heighten your senses. And then you'll anticipate the moment before your opponent strikes. And you'll always be ready."

Daniels phone rung, looking down at it before motioning around the group. "All right, circle up."

Bryce watched Sams every move as she circled the group slightly, waiting for someone to strike. Daniel did the same. "Seven."

Chris came up behind Sam, throwing a fist her way as she dodged it, blocking his other, sending her foot into his stomach. Bryce rose his eyebrows in shock, never actually seeing her fight before. Daniel smiled. "That's what i'm talking about. Five."

Robby threw his leg at Sam, having it blocked. He blocked her punches in return, Sam ducking under his arm. Robby spun in a circle to follow her, Sam kicking him in the arm. Robby turned back, kicking over her head before Sam grasped his arm, yanking it back, but Robby caught her fist before she could hit him. Daniel chuckled in joy. "All right. Let's get Demetri in there. Good job."

Sam had to look at Bryce as she walked back to her spot, throwing a disgusting look his way as she turned. Sam still felt his eyes on her, looking back as he met her eye again, winking her way.

Demetri walked into the circle. "All right, here goes nothing. Literally."

Bryce tried not to laugh at his self hate. Daniel nodded. "Set. Six."

The boy came forward, kicking Demetri harshly in the gut. Daniel sighed in disbelief. "Come on, Demetri. Look for the signs. Anticipate, you can do this!"

Sam looked over her shoulder again to Bryce, only he wasn't looking at her anymore, too focused on Demetri. Daniel nodded his head. "Come on, Demetri."

"Oh, you come on." Demetri sassed his way. "Between the cold and the shouting and the hole in my sock...i'm not sure when that happened, but it's really uncomfortable."

𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒| Sam LaRussoWhere stories live. Discover now