xiv. 𝐓𝐰𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬

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"All right, remember, one of the best ways to get a point is to aim for the torso

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"All right, remember, one of the best ways to get a point is to aim for the torso." Johnny spoke, hitting Demetri, who had coach cushions tapped to his chest and back, a headband in his mouth. "Alright, front kick, side kick. Ready?"

The line started to go, Sam wincing. "Sorry?"

After doing so, Bryce was next, front kicking, then side. "Tighten your core, Meat."

"All right, good job, Assclown." Johnny patted his shoulder, Bryce gave an offended look as he joined Sam, and Picasso after he started to join in on their training.

Chris had managed to kick Demetri right in between the legs, the entire team gapped and wincing in pain. Johnny patted his back. "Very good. Suck it up. Tighten that core."

After that, it wasn't long before Demetri was let go and practice was over. "Good day. You guys showed toughness."

Sam tugged on Bryce's sleeve. "You still coming to that birthday party with me?"

"Yeah, I just have to go home and change." he nodded, opening the door for Picasso to jump in. "Hopefully my step mom is a good babysitter."

She grinned as Johnny looked to a limping Demetri. "You sure you're okay?"

"Oh yeah. No, they're starting to turn back to their normal color." he nodded his head.

"Need a ride to Eli?" Bryce leaned on his car. "I'm there for the weekend."

"Please." Demetri agreed, limping toward the car.

"I'll see you there." Bryce leaned over and kissed Sam on the cheek, getting in the car and leaving her with a grin.

"He's pretty cool. Just keep him infront of Gossip Girl and he'll be chill." Bryce spoke to Rebecca as he turned his tv on for Picasso. "He'll let you know if he's gotta go outside. Just avoid getting too close to the street because he's still scared of running cars."

"Got it." she nodded her head, Bryce kissed his head, leaving the bedroom door open. "You're a dad now."

"Feels like it." he said honestly, walking toward the kitchen after changing clothes. "I'm not gonna be long, just have to put Sam out of her misery."

"Oh, yeah, i'm sure that's the only reason you're going." Eli mocked as he walked into the kitchen, Demetri trailing behind him as they raided the pantry. "I heard about that kiss."

"A kiss?" Rebecca gapped. "You've got a girlfriend?"

"No!" Bryce defended himself.

"He kissed her." Demetri pointed out.

"It was a kiss on the cheek! I've kissed you on the cheek before!" Bryce defended himself with a wave of his hands.

"Yeah, and I had a mini crush on you because of it." Demetri said back honestly.

𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒| Sam LaRussoWhere stories live. Discover now