xi. 𝐇𝐞'𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧, 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐲

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"Let's begin!" Johnny called out, Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do stood out back, their two, now, senseis right before them

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"Let's begin!" Johnny called out, Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do stood out back, their two, now, senseis right before them.

There was an awkward silence, Bryce looked at Sam next to him. "Do you know what we're suppose to begin?"

Demetri rose his hand. "Begin what exactly?"

"Looks like we're about to find out." Sam whispered back.

Johnny and Daniel shared a hesitant look before the LaRusso man spoke first. "Begin a new era. Many of us use to be enemies. But rivalries don't need to last forever. The All Valley Tournament is just a few months away, and this year, the stakes are higher than they've ever been. We know that Cobra Kai is gonna use every dirty trick in the book. There's only one way we're gonna be able to beat-"

"By kicking their asses so hard they shit themselves." Johnny cut him off as Bryce sucked in his lips to avoid laughing. "We gotta take things to the next level. Gonna teach you an aggression stronger than anything Cobra Kai can throw at us. They strike first? We'll pre-strike!"

"Okay, we're getting ahead of ourselves. We are going to respond to what they do." Daniel walked forward to cut the aggression short.

"Eagles do not respond." Johnny spoke before Daniel could.

"What to Bonsises do if they are Eagles?" Bryce whispered to Sam. "Just chill out and turn green?"

"They swoop down and take whatever they want." Johnny went in before Sam could respond, despite not having a clue how. "That's what we're gonna do. Take back the Valley."

"Take it back in a measured and organized approach." Daniel informed them quickly.

"We bite first!" Johnny announced.

Daniel sighed, shaking it off. "Okay, let's just warm up with some simple exercises."

"All right, line up!" the blonde sensei agreed. The group all spread out in rows, Bryce between Sam and Demetri.

"And just breathe and follow me." Daniel encouraged. Bryce inhaled, shutting his eyes. He listened to Sam breath next to him, finding he liked it a lot more then what he ever thought he could.

"Fighting positions!" Johnny yelled out, startling the calmed ones. "Right leg back. Front kick ready. Hi-yah!"

Mitch kicked Nathan in the back, having him hit the ground. Bryce opened his eyes, rubbing them from the sun. Sam looked over. "Are you crying?"

"What?" he gapped at her.

She grinned. "I think you're crying a little."

"I'm no- i'm not crying. It's the sun!" he defended himself quickly. "I don't cry."

"Oh yeah? So, those tears just are in my imagination?" she nodded, laughing to his eyes.

"It's the su-" he started to defend himself again.

𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒| Sam LaRussoWhere stories live. Discover now