xvi. 𝐦𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐲 𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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"Is there a violent plan cooking in your head?" Demetri asked Bryce curiously, seeing Bryce sat on the deck while Sam beat the crap out of the punching bag

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"Is there a violent plan cooking in your head?" Demetri asked Bryce curiously, seeing Bryce sat on the deck while Sam beat the crap out of the punching bag. "I feel like there is."

"Theoretically speaking, how likely is it for me to go to jail for slicing a throat?" Bryce spoke up honestly. Thing was, he had a plan, a plan that didn't necessarily end with murder. But, it wasn't Miyagi-Do approved, nor would it be logical or appropriate to act before the All Valley. But, he was never one to have mush patience, the days just feeling longer. Nights worse.

"Like, 100%, likely." Demetri spoke honestly.

"It's not like we're actually allowed to stand up to them." Sam spoke bitterly, twisting around and kicking the punching bag.

"Hey, everyone, gather around. I have news." Daniel walked from the dojo, holding a paper. "The All Valley committee just announced big changes for the tournament."

"What kind of changes?" Sam gave an odd look.

"Well, see for yourself." he handed her the paper, Bryce leaned in to looked down at it. "It's a whole new ball game."

"They're introducing skill competition?" Demetri read as Bryce patted his back. "Kata, board breaking, weapons display?"

Bryce gave an excited laugh. "Thank you All Valley Committee babies."

"And there's gonna be a separate girls division. So that means..." Sam trialed off.

"There'll be two All Valley champs." Daniel smiled, holding his head up.

"But wait. What does that mean for the bet with Cobra Kai?" Chris voiced his concern.

"There's a Grand Champion trophy for whichever dojo owns the most points." Daniel pointed out, clearly they haven't gotten that far on the paper yet.

"All I know is the girls division is mine." Sam said confidently as she passed the paper back.

"Well, that just leaves the skills and the boys. I'm counting on you guys." Daniel looked around at the remaining boys.

"Who, us?" Chris questioned, Bryce gave a snort.

"Yeah, we're a bunch of Rudy's with one JD." Demetri spoke, slapping Bryce in the chest slightly. "I mean, sure, we're good for the occasional inspiration moment, and the whole burning down the school thing, but we're not exactly center mat material."

"We were much better with Miguel and Hawk." Chris pointed out.

"Or he who shall not be named." Demetri added in.

"Voldemort will never be in our team, he's clearly a Cobra Kai." Bryce rolled his eyes.

"Exactly!" Demetri agreed.

Sam looked back at Bryce with a grin. "Did you just catch onto a Harry Potter joke?"

The boy blinked, reddening slightly. "N-No."

𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒| Sam LaRussoWhere stories live. Discover now