xi. 𝐀 𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝

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Kyler was met with a forceful grab the next day, Sam still not back at school yet

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Kyler was met with a forceful grab the next day, Sam still not back at school yet. He hadn't expected to be shoved against the lockers, his face grasped in Bryce's hands. "Woah, man, what the hell?"

"Don't talk." Bryce squeezed his face tighter to keep him silent. "If you come anywhere near Sam, i'll snap you in half, do you hear me?"

"What are you-" Kyler began, his shirt behind grasped again with another shove to the lockers.

"I know what happened at the movies. You can say whatever you want, but I know. And i'll always know." Bruce nodded his bead, a look in his eye that Miyagi-Do would never approve of. "If you try that shit again with anyone else, i'll know, and i'll come after your ass. Yeah?"

Kyler avoided his eye as Bryce gripped his face tighter. "Believe me, Kyler, you do not want to see what i'm capable of outside of karate. Because it's a lot more then a few kicks and punches. Okay?"

Kyler wouldn't meet his eye, despite Bryce being right in his face. A new voice rung before Kyler could say anything. "Mr.Moskowitz, come with me!"

Bryce turned to see Councilor Blytt at the end of the hall with a pair of new students. Bryce let Kyler go with a friendly shrug, walking her way. He looked at one of the twins, taking a dramatic bow with a grin across his face. "Welcome to West Valley High."

"I'm really glad your dad started to train all of us again." Bryce said honestly after picking up Sam from the town hall meeting. "I was getting tired of Sensei Sam."

"Ouch." she looked his way in disbelief. "I think Miguel and I did really great in there, getting the All Valley back on, and all that. I think there might actually be a chance of us working together somehow."

Bryce glanced her way slightly. "Miguel?"

"He was fighting for Johnny, I was fighting for my dad. We kinda just mashed together." she explained honestly with a little shrug. "You like Miguel, don't you?"

"Oh, yeah, sure." Bryce hummed, taking a turn. "So, does that mean, like, you two are friends again? Or, trying to work stuff out?"

"What? No, we're just on the same page." Sam laughed in the slightest, realizing they were no longer on the route to her house. "Oh god, where are you taking me now?"

"You're gonna get mad." Bryce flashed her a smile. "But, know that it's not a common thing anymore."

"Uh oh, what does that mean?" she looked over.

"You do know this is illegal, right?" Sam gapped in disbelief, hugging her jacket closer to her body. "Like, extremely illegal."

"Relax. No one comes back here." Bryce spoke in return, leading Sam down the little alley. "So, what do you think?"

She looked up at the wall of graffiti, different things spray painted with different shades, mainly green though. "I like it, but it's still illegal."

"True." he hummed, pulling a can from his bag. "Wanna do something?"

𝐍𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒| Sam LaRussoWhere stories live. Discover now