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{"Let us always met each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love"

- Mother Teresa}

The smell of raw beef and moldy cheese filled my nose. Ew. I slowly opened my eyes to see my dogs mouth right in my face.

"Oh god. Manny!" I yelled pushing him away from me.

He jumped off the bed and started braking at me.

"Yeah, yeah. Hold on Manny." I said to my dog

I pulled myself out of my bed and turned on my radio. I put it on full blast when I found the perfect station. 'Lose control' by Missy Elliott came booming throw the speakers. Manny started jumping around and barkig. I took hold of his front paws and we started dancing to the music. The perks of having a big golden retriever is they make great dance parents. Then I looked over at the time it read '5:30am'. I looked Manny in his face and said.

"Its feeding time!" He barked in excitement.

After I feed Manny I took my shower and got dressed. Now what to do with my hair. I looked into my bedroom mirror my purple hair flying everywhere

Goodness does my hair look like this all the time?

I brushed it down and let my bang flop over my right eye. My boring brown eyes looked back at me. I made a fake smile. It didn't look so well. Oh forget it. I doubt everyone at this school is gonna be smiling. I thought to myself as I let my hair naturally wave down to my wast.

I was dead wrong. Everyone here is so happy, like someone just shot them up with caffeine. I felt so out of place.

"Who's that?" I heard someone whisper

"I have no idea but she's hot as hell." I heard another person whisper.

I was really hoping no one would notice I was new; I guess with having purple hair you will never go unnoticed. I keep walking down the hall with my head held high. When I walked pass a group of seven or eight kids they stopped talking and looked at me. Do I have something on my face? I checked but there was nothing. Then I felt someone touch my shoulder. I turned around to see a tall girl with long bleach blonde hair and gray blue eyes. She's one of those people you would think wouldn't exist because they'er to perfect.

"Hi, I'm janae Parker. You are?" She asked me.

Behind me are two redheads staring me down. They made me very uncomfortable. I looked back Janae at and said:

"I'm Jo."

She laughed. Then the redheads laughed behind her. When she stopped they stopped. What did I miss?

"Thats a stupid name. You should probably change it, when you do you could be sitting with us at lunch." Janae said with a smile that looks like it would crack her perfect exterior.

She's got to be kidding me.

"And why would I wanna sit with you at lunch?" I asked her with a confident grin.

She made an uncomfortable giggle before she spook.

"Because I'm the H.B.I.C"

I laughed a real laugh. This girl is insane.

"Yeah thanks but no thanks." I said before I turned and walked away.

"You'll regret that freak." I heard her say behind me but I keep walking.

I looked down at my schedule and saw that I have science first in class 121. I have a locker but I don't think I can stand being in this hallway any longer. I walked down the hall and turned at left into room 121. The classroom has five rows of lab tables and a big round table in the corner with one wide window giving a good view of the bus garage.

"You must be the new student." I heard a lady say as I stepped into the classroom.

I looked at her and she has really really short brown hair. She has glasses on top of her head wearing at black shirt with a baby blue cardigan and black dress pants.

"Yes, yes I am." I said with a genuine smile.

"Well you should know you have another four minutes before you have to get to class." She said making a gesture to the clock.

"Yeah I know but I'd rather just be in the classroom."

She smiled understandingly.

"Okay that's fine."

I went and sat in the back by the window. By the time four minutes was up kids started poring into the classroom. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Quinn. Her short strawberry blonde hair curled into ringlets. Her beautiful silver blue eyes are outlined with outliner and mascara. She took one look at me and rolled her eyes. Then she walked up to me and said.

"You're in my seat."





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