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"Can I still be your daughter? I mean if I'm gay? Will that change anything? I'm telling you this because Dad, I'm lesbian."

I looked into the Mirror as I said this. I've said it about 1000 million times rephrasing it about half that million times.

In my reflection I see a scared little girl and in my heart I know I am. What if things change? What if my friends don't like me anymore? What if my dad won't love me anymore? Will I be strong enough to take the consequences, or even better will I be able to stay in the closet forever? Will Jo be okay with my choices?

"Good morning doll face" Jo said as she came into the bathroom.

She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my neck.

"Whats wrong? You look upset?"

I felt her kiss my neck again. So close to my sweet spot that I shivered a little.

"I - I'm just kinda nervous about coming out to my dad." I said truthfully

"If anyone should be scared about coming out it should be me. My parents hate the gay community. Since the day I was born they constantly bashed the whole idea."

I looked at her reflection as she talked.

"But you're dad doesn't really seem like that kind of person, from what you've told me."

"I guess you're right, but im still nervous" I said as I turned to face her.

"You wanna know a little secret?" she asked looking in my eyes


"If you shower all your worrying will go away."

I smiled at her as she turned around and put the shower on. Once she made sure it was at a good temperature she opened the glass door of the shower and stepped aside. I knew exactly what she was waiting for.

I felt my face blush. I slowly dropped my robe to the white tile floor, then walked into the shower. I let the warm water flow over my body. The smell of cigarettes made me turn around to see a smirking Jo. She puffed on her cigarette as she looked at me. Her arm extend to the ashtray as she tapped some ash off her cigarette. I looked at her body, her beautiful olive skin looks so creamy against her light purple hair, her boobs look so soft. My eyes traveled down pasted her dragon tattoo to her pink rose bud. She's so damn hot! I bit my bottom lip as my eyes kept rolling over her body.

A puff of smoke came from her pink lips before she said:

"Come here, doll face"

I did as she said and walked up to her. She placed her cigarette into the ashtray and looked into my eyes.

"You're beautiful you know that right?" Jo said as she lifted up my chin. "and that I love you"

My heat skipped a beat before I said:

"Mmhm I love you to"

She pulled my face closer to her and kissed me, so soft, so gently. I kissed her back tasting her sweet, sweet lips.

I felt her pull away and I pouted. She just kissed my nose before she grabbed the soap bottle.

"Turn around." She ordered.

When I did I felt her place soft little kisses on the back of my neck. I giggled then said:

"That tickles"

"Mmm... I bet" she whispered into my ear.

I felt her chest press against my back. I bit down on my lip as I felt her hands wrap around my boobs and my eyes slowly closed as the smell of roses filled my nose, her hands rubed all over my body. I moaned as her hands brushed over my sensitive bud.

"You like that doll face?" she asked as she gripped my boobs making me gasp.

I can feel the soap running down my body like her hands. Her fingers slowly slipped into my entrance making me grip onto the wall.

"Shhh..." she kissed my shoulder "it's okay"

I relaxed a little. Her long fingers slipped in more making me gasp.

"Ahh... Fuck" I moaned

Jo chuckled against my neck as she moved in and out faster. The sensation grow bigger.

"Mmm.. Fuck Jo"

She went slower.

"Nuh-uh I'm Daddy, remember?"

"Mmm yes, Daddy" I answered her

"Good, now be a doll and cum for daddy" She cooed into my ear.

She moved faster then slower driving me completely crazy. I tried to push her hand away when it became to much but she only moved her fingers faster and more smoother. I was so close that I began to pull onto her long hair and digging my nails into her arm. I almost couldn't breath anymore.

Than my orgasm hit me.

It's like sitting still on a beach watching the waves cash over the rocks, until the waves get so big that they crash into you. Pulling you deep into the ocean. Then the water calms down, and you're just floating on the still blue water.

Jo's soft voice pulled me back to reality.

"See showers really do make all your worrying go away"

"I l-love showers" I said out of breath.

Jo chuckled "I bet you do doll face"

After our shower we went out for breakfast, it was really nice I almost forgot she was leaving tomorrow. Now we're at Walmart because Jo had to pick up a few thing for her trip.

I'm walking in the ills secretly watching my beautiful Jo, her long wavy hair is still damp. She looks so focused on the rows of tooth pasted. The strongest desire to reach out and run my hands through her long hair came over me, but I knew that I couldn't because we where in a public place. So I just walked over to her and wrapped her pinky around mine.

I looked over at her as she looked at me.

"I really don't want you to go Jo."

I watched her brown eyes go sad for a moment before she spoke.

"Quinn, we've been over this. I don't wanna go either but I have make things right, and plus I'll be back before you know it." She rubed her thumb on my hand.

I looked down at the ground as I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Hey, hey no tears okay" she lefted up my chin and whiped away my tear. "Its gonna be alright."

"I can't live without you, I don't know what I'm gonna do if something where to happen or of-"

I felt her soft hands grab my face as she looked deep into my eyes.

"Listen to me, nothing is gonna happen. Now please stop worrying and just enjoy our last day together. Please."

I just shook my head yes before she kissed the crown of my head.


Hey everyone okay so I dropped my phone in the toilet so that's why it took me so long also I'm writing on my tab so it's probably gonna be really crappy writing, I'm sorry. I really hope you guys like this and yeah so anyways pleaseeeeee....



3 comments for the next chapter?? :)

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