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{"We fear violence more than our own feelings. Personal, private, solitary pain is more terrifying than what anyone else can inflict."

- Jim Morrison}

After I was done doing my business I walked over to the sinks. My strawberry curls are a little out of place. I looked at the little but noticeable freckles on the bridge of my nose. I've always hated them, I would spend hours in the mirror trying to cover them up with make up but no matter how much I tried it would never work. I wish I had a magic pen eraser to get rid of them all. Once I finished washing my hands I fixed my hair a little.

Then the door opened.

In came a man, probably in his late thirties. I kinda froze a little but than I remember that sometimes people can mix up things and run into the wrong bathroom. I've done it plenty of times myself.

"Sir, I think you've found the wrong bathroom." I said politely.

A smile came across his face. Not the kind that you would expect to see from a good looking man himself. No not at all, this one was sinister. It sent bad chils down my back. Then he spoke:

"No ma'ma. I don't think I did. I think I found the perfect bathroom." Before I could react. Kick. Scream or any of those things he was besides me. A hard cold metal object pressed to my head and a hand over my mouth.

This kinda of stuff doesn't happen in real life. It only happens in moives or books. Maybe once in awhile it will make its way to the news, but not here in Kyle. No not the safest town in Texas.

"Listen to me very closely, my dear. We are going walk out of this bathroom and you are not going to make a scene. If you do your pretty little girlfriend will be ashes to ashes dust to dust. Is that clearly?" The man asked with his cold lips press to my ear.

Hot tears started poring from my eyes. I have no idea why I was crying, crying wasn't going to help anything. I couldn't stop, my heart was racing at an unhealthy rate and I could feel my blood rushing to my head. All I could do at that moment was nod and agree. The man put the gun he had to my head back in his pocket where he must have pulled it out from. He grabbed my hand, my reflexe told me to pull away but my brain know better than not to let me.

When we go out the bathroom I took a quick glance at my girlfriend. I found myself wanting to yell to her, but then about a couple feet away from her stood at man dressed in all black with a face of a demon. The tall man caught a glimpse of me, he raised he shirt and revealed a shiny gun under his belt. Basically telling me.

'Don't even try.'

I felt someone pull me back. I looked over to see the man I met in the bathroom. A whole bunch of people were here but no one suspected. The whole world was oblivious to what was happening. I just wanted to scream HELLO I'M BEING KIDNAPPED HERE! but I couldn't because I would put Jo's life in danger and I would rather not do that. If I had to be a living sacrifice for her I would, I love her that much.

When we got into his car I stopped at the passenger door. I just froze. As soon as I step into this car my future is completely unknown.

"Get the fuck in the car." He ordered roughly into my ear. I felt the gun press against my back. I slowly opened the door hoping that anyone would pick up on what was happening, but no one seemed to care. They we're all to worried about what was going on in there own lives.

When I got in the car it was only a few seconds before he was inside with the gun pointed to my ribs. He reached into the glove department and pulled out a blindfold.

"Put this on." He said thowing it to me.

I wannted to ask why but this wasn't a good time for asking questions. I quickly put it on.

"Good girl." He chuckled sending the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end.

Once we we're on the road and driving for what seemed like hours in a quiet car. The radio was truned on and the smell of cigarettes filled my nose.

"So Quinn, what's your favorite color?" The question was so innocent. I could almost be sick. I answered the question trying to be calm as possible in this situation.


"I don't like that color." I felt the gun press against my head. "Pick a better one."

"G-Grey" I answered. Feeling the blood drain from my fingers as I dig into the car seat.

"That's better." The gun was pulled away. "You're very pretty. Just thought I should put that out there."

The car came to a stop. I couldn't help but ask:

"Where are we?"

"Home." The man answered.

I was then dragged to unknown place. It was cool inside, it smelled of cat pee and rubbing alcohol. Almost couldn't tell the two apart. My feet met stairs and before I could try and walk down them I was pushed, hard. I fall right onto the back of my head. The pain radiated to the front of my forehead forming a headache from hell. I yelped in pain as I tried to get up, pain in my ankle burned like putting ice on a fresh burn. I tore off the blindfold, I pulled up my pants leg and found that my ankle was badly bruised and starting to swell. I looked around found myself in a basement. It was finished but the floor was made of cold concrete.

I was grabbed by the back of my shirt and pulled to a metal pole. I tried fighting off my attacker but the more I stuggled the more pain I put myself in. I was then tied to the pole by thick ropes.

"Why are you doing this?" I cried out to my attacker barely being able to look in his face.

"Revenge." He stood up straight as I clung to the pole. "Also to finish what I couldn't before. I failed with my niece but I won't with you."

"What are you talking about?" I asked

The man pulled off his shirt revealing multiple stab wounds. I gasped at how many and how in world this man was still alive today.

"The bitch stabed me nineteen times. I should have figured though messing with her mom was probably over stepping the boundries. I couldn't help myself though ever since me and my sister we're kids I always had a thing for her, then she had a daughter. A beautiful baby girl named her Josephine. You know her right? Of course you do you're dating her. Anyways I didn't want her at first but then she told she was gay and I had to help the poor kid out, right? I mean any good citizen would, but I failed. I gave up until now, I found you." He stepped closer to me. I tried to back away but her pulled me close to his face.

"H-How are you not dead?" I struggle to ask.

"You can't kill the devil."


Kinda bad I know I kinda suck at writing stuff like that but I tried for the sake of the storyline. Anyone wanna make a cover?? Like um, anyone? Lol anyways pleaseeeeee.... :)



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