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{"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."

- André Gide}

So I've completely broke my vow and ended up being the kid who sits by themselves at lunch. I would have sat with Quinn but I didn't have the lady balls to do it, so here I am sitting by myself eating my surprisingly good lunch food. Pretty much so far all day ive been flirting with Quinn and she's been trying to dodge me, so I guess its a good thing that I decided to sit by myself. Then all of a sudden two girls and a guy came walking towards my table. Then they sat down.

"Hey new girl." A girl said with black hair and piercing dark blue eyes. She has on a Beatles t shirt with a red leather jacket. I must admit I give her props for her style.

"Hi" I said back.

She smiled then said

"I'm Zora. These are my friends Gracie and Wyatt. You just came here yesterday right. What's your name?" Zora said as she opened her salad.

"Right and its Jo."

She smiled at me. I looked over at the other girl who I assume is Gracie. She's a clean-cut redhead. Her skin is pale and her eyes are bright green, everything about her whole outfit is screaming 'I'm a virgin and I plan to stay that way for a very long time' I looked over at the guy. Wyatt. He looks just like one of those skater boys you would see in movies.

"Well welcome to Texas." Wyatt said with a wink.

"Where are you from?" Zora asked.

"California." I responded.

Honestly I miss California. I miss my old friends and my dog shelter. California was the best home.

"Why the hell would you move from California?" Zora asked with a shocked expression.

I crossed my legs over each other and pushed some of my hair behind my ear. Then boom a good idea just came to mind.

"Its a long story." I quickly said. "But do guys mind helping me out with something?"

"Sure why not." Wyatt said and they all leaned into the table.


After school I went to the library. My plan was in full swing when I spotted Quinn coming into the library. Zora dramatically fell to the ground in front of the librarian.

"Oh my god Zora!! Somebody please help." Wyatt yelled as Gracie ran over to them. The librarian went over to check the scene.

"Oh thank god your're here. My sister has this terrible disease we're out of nowhere she'll just have seizures." Wyatt went on as Zora started to fake a seizure. Then finally the librarian and my new found friends were out to the library.

Its go time.

I walked around the library looking for Quinn and I spotted her laying on the floor reading a book with headphones on. Her beautiful strawberry blonde hair is pulled back into a messy bun. She just looks so edible. I walked over to a bookshelf next to her pretending that I didn't see her and said.

"Oh hey Quinn."

Her silver blue eyes looked up at me. Then she started bitting her lip. I guess I look as good as I feel. She was obviously checking me out I could see it all in her face.

"So your straight but yet as soon as you saw me you looked at my boobs." I said with a smirk.

She stood to her feet and looked me in the face.

"What do you want from me?" She asked with a bitter tone.

I walked closer to her and pushed her gently into the bookshelf. She could have moved but she didn't. She stood there looking at me with her breathing uneven. I put my hands onto her hips pulled myself closer to her. The smell of her vanilla scented body wash is intoxicating. Its crazy how just a simple smell can turn a person on.

"Just one kiss. If you don't like it I'll stop talking to you." I said looking into her eyes as she looked back into mine. I can tell she wants to kiss me but something is stopping her.

"Say something." I almost begged.

"Just kiss me then. I probably wo-"

I cut her off with at kiss. Her lips are so soft and tender. I felt her pull her body close to me as I depend the kiss. I bit her bottom lip. I listened as a moan slipped from her mouth. That simple moan told me everything that I needed to know. One. She's not as straight as she thought she was. Two. She's totally into me and I'm totally into her.



This whole one character a day thing that I have going on probably won't keep going but anyways pleaseeee



2 comments for the next chapter? Maybe?

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