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{" Confession is always weakness. The grave soul keeps its own secrets, and takes its own punishment in silence"

- Dorothy Dix}

When me and Jo stopped kissing she had to go to the bathroom. So I decided to take this time to look around. Her room is so clean, it looks like something out of a magazine cover. I looked in her nightstand and saw something I never thought I would actually see in real life. It was a dildo. Along with other things I'm not even sure I know the name of. I felt my mouth shape into a o shape. Does she use them on herself? I'm mean I'm not gonna judge her, I just didn't actually really expect to actually see something like this in anyones room.

I heard her bathroom door open and I quickly closed the drawer and sat up straight on the bed.

Act natural Quinn.

She gave me a concerned look then asked

"What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing" I stuttered


Then her phone started ringing. She reached over to the nightstand and I could feel my heart about to fall out my ass. Then I realized she's just reaching for her phone, I silently sighed in relief.

"Hello?" She said into the phone.

I just sat on her bed listening to the conversation and fiddling with my fingers.

"Of course. I'm more than capable of getting my baby tonight" I heard her say.

Baby? What baby? Oh god does she have a kid? What else hasn't she told me? So many thoughts were racing in my head that I barely noticed she was talking to me

"Do you have a car?" She asked me

"Um, y-yeah I d-do." I responded.

God I'm really bad at this.

When we got to the car Jo insisted that she drives . Even though I told her that its my brothers car and I should be driving it. Of course she won me over and she's the one driving. I keep looking over at her. Is she gonna tell me about her kid or what? Should I ask or would that be weird? should I tell her that I found her toy or would that be pushing the limits?

"what?" she asked glancing at me.

"Aren't you gonna tell me about your baby?" I asked looking at her.

She smiled then said:

"Definitely. She's still kinda a fixer upper but as soon as I take her home I'll give her the professional work she needs."

So her kid has a disability? Why is she calling her child a fixer upper? I mean I'm no saint but that's just wrong.

"I don't think you should be talking about your kid like that."

Jo glanced over at me with confused eyes.

"What? I don't have a kid. What are you talking about?"

I'm really stupid.

"Oh. I thought- never mind." I looked out the window and mentally cursed myself.

Its Saturday, and I find myself laying in Jo's bed. My hands tangled in her lilac hair. Her arms holding me close to her body. The tv is playing in the background. The day before I told my Dad that I was going to Hollys houes to spend the night. Last night me and Jo just watched movies, kissed, ate and talked. I also met her dog Manny. For some reason I feel like I still haven't gotten her whole story. I pulled myself from her arms and straddled her, she looked up at me with a sweet smile but it quickly went away when I asked:

"So why did you have to leave California?"

"Why do you care? I had to leave. So I did and now I'm here with you. Isn't that all that matters" Jo said sitting up and placed a kiss on my cheek.

In some way she's right, but in another she's not. I feel like I'm missing a whole part of her life. I mean last night she barley talked about her old home. All I got was that she had a dog shelter and she's a really big animal lover.

"But... I wanna know more." I said almost whining.

She pulled me off of her and got up from her bed. Her pajama pants are slightly wrinkled. She looked at me then spoke

"I think its time for you to go now."

Is she serious? Is she really gonna just kick me out like that? I stood to my feet and walked up to her.

"Why won't you just tell? I mean are you really just gonna start this relationship off with secrets?" I said with a hint of annoyance.

She looked down at her feet then back up at me

"It's really not my secret to tell." Was all she said.

I grabbed my bag and started packing. I stuffed my stuff in my bag not even bothering to fold it. As soon as I was done I went for her bedroom door, but before I could reach it she was already in front of me. I huffed in frustration

"Really? Just a couple minutes ago you were kicking me out now you wanna block the door."

I tried to move passed her but she didn't let me.

"I'm not letting you leave mad at me." She said looking in my eyes.

"I'm not mad at you" I lied


I rolled my eyes at her as I pushed passed her. Yes I can be a big baby sometimes but so can anyone. I rushed out her house and into my car and drove home. What is she keeping from me that I can't know about? Why can't she tell me? Is it that bad that she really can't tell me about it? If so does she really think I would tell anyone? I know she has a dildo for crying out loud and I still haven't judged her. If she really doesn't wanna tell me then fine, she doesn't have to.

When I got home I was greeted by my bother. He's noes is dripping with blood. I closed the door and rushed to him.

"Oh my god Aideen are you okay? What happened!?" I asked trying to help him with the blood so it doesn't fall on the carpet

"I got in a fight. But don't tell dad."


This took my forever to do I had a big case of writers block.



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