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{"Love has no why, no how, no who. It just is."

-Michele L. Rivera}

After 3rd period I went to my locker and tried opening it but at every attempt I failed. By the time I finally did the hallway was clear and the second bell had rang. Great now I'm late. I put some stuff back in my locker and all of a sudden I felt arms snake around my waist. I jumped in fear but then the person spoke

"I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on" I head Jo whisper into my ear.

I laughed because it was probably the corniest pick up line ive ever heard. I turned around to face her. Her arms went to my hips and gently pinned me to the lockers. If I wanted to move I could, but I don't. I felt her hand go to my face and gently brush some of my hair behind my ear.

"If God made anything more beautiful than you, I'm sure he'd keep it himself." She said leaning in closer to my face.

I blocked her lips from mine with my finger. She looked at me with a disappointed expression. But I didn't care I really needed to ask her this.

"Are we like a thing or... because like I'm really confused. Not only just about us but about myself. Just a couple days ago I was sure that I was straight but now I'm kissing you and I like it, I really really like it. Does this mean I'm bi? Does this mean I'm lesbian? Also do your parents know that your lesbian? I'm sorry for killing you with all these questions but I just really have to know." I said in one breath.

Jo removed my finger from her lips as she laughed.

"Well someones a little ambitious." She said with laughter

"Jo I'm serious. I need some answers."

She looked at me and stopped laughing. Then said.

"If you want us to be a thing all you gotta do is ask. If you're confused about whether your bi lesbian or straight I'll help you.... but no my parents don't know.."

Do I want us to be a thing? I've never really thought about having a girlfriend. Will she really help me with my confusion? If so how? How will my Dad react if I tell him I'm lesbian or bi? Do Jo's parents really not know? I wonder why she hasn't told them? So many questions and no answers.

I felt Jo use her finger to lift my chin up. I didn't even realize I put it down. When I looked into her eyes all my worrying blow away.

"Don't worry to much about it. We'll figure it out together and I promise that it'll be worth your wild. And if you really like kissing me then you wouldn't mind if I did this."

She brung her lips to mine. As she gently place them onto me I pulled her closer. I don't think I would ever get enough of her lips. I felt her part my lips asking for entrance. I was slow to accept but then she grabbed a hand full of my ass and made me gasp. When I did she slide her tongue in my mouth. It didn't feel like I expected it to. It was hot, it made me feel hot. It didn't sound like me at all but I knew it was me when a moan came from my mouth. I felt her hand travel up my shirt and just her touch made me moan louder; this time it could only be heard by her. Then she pulled away.

"You almost made me forget. Can I have your number?" She asked.

I felt hot and bother and I know she can tell. I nodded as I turned around to my locker looking for a pen or something. I finally spotted a marker. I grabbed her arm and pulled up the sleeve of her leather jacket. I wrote down my number. She lent to me and kissed my cheek then said in my ear.

"Try not to wait by the phone doll face." She was about to walk off when I grabbed her arm.

"Wait how do I know you'll call me?" I asked her.

"I'm gonna call you I promise." With that I let her go.

After school me and my friends went to mall. We had a lot of fun. Will I didn't really enjoy the parts were they tried to set me up with every passing boy. So here I am doing what I never thought I would be doing. Waiting for a phone call. Its been hours and Jo still haven't called or text-ed me, I'm beginning to get desperate. Maybe she really won't call at all. I went to the bathroom and started my shower. When I started taking off my clothes my cell phone started to ring. It must be Jo. I ran out of the bathroom not even bothering to put my clothes back on. Once I got to my phone I quickly answered it.

"Hello?" I said partly put of breath.

"Quinn I gotta ask you something" I heard Courtney say into the phone.

"What?" I said sounding like a bitch. But I didn't mean to.

"Well damn.. I was just gonna ask if wanted to go to Stevens party tonight?"

I was about to answer her when my phone buzzed from an text message. I quickly looked at it and it read.

'Hey its Jo. Do you wanna come to my house?'

"I can't I have... other plans" I said back to Courtney.

"Bitch let me find out. Who is he? What does he look like?"

I wasn't really paying attention to what she's talking about because I'm to busy looking for something to wear.

"I cant talk right now I gotta go" I said as I was going to hang up I heard her scream

"Do forgot to use protection!"

What she doesn't know is that its not a guy I'm going to see, and its not a guy that I might or might not be having sex with tonight. But what Courtney doesn't know won't hurt her, right?



Okay so I probably won't be updated as fast anymore because my Mom has been talking my phone at night now and I usually have the best ideas at night but I will try my best



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