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When I got to the bathroom I was expecting to see my girlfriend, but I didn't. The bathroom was completely empty. No matter how many times I would close my eyes and reopen them, hoping that maybe she would reappear. But nope nothing happened. I came running out of the bathroom looking like a mad woman. I ran up to the first person I was.

"Excuse me miss but have you seen a girl about five-two with strawberry blonde hair?"

"No, I'm sorry. Maybe you should fill out a missing person report." No Quinn can not be missing. She is here with me somewhere in this mall

"Thanks." I replied to the woman. It took me about eight more times of asking random people until I took her advice. As much as I wanted to believe that she wasn't missing I had to accept the facts. Quinn's father was called by the police to let him know that his child is now missing.

I went home with bag's of stuff, mostly that belong to Quinn. I thought to myself she should be here with me right now trying on her new clothes. I should be making her smile, laugh and once in a while I'll make her blush with my dozen compliments. Where are you Quinn? Where'd you go? Please be alright, please don't be in any trouble.

Then a thought hit me like a tone of bricks. The idea was to sinister for me to wrap my head around, it just didn't make any sense. I saw the man go six feet under. There is no possible way that he is alive. Somewhere deep in my heart I feel that he is and that he has Quinn.


Time no longer exists in this place. Its so dark, the only time I see light is when some light comes through the door frame. My wrist burn because I've been trying to free myself. My ankle has nothing but burning, numbing pain I know that its broken it has to be. My stomach feels like it's gonna swallow me whole. On the bright side. (Even if there is one.) I no longer have a headache.

I rest my head on the pole I was tied to. I wonder if this is what it was like for Jo? How much pain did she have to go through? How did she cope with it? What if I couldn't survive this? How could I handled all of this, I'm not strong like Jo.

The door opened. Light filled in the room leaving me temporarily blind. When my vision came back I saw a familiar face. I almost couldn't believe my eyes as she walked up to me.

"Hello mate." Her British accent ran through my ears. "I brought you some food and something to take care of that ankle." She came up to me and placed a plastic bowl in front of me. The food smells so good that my stomach yells at me to eat. I look up into her frosty green eyes and all I wanna do is cry, scream but I held all of it in. I just asked:

"Why, Sage? Why?"

She tilted her head to the side not answering me. Sage then took out what looked like a first aid kit. I flinched when she went to grabbed my ankle. She looked at me with sad eyes before she spoke:

"I'm not gonna hurt you Quinn. I could never hurt you, you do know that right?"

No. How could I?

I just nodded my head playing along. A smile splashed across her flawless face.

"Good now let me see that ankle of yours." She pulled back the fabric from my ankle. It stung and I flinched in pain. "Quinn, I'm gonna have to replace your bones. It might hurt a little but remember I'm only doing this because I care."

She was about to do it but I stopped her. "Wait! Can I at least get a count down or something." Sage nodded.

"One. Two. Three."

Snap! Blinding pain shot though my body like razor blades. I yelled out to the top of my lungs, grabbing on to the pole as if somehow it would make the pain go away faster. I opened my eyes and saw little white stops from how tightly I had my eyes closed.

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