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I've gone into the deepest darkest part of my memory trying to find cules of where Quinn might be. All that it led me to is dead ends and PTSD. I have to take more pills now then a 80 year old lady, also counselling twice a week. Its like even though Able is not here he is still controlling my life, I know I shouldn't give him to power to do so but its very difficult. Quinn has been in the news a lot over the past two weeks and people are becoming more and more suspicious about our relationship.

As I lay down in my bed I start to wonder, what if I can't find her? What happens if when I do she'll be dead? I couldn't even let myself fully dwel on the thought. My eyelids got heavy as the sleeping medication started taking effect.


Its dark all around but a house stood in the darkness. In front of it stood a street light. I slowly walked to the house as thick fog coverd the front porch, its deadly quite here. I go and knock on the door but the door swings open. I gulped at the sudden coldness.

"HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!" a voice yelled but it sounded like they were in a tunnel.

"Hello?" I said shakily as I stepped further into the house.

"JO! I'M IN HERE!" I automatically recognize the voice and ran down the dark hallway at the end was a light grey door.

When I was a arm reach away from the door a big man came out of nowhere towering over me. I looked up to see Able laughing down at me.

"Oh sweet little Josephine, it looks like you're just a little to late."

A sharp piercing scream shot through the air. The sound belonged to Quinn and I could hear the pain in her lungs, I wanted to save her but I couldn't. I lost, I lost against my biggest demon.

I shot up from my bed and sweat came pouring down my face. I jumped right out my skin when I heard a loud sound, I relaxed when I realized it was just my phone. I looked at the time.


I grabbed my phone and answered the call.

"Hello?" I said into the speaker.



Two nightmares in one night can really whip you out I guess. I stood in my mirror and saw bags under my chocolate eyes, my hair is more of my brown roots then purple. To sum it up I look like shit. I haven't slept properly since everything has happened, I can barely eat as well. I went into my medicine cabinet with a shaky hand I grabbed my antidepressants and anexiety pills. I dryly swallowed the pills looking at my reflection.

"I'm gonna get her." I said with determination in my voice.

I looked at the time. I saw that it was two in the morning, I didn't care though I just jumped into my car. I didn't know exactly where I was going but I just felt like going. I kept driving for hours and by now I'm sure I'm out of Kyle. Out the conner of my eye I saw a house that i recognized, I turned and looked at it and for sure I know this house somehow.

I cautiously drove into the driveway. This place honestly gave me a really bad vibe. When I got out the car I took a couple breaths before I went to the door. I knocked twice, it took a couple of minutes before the door opened. There stood a lady with long straight black hair and light green eyes. She smiled at me.

"I think you might have gotten the wrong house." The lady said with a British accent rolling off your tongue. I smiled back at her before I spoke:

"No actually I think I found the right one, I'm actually looking for a man by the name of Able."

Her eyes twiched with fear before she answered me. "No one lives here by that name." She then went to slam the door but I blocked it with my foot.

I cocked my head to the side. "Bitch back the fuck up." I said pushing her aside. I storm on in letting my mind slip me into my dark place.

"Able come out where ever you are." I said walking down a hallway finding myself in a kitchen. There I spotted the man that raped me, beat me and kidnapped my girlfriend. He acted as if her didn't even realize my entrance and for a moment I actually thought he didn't. He made a cup of coffee before he turned to me with a little smile.

"Well if it isn't my favorite niece. What ya doing here little squirt." He whirled a spoon around in his drink.

"What are you doing alive? Huh uncle? Aren't you supposed to be six feet under." He laughed at me shaking his head then shot back:

"Aren't you supposed to me in the nut house with all your other little buddy's?" I wanted to go over to him and smash his head into the wall until I see blood. I tried to relax myself but he opened his big mouth again, "Tell me Josephine do you still bang your head against walls and cut your arms?"

I flung over to him causing him to spill the hot liquid on himself and hiss in pain. How in the world could someone be so careless about the horrible effects they cause? I grabbed him by the collar and back him into a wall.

"Get this through your thick ugly skull. You can't fix people that can't be fixed especially the people that don't need to be fixed. Being gay doesn't make me a sinner nor sick and unclean. There is no cure because its not a disease." I was then thrown across the room, knocking down some stuff from the counters then hit the tile floor hard. I groaned in sharp pain as Able came to stand over me. Maybe that nightmare I had was really telling me I will lose but in the end I'll die. Maybe death will be peacefully and I'll see butterflies and rainbows.

Able straddled my body as he put his hands around my neck. Choking me, I couldn't move it was like my body was paralyzed out of fear. All I know is that its getting harder and harder to breathe. Then suddenly all feeling comes back and I kick him right in the lower half. Able hissed in pain and rolled off me, I thought fast and grabbed a knife. I didn't even have to put much thought into it as I stab him hard over and over. Each time I get slapped in the face with his blood. I should have stopped when I saw that he was no longer moving or breathing but I had so much anger and resentment to this man that I couldn't.

"J-Jo?" I heard a soft voice say behind me. I turned and faced her.



Ahhh omg I'm so close to finishing this :)



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