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"Any luck?" Sara asked, pacing back and forth in the room, anxiously.

"You asked me that five minutes ago," Ray huffed, his hands busy with the gadget in his hands.

"You know it's not easy trying to get a 21st century radio to communicate with a 22nd century time ship." Jax said as he pointed at the radio he had been working on.

"Thawne never told you what he did with Rip?" Sara turned to Mick.

"No, we weren't close like that." Mick said, taking a bite from his sandwich, courtesy of Nate's grandma. I sat beside him, messily munching on my own sandwich.

"How are you holding up?" Sara asked, touching Nate's shoulder with sympathy. "Better than Amaya." He answered sadly, his voice filled with grief.

Sara's expression softened,"I never knew about you guys,"

"There is nothing to know." He shrugged, "We were just, you know, figuring it out." He said.

Just then Ray stood up abruptly, "I figured it out!" Ray exclaimed triumphantly. "We've been assuming that waverider's broadcasting using a quantum frequency, but... "

"But only if the quad band antenna array was in alignment." Jax completed, having gotten what Ray was talking about, "Ray, you're a genius!"

"Huh, I guess I am, I kinda forgot what it was like. " Ray said cheerfully.

"So can you communicate with Rip or what?" Sara asked.

"Sara? Sara is that you" We heard from the radio.

"Good job guys, good job." Sara pats their shoulders.

"We didn't do anything yet though," Ray said in confusion, the radio on the table still shut off. "Rip?"

"Yes, Dr. Palmer. I've honed in on your location." Rip informed us.

"Well haul ass over here and come pick us up" Jax said.

"There may be one small problem with that," Rip said. A whirr of machinery sounded next to us as a tiny, flying thing revealed itself.


I walked up to it, swatting my paws at the flying thing. "Sir Tama, please stop!" Rip yelled out as the Waverider shook. Sara quickly picked me up, holding me in her arms.

"Why would Thawne use the Spear of Destiny to shrink you?" Sara asked, bewildered.

"Uh, I don't believe he did. I'm assuming that he used Dr. Palmer's exosuit," Rip answered.

"Oh, well then he must still have it in his lab," Ray said. "We gotta steal it back, and then we can unshrink the ship!"

"And then what?" Rip asked.

"Rip, we have a plan to put reality back as it was," Sara said.

"But you're not gonna like it," Jax added.


We snuck into Thawne's building, "Alright let's split up" Sara said.

I nodded and split from them, "Oh yes! Oh how I've missed you" I heard Ray from the comms, making kissing noises. Blergh well that was unsettling. I ignored the rest of Ray's uhh... Behavior.

I then heard footsteps getting closer to me, flicking my feline ears. I saw the men in suits round a corner, Sara and I hid behind a door.

"We got two more rent thugs down the Hall," Sara reported into the comms. I peeked around the corner where the men were talking with each other.

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