Land of the Lost

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Time travel is real and all of history is vulnerable to the attack which is why we meowst travel through time to stop the spread of these so-called time aberrations and erase their damage to history. We are a team of outcasts and meowsfits, So please don't call us heroes. We're something else, we're Legends.


I walked into the brig, where Rip was held. I stared at him inquisitively, studying him as he hummed a short but melodious tune. *Meow* I made my presence known,

"Well hello there." He greeted me with his annoying British accent, "It seems the Legends have adopted them self a little mascot, quite a generic breed if I do say so myself."


"Oh! Feisty little thing aren't you "

Sleep with one eye open, human. I glared at him, baring my fangs menacingly before taking my exit and walking towards Sara's room. The doors closed behind me as i stepped inside, *Meow* I greeted my favorite human. As usual she was laying on her bed, staring at her tablet. I hopped onto the bed, softly headbutting her face before settling in the crook of her neck. I purred in delight when the human started scratching my head. I glanced at the tablet screen, a brunette woman with sharp features.

"I really, really miss her, Tam," Sara sighed, her eyes glassy as she stared at Nyssa's picture.

*Meow* She's your mate after all.

"I think about going back to her everyday, I don't-" suddenly Red blaring lights and alarms started going off, the doors slamming shut and the Waverider going into lock down. Sara and I ran to the bridge. Sara quickly went to work on the console, "Rip is manipulating Gideon" Sara said.

"I thought we told her to ignore him," Nate said.

"The captain initiated an override command and is proceeding to the jumpship," Gideon said.

"Go stop him," Sara ordered Mick.

"You mean kill him?" He asked.

"No, no killing," Sara said sternly.

"No fun" He huffed, turning to go chase the rogue Englishman down. "We'll go with him to make sure he doesn't kill the man," Nate said as he and Amaya followed Mick out.


The whole ship shook violently, "Oh come on" Jax muttered under his breath as he struggled to take back control of Gideon. Sara ran over to the navigation console and attempted to switch to manual piloting. It proved futile as Gideon had taken over the navigation controls.

"I think I can reboot the entire system, including Gideon, but it means shutting down the whole ship" Jax said, "Do it" Sara said.

He nodded and went to work right away. But of course, more problems arose.

"Self destruct sequence activated" We heard Gideon, Oh yeah this is definitely not good.

"Jax what's your status" Sara asked, "Give me a minute" We heard through the comms

"You've got four" Sara said as she stared at the countdown timer in horror.

"I'm ready to reboot, but we'll lose power for 5 seconds"

"Do it" Sara ordered him.

*Bzzt* The Waverider lost power, we barreled rapidly straight through the time stream. "Alright navigation is still offline. Everybody, you might want to hold on to something" Sara warned us, "So we're crash landing again? Fantastic." Ray said sarcastically. Sara curled around me tightly in an attempt to shield me.

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