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‟It hurts but it's okay,
I'm used to it”

Park Jimin's Pov

Waking up tangled in a mess of five bodies was a thing I have always been used to. My mornings always consisted of seeing the face of all my handsome mates. Having a mate was a common thing but having five handsome and hot alpha mates was a blessing. Moon goddess must have really loved me when she paired me with these hot and super handsome true blood alphas, even though I was an Alpha myself.

My mates and I have always been cold and harsh toward the outer world because we simply don't feel the need to show our real selves to this cruel and selfish world. All girls and boys out there will die to be with us, literally, even all the mated werewolves, but we only love each other and will never let anyone ruin our relationship. And no one will simply be able to deal with six violent, hot as fuck Alphas like us.

I opened my eyes slowly, whining when the sun rays hit straight on my face. Mornings have always been very annoying to me. I really hate getting up in the morning and leaving my mate's strong arms but I have to get up anyways. I got up from our bed and went inside the washroom to freshen up and do my daily routine. After doing my business, I got out of the washroom and saw that Jin hyung and Hobi hyung were not in the bed anymore. Jin hyung must be cooking the breakfast,  he is truly the best cook in the whole world. If you ever taste his food, you will immediately fall in love with it. I love his food so much. Unfortunately, only I and my mates have the right to eat his delicious, heavenly food, no one else.

We can hire a chef as we are crazy rich but Jin hyung refused. He loves to do all the cooking himself and wants us to have only his food, so RM hyung fulfilled his wish, possessive much. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 7 am already. I didn't want my hyungs to be late for work so I decided to wake them up. Suddenly, an evil idea came into my mind as I smirked.

"Hyungs wake up!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and hopped on the bed making all of them groan in annoyance. "You are going to be late for work!" I huffed-yelled but didn't get any response at all which annoyed me.

So, I started jumping on the bed and heard numerous whines and groans from the so-called true blood and pure blood alphas. It was quite a funny sight seeing the head alphas of the biggest pack of Seoul, whining and grumbling like 5-year-old kids.

RM hyung was the first one to get up. He lazily got up from the bed and mumbled a small 'good morning' to me and pecked my lips. "Don't need to be so jumpy baby, even though I would love to see you jump somewhere else" RM hyung said with a smirk and went inside the bathroom to freshen up, leaving me blushing on the bed.

Even though I was an Alpha, I loved being the centre of attention. Even though I was not the youngest of the group, I was always treated like one, because Taehyung was too dominant to be treated like a baby. Hobi hyung has already left for his morning walk so only Suga and Tae were left.

To be honest, I was scared of waking Suga hyung up because he can be scary if someone disrupts his precious sleep, but only I want one who could wake up him without getting buried 7 feet down the ground. After waking Suga and Tae up with a lot of difficulties, I made my downstairs and saw Jin hyung setting up the breakfast.

"Good Morning Jinnie hyung!" I say enthusiastically, accidentally knocking down a plate which made Jin hyung flinch. He put his hand over his chest and glared at me playfully.

"Yah, you little brat, be careful! What if you got hurt?" Jin hyung scolded me lightly, which I only answered with a pout. "I'm sorry hyungie," I said with a fake sad expression which made Jin hyung melt and shake his head.

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