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TW : Sexual Harassment (you can skip from *** if you are uncomfortable)

Jungkook's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and realised that I was not at my ma- ex mates's home. I was laying on the cold and hard floor and my body was shivering from the coldness. I slowly got up with a groan and realised that I was in some kind of basement.

The walls were painted with blood and the room was really dark. There was only a small light hanging in the centre of the basement. Where am I? This place is so scary. Jimin hyung, please save me. I thought as a whimper passes my chapped lips but it was of no use. Jimin hyung couldn't hear me. No one can save me. This is my life now.

Silent tears were streaming down my face as I curled myself into a ball on the hard cold floor. Suddenly, I heard loud footsteps coming which made me tremble harder. A whimper crawled up my throat when I saw a familiar face come into my view.

It was the same man who brought me here.

"Aww, is my little doll awake? Good, I was just waiting for this" The man said, coming closer which made me crawl back in a corner and whimper. "Don't be scared kitten, I will take good care of you"

"You must be wondering why you are here" I hesitantly nodded. " Well, your father dearest took a loan of 20 million dollars from me and he was unable to pay me back, so he sold you to me, you are mine now," he said with a disgusting smirk which made me want to throw up. "H-he s-so-old m-me? B-but w-why" Tears pooled in my doe eyes. Why did he do it... I know I was not good enough but this? I am his own flesh and blood, how could he do this to me.

Suddenly, he gripped the back of my hair tightly, making me cry out in pain. It hurts so much, please make it stop. "Stop this stupid stutter or I will make your life living hell, it's so annoying" he sneered and slapped my cheek hard. It only made me cry harder. Why is he so mean? I didn't even do anything to him.

But I deserve this. Deserve this for being so weak and useless. I couldn't even protect myself. I'm such a disgrace. That's why no one wants me, not even my own mates.

The man tore my shirt away, making me flinch in fear. What is he doing? Why did he tear my shirt? He caressed my cheek and looked at me with an emotion that I could not decipher. "Oh baby boy, I'm going to make you feel so good," he said. I shivered with disgust at his words.

His hands were roaming around my whole body. "P-please s-stop" I said shakily, my whole body trembling. "Didn't I tell you to stop fucking stuttering" he snarled. "S-sorry" I tried, I tried to stop stuttering but I couldn't stop. He looked at me angrily, but suddenly smirked.

Suddenly, he connected his lips with mine. A sob tore through my throat, my tiny fists came in contact with his chest, trying to stop him but it was of no use. He ripped my clothes, leaving me in my birthday dress. He eyes my body hungrily. I closed my eyes feeling embarrassed and disgusted. I hate this. I hate this so much. I wish I was never born.

I felt tears of embarrassment pool in my eyes but I refused to let them flow.


"S-stop, p-plea-ase s-stop" I begged him but he didn't listen. He unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants down.

Suddenly he climbed on top of me and started kissing my neck. I tried to push him off me but he didn't budge. He was much stronger than me. Suddenly he took my prince part in his hands and started stroking me.

I felt sick. I don't want to do this. I hate this. I tried to pull his hands off but just continued. Suddenly he entered into me, making me scream out in pain, only for it to get muffled by him.

"If you scream one more time I will kill you" he threatened. I just kept sobbing and crying. The tears that I tried to stop, now flowed down my eyes like a waterfall. He started thrusting into me. I felt like I was being ripped apart. It hurts so much. I want this to stop. Please.

"P-please s-stop st-top please. I-it hu-urts. Pl-lea-ase" I begged him but he just kept thrusting. I felt warm red liquid sliding down my leg. Blood.

After what felt like hours, he finally released inside me, it felt so disgusting and uncomfortable. I wanted to throw up at the feeling. He stood up and put on his pants. He took the belt and started whipping me.



Someone help me. I don't want this

I was crying out in pain and begging him to stop but he kept going. This went on for another hour. After some time, he finally stopped and buckled his pants.

"That was amazing. You must have enjoyed it a Lot, right slut? I'll be back tomorrow, with some clients" he said with a smirk and finally left.


I just said on the floor, In my own pool of blood mixed with other foul liquid, breathing heavily. My whole body was hurting. I can't even describe the pain I was feeling at that moment. Every movement hurts. I wanted this to end. I don't want to live like this.

But I can't do anything now. No one will save me, no one.

It felt so disgusting. Sobs tore through my throat. Loud and painful cries of misery filled the whole basement. I felt so used and disgusting, So useless. It hurt so much. My bottom felt like it was on fire. My innocence was snatched away from me.

Why is this world so cruel? What did I do to deserve this kind of life? Is it my fault? I wish I was never born. Someone as useless as me doesn't deserve to live. I should just die.

Someone just kill me, Please...

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