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Third Person's POV

Jungkook was sitting on the stool of the kitchen, swinging his legs back and forth, happily. He was drinking his precious banana milk happily.

Two glasses filled with banana milk and one empty glass were kept on the table in front of him. It was a peaceful environment until a loud crash resonated through the empty hallway.

He turned his head towards the hallway, trying to find the cause of the loud voice. The sight in front of him made him let out a soft giggle. Taehyung and Jimin were bickering and tackling each other playfully.

Taehyung was on the top of Jimin, tickling his sides, while Jimin was giggling and laughing uncontrollably. Jimin somehow managed to get out of Taehyung's grip and ran towards the kitchen. Unfortunately, He wasn't able to notice the younger one sitting on the stool and crashed straight into him.

Jungkook and Jimin fell down on the hard floor and Jungkook's banana milk spilt everywhere, Jimin even managed to spill those two glasses of banana milk on the table.

Jimin quickly got up from the floor. Taehyung entered the kitchen and paled at the mess in front of him. Uh oh, Jin hyung is going to be so mad.

Jungkook sadly looked at his precious banana milk spilt on the floor. He pouted sadly, his lower lip started quivering and his eyes turned glassy, indicating that he was about to cry. Taehyung and Jimin looked at the tiny male sitting on the floor with horrified expressions.

"I'm Home!" Jin shouted, entering their mansion. He had just come back from grocery shopping. Their faces paled even more when they heard Jin hyung's voice. On the cue, Jungkook burst out crying, making the situation worse.

Jin entered the kitchen with his hands full of plastic bags. His eyes widened at the mess in front of him. Banana milk was spilt everywhere on the floor, Jungkook was crying sitting on the floor in the middle of the mess. Taehyung and Jimin were standing beside him with a panicked and guilty expression.

"KIM TAEHYUNG, PARK JIMIN" Jin shouted furiously, making the three boys flinch. Jimin and Taehyung ran out of the kitchen like a bullet train, leaving an angry Jin and crying Jungkook in the kitchen.

Jungkook flinched at the loud voice of Jin shouting and started sobbing more loudly. He thought that Jin was also angry at him and he was in trouble.

Jin's eyes softened at the sight of the crying omega and his anger vanished. He scooped the tiny male in his arms and started comforting him.

Jungkook wrapped his arms around him. He buried his face in Jin's neck and continued. His face and nose were red from all the crying making him look like an adorable fluff ball. "I-Im s-sowwy h-hyungie!" Jungkook cried out.

"Shh, don't cry bun, hyungie is not mad at you, shh" Jin shushed the younger, gently patting his back and rubbing his hand on his back, trying to stop the younger from crying.

After some time, Jungkook's cries turned into soft sniffles and hiccups. "H-hyungie not mad?" He asked softly, looking at Jin with adorable wide doe eyes. Jin felt his heart melting at the sight. "Yes bub, Hyungie is not mad at you, I'm mad at those two troublemakers, not you" Jin cooed softly at the younger.

He smiled his bunny smile for a minute but his face turned sad again. "B-but my nana m-milk" he mumbled sadly, his lips jutting out into a small pout. Jin cooed at the cuteness of the younger. This bunny is too cute for his own good.

"It's ok bunny, don't be sad, I'll buy you lots and lots of banana milk" Jin said, making weird hand gestures making the boy giggle at his silly hyung. His eyes sparkled at the mention of a lot of banana milk.

"Lots of nana milk!?" The younger asked excitedly. Jin nodded his head making the omega squeal. "Yay!! Nana milk nana milk " Jungkook chanted excitedly.

"You are sooo cute," Jin said, dragging out the 'so'. Jungkook blushed at his words and hid his face and Jin's chest, trying to cover his flushed cheeks. Jin chuckled at the cute baby bunny in his arms.

His mind flashed to the time they were so rude to the younger. He felt really guilty for his behaviour. He turned towards the younger and cupped his soft baby cheeks in his hand. Jungkook looked at his hyung with confused doe eyes.

"Bunny, I'm so so sorry for my behaviour back then, I didn't mean to be so rude. I thought that you were a gold digger and we didn't know anything about you. Everyone has used us only for money so we thought you are the same. But it was so wrong of us to assume things. Please forgive us" Jin finished with a pleading tone, tears stinging in the corner of his eyes.

Jungkook smiled at his mate's words. "It's ok hyung, I know you were worried about your mates. It's kinda reasonable because you just wanted to protect your mates. I forgive you because you asked for forgiveness. I forgive all of you already, but I want you all to ask for forgiveness. Since you did it, I forgive you" Jungkook ended with a giggle. Jin noticed that it was the first time Jungkook didn't stutter in front of them. He felt so special that he was the first one that Jungkook didn't stutter in front of.

Jin looked at the giggling boy with fondness. This bunny is too pure for this world, they are so lucky to have him as their mate. "I promise you baby, We will shower you with all the love and care you deserve. You are too precious for this world" Jin said affectionately, making the boy's cheek heat up.

"T-thank you so m-much h-hyungie" he said softly with a bunny smile on his face. Jin cooed at the adorable baby.

"I, Kim Seokjin, The True Blood Head Alpha of the Evil Moon Pack, Accept you, Jeon Jungkook, as my mate" Jin announced, his eyes turning crimson red. Jungkook's heart burst with warmth and happiness. For the first time in his life, he felt extremely happy.

"Come on koo, accept me too" Jin whined making him giggle.

"I, Jeon Jungkook, Accept you, Kim Seokjin, as my mate"

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