12.6K 476 31

Third Person's POV

Jungkook woke up with a mild headache and puffy eyes. He rubbed his eyes with his tiny fist and yawned cutely. He looked around and saw that he was in the same room he woke up in before.

He tried to get up but felt an arm wrapped around his waist. He looked to his side and saw Jimin sleeping peacefully next to him. He blushed and tried to remove Jimin's arm from his body but it was of no use. Jimin's arm was too heavy for his tiny body. He wanted to go to the bathroom but he couldn't remove his arm, so he tried to wake Jimin.

"M-minie h-hyung w-wake u-up" his stutter has become prominent and it just won't go away. He shook Jimin and tried to wake him up but Jimin become a rock when he sleep.

"M-minie hyung" Jungkook whined trying to wake him up but it was of no use. Suddenly, an evil idea popped up in his tiny brain. He bites Jimin's arms, not too hard but enough to wake him up. "AHHHHHHHHH" Jimin screamed like a girl and fell from the bed.

Jungkook's cute giggles filled the entire room as he laughed at Jimin's misery. He saw Jimin pout making him laugh more. Jimin stood up and saw Jungkook giggling like a baby. It was such an adorable sight. "You brat, you bite me? Now see what happens" Jimin said and got on top of Jungkook. Jungkook tried to wiggle out of Jimin's hold but he was much stronger than him.

Jimin started tickling Jungkook. Giggles erupted from the small omega as he tried to get out of Jimin's hold. "S-s-sto-hahaha-p p-ple-hahaha" Jungkook tried to talk but Jimin tickling him mercilessly was making him unable to talk.

After a whole five minutes of tickling the omega mercilessly, Jimin finally stopped letting the boy catch his breath. Still giggling a bit Jungkook finally crawled out of the bed.

"Why did you do it?'' Jimin whined and huffed, not used to waking up this early. "I-I wanted t-to go t-to the b-bathroom" Jungkook replied simply and went to the bathroom, making Jimin huff. "You could have just woke me up" Jimin grumbled under his breath. He got out of Jungkook's room and went to his room to get dressed up for dinner as it was night now.

Jimin was getting dressed when he remembered what was decided yesterday. He sighed knowing there is no way he will be able to stop them from sending Jungkook away. He just hoped that there was nothing too serious in Jungkook scared of going home.

They all were sitting at the dining table eating dinner made by Jin. Jungkook was between Taehyung and Jimin trying to make himself as small as possible. His plate was full of food which Taehyung served him as he said that the boy was too small and light for people of his age.

He tried to eat everything but his stomach was not used to this much food. The food on his plate was enough to keep him full for a whole month. "I-I'm f-full" he said in a small voice and pushed his plate which was only 3/4th empty.

"Finish it" Namjoon said sternly, making the doe-eyed boy pout. "I-i c-can't" he said nervously. "You need to finish your food Jungkook, we don't want Jin's efforts to go to waste now do we?" he said harshly making the boy flinch. "B-but I-I c-can't, I-I'm F-full" he argues weakly making Namjoon glare at him.

"Leave it Joonie-ah, he said he's full, so let him be," Jin said, making this boy smile. They are not as bad as he thought. "Fine, whatever" Namjoon rolled his eyes and continued to eat his dinner.

After everyone was done with the dinner, Namjoon cleared his throat and started. "You are going back to your family" he said, getting straight to the point. He's not someone to sugarcoat things and always tells the truth.

Jungkook choked on the water he was drinking when heard those words. His heart sank and his eyes widened. "B-but-" he tried to say something but was cut off by Yoongi. "Don't start another drama kid, what he said is final, we don't want another of your stupid dramas now" he said rolling his eyes.

Jungkook looked at Jimin with pleading eyes but he looked away, not wanting to see those fear-filled doe eyes. Jimin can't do anything, it's out of his control. He tried his best but his mates are too stubborn.

"Yoongi and Taehyung will drop you at your home tomorrow, no arguing" Namjoon said finally and went to his room followed by a whining Yoongi. He doesn't want to go near this boy or ever breathe the same air as that bitch.

Everyone started to leave the living room, only Jimin and Jungkook were left in the room. Jungkook was weeping silently in his seat, his mind filled with all kinds of negative thoughts. He looked at Jimin with teary eyes.

"Y-you P-promised" He said, his voice cracking as broke into sobs. Jimin went toward Jungkook and picked him up and sat the doe-eyed boy on his lap. "I'm sorry bun, I'm really sorry, I tried to stop them but they are too stubborn," Jimin said, hugging the crying boy.

Jungkook buried his head in Jimin's chest and clutched his shirt between his tiny fists. "I-I d-don't want t-to g-go back" Jungkook cried out, sobbing softly. "I can't stop them, I'm really sorry" Jimin apologises again and again trying to comfort the weeping bunny in his arms.

I'm really sorry bunny...

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