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Jungkook's POV

All of them were looking at me wide-eyed as if they have seen something really shocking. It just made me more confused. They just keep staring at me, it was starting to get uncomfortable. I started squirming in my seat, they noticed it and snapped out of their minds. Namjoon cleared his throat again.

"Anyways, now that the introduction is done, let's get to the main point, so as you already know that you are our mate, but there is one thing that we need to make clear, you are just a stranger to us and we have many enemies, also our mate, Yoongi, don't want to accept you just yet without knowing anything, so we won't accept you as our mate, yet" Namjoon finished.

My eyes started to water. They won't accept me? But doesn't mates accept each other as soon as they meet? Don't they trust me? Did I do something wrong? Ofcource, I was stupid for believing that someone will finally love and care for me. I was a fool for thinking that someone will ever take care of me, treat me like a decent human being for once. I'm so stupid.

I blinked rapidly trying to get rid of the tears which were threatening to fall. My throat felt clogged up but I tried to choke out words. "I-I-It's O-Ok" I tried to keep my voice steady but the words won't just come out. Jimin and Taehyung were looking at me guiltily. They gave me a small  smile when I looked at them, I tried to return the smile back but I just managed to return a fake smile. All of them were looking at me, I don't even know why.

"You can go back to your family if you want, we won't force you to stay here" Jin hyung said making me freeze. Nonono I don't want to go back to that hell. I don't want to get more hurt. Please don't send me to that monster. My whole body started trembling at the thought of getting a beating again. It hurt so much.

"P-please d-don't s-send m-m-me b-b-back, I-I will d-do w-whatever you a-ask me t-to, but p-please please d-dont send m-me b-b-back" I choked out trying to contain my tears in. Please please don't send me back. He will kill me. Tears finally started falling out of my eyes at the thought, my boy whole body was trembling in fear, my breathing started to get erratic.

I felt someone pull me into their lap and a hand stroking my back. "Hey hey bunny, breath for me, we won't send you back, breath, it's ok" Jimin's soothing voice rang in my ears making me sigh in relief. They won't send me back, I won't get beaten again, I'm safe.

I rested my head on his soft chest and snuggled into him more, clutching his shirt with my fist. "T-than-nk y-you" I thanked him, feeling my eyes getting heavy. A hand rubbing was rubbing my back and Jimin was whispering soothing words in my ear. After a long time I felt at peace. I felt myself falling into a deep slumber, feeling safe after a long time.

Yoongi's POV

All of us sat in stunned silence after the boy fell asleep. What just happened...

"What the hell was that?" Hobi said breaking all of us out of the trance. "Why did he react like someone was going to kill him at his home?" Taehyung asked with a  confused face.

"How are you supposed to know, what if he is faking it to live here in our mansion like a gold digger" I said annoyed. Why do they care for him this much, we have only met an hour ago and they are already so protective over him. What's so special about that boy? Stupid.

"Yoongi" Jin gave me a warning glare. I huffed and ignored him. "Can he stay here with us?" Jimin asked with hope-filled eyes, but Namjoon hyung just sighed.

"We can't keep him here, he needs to go back and that's final" Namjoon said. I don't why, instead of feeling happy I was feeling like something bad is gonna happen. I don't like this feeling.

"What?! But Namjoon hyung, you saw how he reacted at the mention of going back, what if something is wrong at his home?" Jimin yelled making the boy in his arms squirm and whimper at the loud noise. Jimin gently patted the boy's back and ran his hand through the boy's hair making him fall asleep again.

How can someone be so cute? What the hell stop thinking that yoongi, you hate him. I mentally scolded myself.

"He's going back and that's final, You and Taehyung are going to keep m eye on him, see where he goes, what he does, everything" Namjoon told Jimin and Tae. Jimin and Taehyung nodded silently without saying anything. With that Namjoon dismissed all of us.

Finally, sleep.

Jimin's POV

"I'm so sorry I couldn't keep my promise bunny, but I promise I will never let anyone hurt you" I said to the small bunny sleeping beside me. I was laying on my bed with Jungkook in my arms, sleeping soundly.

Why are my mates so cruel? I don't think Jungkook can ever hurt a fly. He is too innocent for this cruel world.

Don't worry kookie, I will never let anyone hurt you, I will protect you from everyone, you are not alone will never be until I am alive.

I love you bunny and I will make sure no one hurt you.

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