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Third Person's POV

After Jin and Jungkook accepted each other, they both decided to watch a movie since all of their mates were at work and Jimin and Tae were playing games after getting a big scolding from Jin.

They were currently sitting in the theatre room cuddling with each other. Since they are pretty rich, they have their own theatre room. They were watching The Conjuring 2.

Jungkook was not a big fan of horror movies. He get scared pretty easily but Jin was looking so excited while choosing the movie, he couldn't say no to him.

Jungkook would flinch severely every time a jumpscare appeared but he didn't bother Jin. He didn't want to look like a scared cat and he also didn't want to ruin the fun for Jin, So he kept quiet.

Suddenly, Jin stood up from his seat. Jungkook almost had a heart attack when Jin abruptly stood up.

"Oh no, Sorry Kookie, I gotta go, it's time to make dinner, I need to prepare the dinner. You can come back when the movie is finished, Enjoy~" Jin flashed a smile and went out of the room, leaving a scared bunny behind.

Jungkook was now left alone in a huge theatre room with a scary movie playing on the big screen. He wanted to flee but he didn't make Jin hyung disappointed so he stayed till the movie finished.

He curled into a ball and draped a fluffy blanket over himself for safety. Every time a jumpscare or scary scene comes, he'll whimper and hide his face in the blanket. His heart was beating fast and his body was trembling softly with fear.

All of the sudden, the scene when the nun comes in the end appeared. Jungkook's eyes widened at the horrific face of the nun.

He heard a hushed voice behind him. The fact that he was alone made everything worse.

Jungkook started crying loudly in fear. He hid himself under the blanket and cried. His body was shaking with fear and the loud and scary voices coming from the screen were not helping at all.

Hoseok, who had just come back from work, was walking past the theatre room and heard crying sounds coming from inside the theatre room. He went inside to check where the voice was coming from.

He saw The Conjuring 2 play on the large screen of the theatre. A lump was formed on the sofa. The lump was trembling and whimpers were coming from inside.

Hoseok hesitantly snatched the blanket from the lump revealing a trembling bunny. Tears were running down his soft baby cheeks and his eyes were closed tightly.

Hoseok cooed sadly at the sight. He picked the trembling boy and saw him down on his lap, cradling him like a baby. "What happened bunny, why are you crying?" Hoseok asked softly, trying not to scare him even more.

"K-koo-kie s-sca-awed" Jungkook said in a baby voice burying his head in Hoseok's shoulder. Hoseok cooed sadly at him. "It's ok kookie, hyungie will protect you. Let's get out of this scary room, yeah?" He said, making Jungkook nod timidly.

He picked up the shaking boy. Jungkook immediately wrapped his legs around his waist and planted his head in Hoseok's neck. Hoseok didn't fail to notice the wince that Jungkook let out when his hand came in contact with the younger's back.

Since Jungkook didn't have his own room, he decided to take him to his own room. Entering his grey and black coloured room, Hoseok laid the now clam bunny in his bed. Jungkook hummed contently when he was laid on the soft and fluffy mattress.

Hoseok was about to go and take a shower when he felt a soft tug on his suit. He saw Jungkook tugging on his tux with pleading eyes. "P-please d-dont l-leave me a-alone" Jungkook softly whimpered out which broke Hoseok's heart.

He immediately laid beside the younger and wrapped his arms around his tiny frames, not minding the uncomfortable tux. Jungkook buried his head in Hoseok's neck, enhainhaling calming scent of his mate and closed his eyes happily, which made the elder smile.

Hoseok suddenly remembered the previous event when Jungkook flinched, so he decided to ask him about it. "Hey kookie," he called out. "Hmm?" He replied back tiredly. "What happened to your back?" he asked.

Jungkook stilled at the elder's question. He can't know about it. Jungkook almost forgot about those scars on his back. He can't tell the elder about it. He'll be disgusted by those ugly scars on his body and will leave him.

"N-nothing, i-its nothing hyung" Jungkook said nervously but the elder knew that he was lying. He could see the hesitation in Jungkook's eyes.

He sat up in a sitting position. He grabbed the younger by his arm and made him sit, making Jungkook whine. "Tell me the truth Jungkook, I know you are lying." He said sternly, making the bunny pout.

"I-I'm s-scared hyungie, you w-will h-hate me" He whimpered sadly. Hoseok's eyes softened at his words. He took Jungkook's small and soft hands in his big and rough one.

"I will never hate you koo, we will never hate you, you are cute, pretty, gorgeous, adorable, everything. You are the most precious person in the world, we will never ever hate you. What we did in the past was the biggest mistake we could ever make. We regret it so much that we can't even explain. We will never hate you bub, you deserve the whole world" Hoseok finished and hugged the younger male tightly.

Jungkook's heart burst with warmth for the second time this day. He was so happy with his words. He felt loved and cared for the first time in his life. Words couldn't explain how happy he felt. He hugged the older male back tightly.

"T-thank you s-so m-much hyungie" Jungkook whispered happily. The said male smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Now tell me what happened to your back" Hoseok said, getting back to the topic. The younger sighed. He removed his shirt shyly and showed his back to his mate who gasped when he saw the scars on his mate's fragile skin.

Hoseok's eyes darkened at the sight. "Who did this to you" he asked with a bone-chilling deep voice making the younger whimper. "S-sowwy" he whimpered with fear thinking that he was mad at him.

Hoseok softened when he saw the scared bunny and calmed down, for now. He got up from the bed and bought the first aid box from the bathroom. He put ointment on his wounds and wrapped bandages around his wounds.

He laid the younger back on the bed and tucked him comfortably. He laid down beside him and draped his arm around Jungkook's small waist. Jungkook buried his head in Hoseok's chest.

Suddenly, Jungkook remembered something. "Hyung," he called out, making Hobi hum. "Can-can you a-accept me?" He asked with wide eyes. Hoseok's eyes widened at his words. "You want me to accept you?" Hoseok asked excitedly.

"If you want," Jungkook said softly, his voice lowering at the end. "Of course I want to silly!" Hoseok said, making him giggle happily.

"I, Jung Hoseok, The True Blood Head Alpha of the Evil Moon Pack, Accept you, Jeon Jungkook, as my mate" he announced, making the younger close his eyes in satisfaction and happiness.

"I, Jeon Jungkook, Accept you, Jung Hoseok, as my mate"

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