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Warning : 🔞 18+ Content. You can skip the part from *** if you are uncomfortable with it.

Third Person's POV

It's been a week since Jungkook visited Namjoon's office. They told the news to the rest and all of them were very happy, except one person, Min Yoongi.

Yoongi was really worried because he was not good at apologising and comforting things. He didn't know what to do or how to get the younger to accept him. He decided to wait for the right time.

All of their other mates saw the helpless look on Yoongi's face and decided to help him. They didn't tell him anything but made a plan together.

Currently, all of them were sitting at the dining table, eating their delicious dinner which was made by Jin hyung. After all of them were done, Jin decided to execute their plan.

"Ahem, Yoongi, are you free tomorrow?" Jin asked, turning his face to the younger who looked up from his plate at the mention of his name. "Yes– I am hyung, Why?" He asked, looking at him sceptically. "Ah, nice! Actually, me, Namjoon and Hoseok had some very important work tomorrow, also Jimin and Taehyung had college so we were wondering if you could stay at home with Jungkook?" He asked hopefully, the others nodding along.

Yoongi looked a bit hesitant, it's not like he didn't want to be alone with the younger, it's just that he didn't know if Jungkook was comfortable with it or not. So he decided to let the younger decide himself.

"I don't have any problem hyung, but is Jungkook ok with it?" He asked, looking directly at the omega who was silently dozing off on the table.

Jungkook sat up straight at the mention of his name and looked around wide-eyed. "W–what?" He asked sleepily, making all of his mates laugh. His cheeks turned red with embarrassment and he whined making all of them stop.

"I was wondering if you are comfortable with staying alone at home with me?" Yoongi asked with hopeful eyes. Jungkook looked a bit unsure but when he saw his pleading eyes of Yoongi he gave in and said yes making everyone cheer mentally.

Tomorrow came too fast for Yoongi's liking. Currently, he was sitting in his studio which was built inside their mansion. He was pretty bored.

Jungkook decided not to come out of his room today which disappointed Yoongi. He was looking forward to spending time with the younger but it looks like had different plans.

He was feeling a bit thirsty so he got up from his seat and started his journey toward the kitchen. He took a glass from the countertop and filled it with cold water. He gulped down the water, letting out a satisfied hum when the cold water made its way past his dry throat.

He was about to leave the room when he heard faint whimpers coming from the room. It was the room Jungkook was staying in. Yoongi panicked and rushed toward the room praying that Jungkook was safe.

He knocked on the room hoping for a response but the only thing he got was a muffled groan.

He entered the room and was greeted by a strong sweet scent which made him step back a bit. The sight in front of him made him gasp dramatically and his jaws dropped to the ground.

Jungkook was curled up on the bed. His hair was messed up and stuck in every direction, his lips were blood red and swollen, parted slightly, heavy pants and whimpers flowing out of them. His eyes were hooded and there was a tent forming at his crotch area.

Epiphany | J.JK×BTS ✔ [Re-writing]Where stories live. Discover now