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Third Person's POV

Jungkook was bored. It was early morning and no one was home. Jin and Hobi had to leave early in the morning because of some work in the office and Taehyung and Jimin went to college today. Which means that he was the only one at home with Namjoon, but Namjoon too was getting ready for office.

He was pouting and sulking sitting on Tae's fluffy bed, rolled up in blankets making a blanket burrito of himself.

Namjoon entered Taehyung's room and saw his mate pouting like a baby, making him coo internally. He went to the younger and sat beside him.

"What happened bunny, why are you pouting?" Namjoon asked in a gentle tone. Jungkook looked at Namjoon and blushed. He was still a bit wary of Namjoon.

"I-I was b-bored and D-don't want t-to be a-alone" Jungkook whispered with red-tinted cheeks. Namjoon smiled. "Do you want to come to my office with me?" He asked making Jungkook's eyes lit up.

"Y-you will t-take me w-with you?!" The omega exclaimed excitedly, making Namjoon chuckle. "Of course, just make sure to not get lost, My company is kinda big. Now go get dressed" he said. Jungkook immediately got out of his blanket burrito and ran toward the bathroom to get ready.

Namjoon and Jungkook we're currently walking toward the entrance of the company. Jungkook was clutching Namjoon's arm and clinging to him nervously.

Namjoon was silently enjoying the attention he was receiving from his mate. They entered the big company and all the employees greeted Namjoon. Namjoon didn't even glance at anyone and just kept a straight and cold face, but it didn't bother the others since they were used to their boss's cold behaviour.

They all were confused when they saw an unknown small boy clinging to their boss. It was not common to see someone this close to their cold boss except his mates but they didn't ask any questions.

Namjoon and Jungkook entered the office which was at the top of the building. Jungkook sighed in relief when they entered the empty room. He turned toward his mate.

"What am I supposed to do now?" He asked softly with big doe-eyes. Namjoon took out his phone and gave it to the younger. "You can play games and watch movies on my phone, I have to finish some work, you can sit there," He said pointing at the black sofa in the corner.

Jungkook nodded and went toward the sofa. He started watching some random movie on youtube while Namjoon was busy doing his work.

Suddenly, the door opened and a cute and small omega walked inside the office. He had some files in his hand. "Here are the files you asked for Alpha" The omega said softly trying to look cute. Namjoon didn't pay attention to the boy and just nodded, making him pout.

Jungkook's eyes narrowed when he heard the boy calling HIS mate Alpha. He didn't want to accept it but he was mad at that stupid omega.

The small omega boy tried to get Namjoon's attention but only got ignored. It seems like the boy was unaware of the fact that Namjoon was already mated, and one of his mates was sitting on the sofa, glaring daggers at him.

"Alpha Namjoon" The unknown omega called out in a supposedly 'cute' voice making the Alpha hum but not look up from the work he was doing. The boy looked annoyed.

"I-I was... I was wondering if-if you were f-free after completing y-your work?" The boy asked hesitantly, making Namjoon stop for a moment.

He looked up with sharp eyes and his eyes landed on a small omega boy standing in front of him. The boy was his new secretary.

"Why?" Namjoon asked harshly, making the omega flinch but he didn't stop. "W-would you l-like to go o-on lunch w-with m-me?" He asked with a fake stutter. He didn't even realise that Namjoon's mate was now fuming with anger

"Excuse me" Jungkook said, getting up from the sofa and glaring at him. The boy was shocked when he saw another presence in the room, that too an omega. He was confused. Jungkook went in front of him with a cute angry expression on his face.

"Who are you?" the omega boy asked rudely. "I should be the one asking you this and what are you doing" Jungkook bite back in the same way, making the boy's eyes narrow.

"I'm Alpha Namjoon's secretary and for your information, I was asking him for a date" the boy said in a proud tone which angered him even more.

"Stay within your limits, that's my mate you are talking about!" Jungkook yelled angrily. The omega boy was shocked. "W-what?" He stuttered out, making Jungkook smirk proudly. "Yep, I'm one of Alpha Namjoon's mates, so you can kindly go away!" He said proudly.

Namjoon was watching everything with an amused expression on his face. The first time he saw his mate being so fierce. Guess it is the first time for everything.

Suddenly, the boy pushed Jungkook angrily without thinking, making him fall on the ground with a loud yelp. Namjoon's eyes blazed with anger and he stood up. He grabbed the omega by his neck.

"Don't ever try to even lay a hand my made you bitch, it won't be good for you and you are fired" he said in his deep Alpha voice and released angry pheromones making both the omegas tremble.

The omega boy nodded his head fiercely with a scared expression and ran out of the room. Namjoon calmed himself down and looked at his omega who was sitting on the ground with a dazed expression.

He went toward him and gently picked him up. Jungkook wrapped his arms around his Alpha and buried his face in the other's neck.

"Are you ok, bunny?" The Alpha asked gently, he felt Jungkook nod his head, his face still buried in his neck. He went toward his office chair and sat on it with the omega on his lap.

"I-I'm s-sorry" Jungkook stuttered out which made Namjoon frown in confusion. "What are you sorry for bub?" He asked. "I-am sorry f-for b-being b-bad" Jungkook stuttered out in a shaky voice, his eyes brimming with tears.

"Hey hey, don't cry bunny, it's ok. It was not your fault, you have every right to be mad at someone who is trying to get your mate. You are not bad, you are the bestest bunny of the whole world" Namjoon said, exaggerating the world 'whole' making the small boy giggle cutely.

"T-thank you" he said shyly, hiding his face back in the other's chest. Namjoon chuckled at the cuteness of the younger, his dimples popping out. "Jungkook" he suddenly called out which made the younger let out a muffled hum.

"Will you accept me as your mate?" He asked hopefully. The younger looked up from his chest with a bunny smile. "I would love to" he said, Namjoon sighed in relief and hugged the younger tightly.

I, Kim Namjoon, The Head Alpha of The Evil Moon pack, Accept you, Jeon Jungkook as my mate and Luna of our Pack" Namjoon completed with a big smile on his face finally feeling complete.

"I, Jeon Jungkook, Accept you, Kim Namjoon, as my Alpha and Mate"

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