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Third Person's POV

"SOO-HAN, HOW DARE YOU" Namjoon roared, rage filling his whole body. He lunged forwards and picked Soo-Han up by his neck, choking him mercilessly. Soo-Han gripped his hands trying to free himself but it was of no use. Namjoon's eyes turned a dangerous red.

The others didn't do anything, knowing that no one can stop Namjoon once his wolf form takes over, but they have to stop him before he kills him.

Jimin immediately ran over to his trembling mate, picking him up with ease and settling him down on his lap. Jungkook buried his face in Jimin's neck, his body racking with violent cries.

Jungkook knew that it was Jimin, he can recognise his scent anywhere, Cotton candy and fresh apples. Jungkook finally felt safe and protected in Jimin's arms. He cried out all his misery and suffering in Jimin's arms.

"P-please d-don't l-l-leave m-me" Jungkook whimpered out between his sobs. Jimin hugged him tighter, rocking him back and forth, trying to calm him down.

"Shh, don't cry kookie, I'm here, we are here, We will protect you now, won't leave you ever again" Jimin whispered in his ear, gently stroking his back. The warmth and gentleness of Jimin lulled Jungkook to sleep. He closed his eyes and let the darkness swallow him, knowing the Jimin will save him.

The first thing Jungkook noticed when he regained his consciousness was that he was not on the cold hard floor. He was lying on something extremely soft. Jungkook rubbed his blurry eyes with his tiny fists, trying to remember what happened.

Memories of the other day flashed in his mind like a movie. He was saved, Jimin saved him from that monster. He said that he will save him, he fulfilled his promise. Jungkook smiled at the memory but dread filled his every being when he recalled what that scary man did to him.

He didn't know what that man was doing but it was really painful. Jungkook felt disgusted and sick.

Jungkook was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't realise that he was not the only one in the bed. Jungkook tried to get up but something was restricting him from getting up. Several arms were wrapped around his waist.

Jungkook felt a strange sense of dejá vu at that. He looked to his left and saw that the arm belonged to none other than Taehyung. He looked to his right and saw Jimin clinging to his life as a koala.

Jungkook's face turned bright red as blood rushed to his face. He wanted to use the washroom but these arms were restricted from moving. He tried to remove the arms but they didn't even budge.

A cute pout formed on his face as he tried to remove himself from these death grips. Jungkook whined loudly when he couldn't remove them. Suddenly, an evil idea came to his mind.

"Minnie hyung!" Jungkook yelled at the top of his lungs. Jimin and Taehyung shoot up in sitting position alarmed. They looked around trying to find the cause of the trouble but they only saw their bunny mate rolling on the bed with laughter.

"Y-you s-should has s-seen your f-faces, it was h-hilarious," Jungkook said between his laughs. Jimin and Tae narrowed their eyes.

"Yah you brat bunny, you woke us up in the morning and now you are laughing," Taehyung said with narrowed eyes. Jungkook stopped laughing and pouted. "Sowwy" Jungkook said with a sad pout on his face. They both cooed at his cuteness.

"Aigoo my bunny, it's ok bun don't pout, we are not mad at you" Jimin cooed. Jungkook smiled at his words. "How can someone be so cute without even trying?" Taehyung grumbled under his breath but loud enough for the others to hear him.

Jungkook giggled at his words but stopped and realised that he had to use the washroom. He got out of the bed and immediately ran to the washroom leaving two snickering alphas behind him.

After doing their morning routines and having breakfast, all of the mates are sitting in Namjoon's room. His room was big enough to fit all of them. They all were sitting at Namjoon's big bed. Taehyung was sitting between Hoseok's legs beside Yoongi.

Jungkook was sitting on Jimin's lap, his face buried in Jimin's chest and arms wrapped around his neck. He was ignoring the rest of his mates. All of them had guilty looking faces which were all ignored by the angry bunny.

Jin sighed and spoke. "I know you are mad at us kookie, we are very very sorry for our actions, we are incredibly sorry" Jin said but his words were again ignored by the bunny.

"Jungkook look at me" Namjoon commanded in his alpha voice. Jungkook immediately turned his face towards him. All of their hearts broke at the sight of him. His eyes were red and puffy, tears flowing down his soft and delicate cheeks. His lips were twisted into a soft, sad pout.

Namjoon took him from Jimin's lap and sat him on his own. He cupped Jungkook's soft, fluffy cheeks in his hands. "I know my decision to send you back was absolutely immature and reckless. I know you are mad at us for not accepting you at first, but trust me, we all regret our actions.

I sent you back for your own safety, we have many enemies who want to bring us down. I thought that you would be safe at your home but I was so wrong" Namjoon explained guiltily, waiting for Jungkook's reply.

"I-I u-understand, its o-ok b-but I s-still don't-trust y-you guys, I c-can't" Jungkook said truthfully. He can't forgive them and trust them this easily. What if they left him again? Everyone leave him, what if they thought that he was not good enough for them?

His mind was filled with questions and it was showing on his face clearly. "We will gain your trust bunny, we will prove to you that we won't leave you again" Hoseok said softly, all the others agreeing with his words.

Jungkook nodded and hid his face in Namjoon's chest. His chest was hard, not soft and fluffy like Jimin's but it was really comfortable.

We will prove it to you bunny.....

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