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Third Person's POV

Namjoon, Yoongi, Hobi and Jimin were sitting in their car. Hobi was driving the car and Namjoon was sitting beside him. Yoongi and Jimin were sitting at the back, more like Jimin was sitting on Yoongi's lap with his head buried in Yoongi's shoulder, his body racking with sobs.

Yoongi was trying to calm him down, whispering sweet words in his ears while rubbing his back.

"Please don't cry Jimin, We will save him, he will be fine" Yoongi whispered to the sobbing boy in his lap. "B-but w-what if t-they hurt h-him" Jimin said between his sobs. "Please don't cry Minie, We will save him, I just hope it's not too late" Namjoon said, his words becoming a whisper at the end.

They finally reached their destination, Lee Soo-Han's house. The mansion was really big and luxurious, but all of them knew that he got this luxury by selling girls and boys and sex trafficking. Lee Soo-Han was a pretty dangerous man because he got many Hackers, Agents, Lawyers, Assassins and many other people. But it was nothing in front of the Evil Moon pack.

They entered the mansion with their heads held high, their posture was straight and gracefully. Faces drained of every emotion and cold as ice.

They saw Soo-Han sitting in front of a fireplace, a newspaper in his hands and a cup of coffee on the table in front of him. He looked peaceful. It irked Jimin how this man was living a peaceful life after destroying so many innocent lives.

Soo-Han looked up from his newspaper when he heard several pairs of footsteps entering his mansion. His face paled when he saw four Alphas of Evil Moon Pack at his doorstep. He immediately stood up and bowed in front of them.

"What do I owe the pleasure of having the Alphas of Evil Moon Pack at my mansion?" he asked, trying to look confident and polite. All of the Alphas scoffed at that. Namjoon got in front of him.

"You have something that belongs to us, we are here to have that back" Namjoon said, his face void of any emotions and tone deadly. Soo-Han's face morphed into a confused one.

"I don't have any possession which belongs to you Alpha" he said confused. He doesn't have anything which belongs to them, heck it's the first time they ever came to his mansion.

"I don't think so Soo-Han" Yoongi spat angrily, Namjoon raised his hand in front of Yoongi making him shut his mouth but still glaring at Soo-Han.

"We wish to check your basement" Namjoon announced which made Soo-Han pale. He was now really nervous.

"W-Why Alpha, I d-don't have a-any of your things i-in my basement," he said trying not to stutter and appear confident but it was useless. Namjoon can see straight through his lies.

"Is that so? So why don't we have a small visit to your empty basement" Namjoon said. Soo-Han was now sweating bullets.

He knew that there is no way he can get out of this situation now. But it's not like the Alphas are related to the boy in his basement. He knew that he won't be able to get out of this situation now. He will get punishment for his actions but he hopes that it won't be that harsh since the boy is not related to them.

How wrong he was...

"A-Alright Alpha, I will lead you to my basement," he said and started leading them to the basement where the boy was kept.

They followed behind him praying that he hadn't done anything to their mate yet and they were not late.

They reached in front of the door of the basement. They all held their breaths, even Soo-Han because he knew what was about to happen, he hoped that the alphas would not get really mad.

He opened the door and the sight in front of them broke the Alpha's hearts and crushed them into tiny pieces.

Their fragile mate was curled up into a ball in a corner of the room. He was shivering and trembling. His clothes were torn and stained with blood. Pained whimpers were flowing past his chapped lips. He was looking so small and broken.

Soo-Han was in big trouble....

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