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Third Person's POV

Jungkook whined softly when the bright rays of sunlight hit his face. He was really tired and just wanted to sleep. He closed his eyes and snuggled into the chest of his mate.

Yoongi opened his eyes when he felt someone moving beside him. He opened his eyes and saw his omega whining at the sunlight and snuggling into his chest. He cooed softly and let the omega do whatever he wanted.

"Kookie, we gotta get up, it's morning" Yoongi said softly which made the omega whine again. "No wanna wake up, M'tired" he replied sleepily.

Yoongi sighed and let the omega sleep for sometime, he must be really tired. Yoongi got up from the bed and went toward the bathroom to take a shower. After he finished taking a shower, he picked the still sleeping omega in his arms and made him take a bath.

After a lot of whining and pouting, Jungkook finally took a bath. Currently, Yoongi was carrying the omega in his arms because Jungkook couldn't walk.

All of the others were in the living room watching TV, except Namjoon who went to deal with some business in the pack house. Yoongi laid the omega beside Jimin who immediately wrapped his arm around the said male.

"I see you took his virginity," Jimin said glaring at Yoongi, who looked around with a nervous smile. All of them were looking at him with narrowed eyes. "Hehe, he was in heat, I had to" He said nervously.

They didn't say anything but looked at Jungkook worriedly. "Are you ok bunny? Does anything hurt? Do I need to beat Yoongi up?" Jin said worriedly while Yoongi looked at him with an offended face only to get ignored.

"I'm ok hyungie, but.. I think the heat is not gone yet" Jungkook replied with a pout. "Ah, It usually lasts for a day or two normally," Hoseok informed.

"What about college hyung! I totally forgot about it" Jungkook panicked. It slipped out of his mind that he goes to college. "Don't panic bunny, Namjoon took care of it, you don't have to complete graduation just yet, you can do it whenever you want" Jin informed, making him sigh in relief.

"By the way hyungie, I still don't know what yoonie hyung did to me, that means man.......did the same thing hurted but when yoonie did it, it felt good....why?" The omega asked slowly, shivering at the memory. The others tensed up at the mention of that memory and Jimin tightened his hold on the younger.

Taehyung decided to but in and explain. They all took turns in explaining everything to the younger.

After they were finished, Jungkook's head was hurting from all the information. Jimin gave Jungkook a glass of water and let him process all the information.

Jungkook was about to speak up when a searing pain shot through his body as it started to heat up again. A pained whimper left his lips which gained the attention of his mates.

"Shit, I think his heat started again" Taehyung said, earning a smack on the back of his head from Jin. "No shit Sherlock" Yoongi said and rolled his eyes which earned him a smack too.

"So.... Let's do this turn wise...?" Hoseok suggested. Everyone agreed on his words and looked at the omega who was whining in pain in Jimin's arms.

"J-jim–in" Jungkook managed to reply which made Jimin smil took the omega in his arms and went toward his room.

It's been a week since all of them made love and they are really satisfied. They spoil Jungkook with a lot of hugs, clothes, cuddles, kisses, everything he wants. Jungkook never demanded anything, always worried that his mates were spending too much time and money on him but they reassured him that they were doing it on their own wish.

Jungkook is slowly falling for them and they too are falling for the omega with baby face, fragile body and cute personality. They saw the generosity and sincerity of the younger and felt really guilty for being rude at first but Jungkook reassured them that he had forgiven them.

They were watching a movie in the theatre room when suddenly, Jungkook felt dizzy and nauseated. He felt like he was going to throw up.

Jungkook got up from Hoseok's lap. He hurriedly rushed out of the room and ran toward the bathroom, his worried mates following behind him.

He burst inside the bathroom and started throwing up immediately. Jin rubbed his back trying to calm him down.

This has been going on for the past two days. He gets weird cravings, morning sickness and feels tired all of the day. This has started to worry his mates a lot. They fear that their mate has a disease.

"We need to take him to hospital" Jimin said when Jungkook finally stopped throwing up and slumped back in Jin's arms tiredly.

"Jimin is right, we should take him to hospital, it could get worse," Jin said, running his fingers through the omega's sweaty hair.

Namjoon came forward and picked the tired omega in his arms in bridal style. Jungkook hummed and wrapped his arm around his Alpha.

They made their way down to the garage, the others following behind him. After reaching the hospital, they went to the reception and told them the problem.

Namjoon laid Jungkook down on the hospital bed and went outside as he was ushered out by the doctor.

After 10 minutes, the doctor came out of the room with a big smile on her face. All of the Alphas, who were walking around nervously rushed toward the doctor. The news that left the doctor's mouth stopped their world.

"Congratulations, Your mate is pregnant!"

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