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Third Person's POV

After crying for nearly half an hour, Jungkook fell asleep on Jimin again, he just loved sleeping on Jimin's chest. It's so soft and always lulls him to sleep whenever he lays his head on his chest.

Jimin sighed looking at the sleeping bunny on his chest. He looked at Jungkook's tear-stained cheeks, red button nose, lips jutting out in a small natural pout, his bangs falling on his head making him look absolutely adorable. He looked like an angel, a broken angel. Jimin's heart broke thinking about those broken sobs and heartbreaking cries he just witnessed.

He knew that something was wrong with Jungkook's family that he was so scared of going back. He needs to keep an eye on Jungkook when he goes back.

With those thoughts revolving in his head, Jimin picked the doe-eyed sleeping boy up and went to his own room. He laid the bunny boy in his bed and tucked him in. He changed to his nightwear clothes and lay down beside his mate. He wrapped his arms around Jungkook's tiny waist and went into dreamland, dreading the next day.

Jungkook woke up the next day and found himself in the same position that he was in yesterday. His small body wrapped around Jimin and Jimin's arm on his waist. He gently removed Jimin's arm from his waist, trying not to wake him up and went to the bathroom for his morning business.

He realised that it would be his last time showering in this bathroom. He's gonna miss having a warm bath even though it was only for two days. After taking a shower, Jungkook wrapped a fluffy towel around his body and went to the closet because he didn't have any clothes of his own.

He went inside and felt that the whole closet was filled with Jimin's scent. It was like heaven for the doe-eyed bunny. He wore Jimin's hoodie and pyjamas which made him look so tiny. He was literally swimming in Jimin's hoodie. He decided to take some of Jimin's hoodies because the scent was heavenly, at least it will help the younger one calm down.

But he needed to get Jimin's permission to take his clothes. He won't steal anything from his mate. After dressing himself up in Jimin's giant clothes, Jungkook took some of Jimin's hoodies and went outside the closet thingy. He saw Jimin sitting on the bed, yawning and rubbing his eyes.

"M-minie h-hyungie~~" Jungkook called out. Jimin looked toward the bunny and cooed at the adorable sight. Jungkook was looking so adorable in his clothes, like a tiny bunny. "Yes bunny?"

"C-can I t-take s-some of y-your hoodies h-hyungie? Pwease" Jungkook pleaded with a pouty face and big doe eyes. Jimin was about to melt from the younger's cuteness. He is too cute for his own good.

"Ofcourse bunny, but why? It's not like you are going any-" Jimin stopped when he realised that Jungkook was going back today. He was immediately filled with guilt and sadness. Jungkook noticed this and sat beside Jimin.

"W-what happened h-hyungie?"

"I'm so sorry, I promised you that I won't let you go back, I wasn't able to fulfil my promise, I'm really sorry" Jimin rambled, apologising to the bunny sitting beside him. Jungkook hugged the elder.

"It's okay hyungie, it was not your f-fault, you tried y-your best, I'm not mad at you hyungie, my h-hungie is a hero r-right? You won't l-let anything b-bad happened t-to me, h-hyungie will protect k-kookie?" Jungkook said cutely making Jimin smile.

"Ofcourse bunny, hyungie will protect you, now let's go and have breakfast before Jin comes with his pan," Jimin said making Jungkook giggle.

After Jimin freshened up, They both went downstairs, Jungkook hiding behind Jimin making Jimin smile. When they reached the dining table, they saw that all of their mates were already sitting at the table eating breakfast. Jimin and Jungkook also joined them and ate breakfast.

"Jungkook, are you ready to go back to your home today?" Namjoon asked in an emotionless voice after the breakfast was done. Jungkook looked down at his cold tone and nodded his head. "Words Jungkook," he said harshly, making the poor boy flinch. "Y-yes" he said with a shaky voice. Everyone in the room felt bad for the small boy, even Yoongi.

"Good, Yoongi and Tae will drop you at your home, They both will keep an eye on you to make sure you aren't doing anything stupid" He said. "Wait- what do you mean by Yoongi and Tae, weren't I and tae supposed to keep an eye on him?" Jimin shouted, it was the only way to make Jungkook safe and now Namjoon took his last chance too. "Quite down Jimin," Jin said sternly, making him close his mouth.

"I know that it was decided that you both will keep an eye on him but you are the youngest so it's dangerous for you. Yoongi and Tae are gonna keep an eye on Jungkook, I don't want any other questions. The car is ready,Jungkook can go now" He said and got up from his seat and went to his room, Jin and Hobi following behind him.

Jimin was fuming, he lost his last chance to keep Jungkook safe, he wanted to scream at everyone and leave everything but he knew he couldn't do anything.

Jungkook was silently watching everything with teary eyes. He knew what was happening, Jimin won't be able to save him from his dad anymore. He will get beatings again and no one will be there to save him. Like always, he will be left alone again. No one to save him from the cruel world, no one to stop his father, he will have to go through all the pain again.

His life was back to square one...

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