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Third Person's POV

Bright rays of sunlight lit up the dark room making all the darkness vanish away. The rays were falling straight on the two mates sleeping soundly on the king sized bed. The Alpha's arm was wrapped around the petite waist of the fragile omega sleeping in his arms.

The omega's head was buried in the hard chest of the Alpha, providing warmth and safety to the omega. The Alpha's eyes fluttered open and he cooed at the sight in front of him. His little omega was all curled up on his side and his face was buried in his chest making him look like a small baby.

Hoseok unwrapped his arm from the tiny waist of his mate and checked the time from the clock which was sitting on the small table next to his bed.

The clock read 6:00 am, which means that it was time for his morning run. But he decided to ditch today's run because he didn't want to leave the sleeping omega all alone in the bed knowing how sensitive he was.

He got up from his bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up and do his morning business. After taking a bath and getting ready for work, Hoseok went toward the bed to wake the little omega, who was still sleeping without any care to the world.

"Bun, Wake up, it's morning" He said in a soft voice, shaking the younger gently, not to starl him. All he received back was a cute whine, which made him chuckle.

"It's time for breakfast baby, Jin hyung will be mad if you don't come fast" Hoseok said in a soft warning tone. Jungkook opened his eyes and got up in a sitting position with a pout on his face. He rubbed his eyes cutely with his tiny fists to get rid of the sleepiness from his eyes.

Hoseok cooed internally at the precious bunny in front of him. The younger was about to lay back down but Hoseok was fast enough to stop him which made the omega whine loudly.

"Bad bunny, you can't sleep again, get up get up" He encouraged the younger and picked him up from the bed into his arms. The omega was tiny and light enough to fit in the arms of this True Blood Alpha. He wrapped his legs around Hoseok's waist and hid his face in the crook of the older's neck and closed his eyes.

The True Blood Alpha walked toward the bathroom and sat the sleepy omega down on the counter. He brushed the younger's teeth and made him take a bath. He decided to put bubbles in the bathtub knowing how much the omega liked it.

Jungkook squealed and clapped his hands like a baby when he saw the bubbles in the bathtub. "Bubbles!" He cheered and started playing with the bubbles, several giggles leaving his mouth.

Hoseok let the younger bath and went to the closet to find some clothes and a towel for him. He came back with a long white fluffy towel and a blue hoodie and trousers.

He got the younger out of the bath and wrapped him in a fluffy towel making him pout. "Hyungie, I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself" he said with a sulk. Hoseok smiled and said "I know bub, but I want to spoil you, treat you like how you should be threatened and give you all the love, care and happiness you deserve"

Jungkook teared up at his words and hugged the older tightly. "You are the best" his words came out muffled but Hoseok managed to understand the words. The ruffled the younger's hair. He gave the hoodie and trousers to Jungkook and told him to wear them.

Jungkook came out of the changing room after a moment wearing a big blue hoodie which was too big for him and loose trousers which were too long for him too. He looked like a tiny fluff ball in big clothes. He was literally swimming in them.

Hoseok swore that his heart was about to burst from all the cuteness. The younger one was too cute, his poor heart couldn't take it.

He picked the tiny fluff ball and made his way down to the breakfast table. They both went down and saw that only Jin, Jimin and Tae were at the dinner table.

Hoseok sat the bunny down on the table, between Jimin and Taehyung. Jin fawned over the younger, saying how cute and tiny he looked, making him turn a bright red colour. All of them cooed and laughed at his red face making him pout. Jimin faked fainting saying that the younger was going to give him a heart attack from all the cuteness.

The atmosphere was all happy and giggly until Jimin and Taehyung looked at the younger guiltily.

"Kookie, We both are sorry for leaving you alone with an angry Jin and not helping you that day. It was really childish of us" Jimin said with a guilty expression.

"Jimin is right Kook, We shouldn't have left you alone, we knew that your relationship with Jin was not that good but we still left you, We are really sorry" Taehyung butted in with an apologetic expression which made Jungkook smile.

"It's ok hyungie, I'm not mad at even one bit. Everyone knows how scary Jin can get when he is mad" Jungkook said with a giggle. "Yah!" Jin exclaimed, narrow eyed which made everyone laugh. "No need to apologise hyung, I can never get mad at you" Jungkook said softly with his signature bunny smile which melted everyone's heart.

"H-hyungie, I'm ready to accept you both as my mates!" He said, smiling like a bunny. Jimin and Taehyung's eyes sparkled at his world. "Really!?!" They both exclaimed together excitedly. Hoseok and Jin who were watching the scene silently had big smiles on their faces. Their mate is truly an angel, they are so lucky to have him as their mate.

"I, Park Jimin, The Head Alpha of The Evil Moon pack, Accept you, Jeon Jungkook as my mate and Luna of our Pack"

"I, Kim Taehyung, The Head Alpha of The Evil Moon pack, Accept you, Jeon Jungkook as my mate and Luna of our Pack" Jungkook smiled feeling the warmth and contentment in his body again. He could just ravish this feeling for his whole life and drown in it.

"I, Jeon Jungkook, Accept you, Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung, as my Alphas and Mates"

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