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“Tears are words that the mouth can't say, nor the heart can bear

Omniscient Pov


he sun shone brightly, making the dark room lighten up. The sunlight was falling straight on the face of a small boy making his skin glow. He slowly opened his eyes, blinking rapidly because of the light which was falling on his face.

He got up in a sitting position, rubbing his eyes cutely with his tiny fists. He looked around the unfamiliar room, his mind was too tired and sleepy to process anything. The fogginess in his brain was making it hard for him to think.

Finally, the memories of the previous day started filling his mind making his eyes widen. Jungkook had found his mates! And then fainted in front of them. He face-palmed at his stupidity, now his mates must be thinking that he is weak and stupid. Oh no, what if they decided that he is too weak for them and reject him? No, that's can't happen. Dread started filling in Jungkook's stomach as his mind started making terrifying scenarios.

Jungkook sighed and looked around the room with his big doe eyes. The room was so big compared to his tiny and shabby room, if you can call that place a room. The walls of the room were painted creamy white and it had a royal touch to it, making him gasp in awe. It felt like he was in a royal palace. The bed he was sitting on was so fluffy and beautiful that he was scared that he might make the expensive bedsheet dirty. After all he was still a poor, dirty, useless boy even though he had now met his mates.

Jungkook's POV

There was a big box thingy in front of the bed. I looked at the box thingy curiously curiousl. What is this thing for? Why is it so thin? What even is this? Is this some kind of box? No, it can't be, nothing will fit in this box and I can't see it's opening. I pouted, why is this place filled with such strange things. Wait, I have seen this somewhere.

As I was racking my brain for the possibility of seeing this thingy somewhere, the door of the room opened suddenly making me jump in air. My heart started beating fast in my chest as I tried to calm myself down. A blonde-haired boy stalked inside the royal palace looking room, his height was shorter than average but still taller than me. It was the same boy who I saw in college. My mate!!

"Oh you are finally awake I see" his face was straight and his voice emotionless making me pout. Why is he so meanie? "These are some clothes you can wear, the shortest ones I can find. Freshen up, wear these and come downstairs in 10 minutes" he said coldly and turned around but I stopped him before he could go out.

"W-wait, w-who are y-you?" I cursed at myself for stuttering. It will make me look more stupid and weak in front of him. I don't want him to think of me as a stupid dumbo. "Do what I said and come down, stop asking useless questions" he said harshly and left.

I sat on the bed, staring sadly at the place where he was standing.

'Does he not like me? Does he not want me as his mate? Am I that useless that not even my mate wants me? Who am I kidding, of course, he will reject me. I am just a stupid and ugly omega, no one wants me.' I thought as all my hopes of finally finding love and care got crushed, tears filled my eyes but I quickly blinked them away.

I got out of bed and looked around the room trying to find the bathroom. I opened the first door and saw a big room with so many clothes. It was so big, like a whole shop and was filled with many expensive-looking clothes. There were many sections labelled with words like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Adidas, Nike and many more. I don't understand what these words mean but they looked so expensive.

Why does someone need this many clothes? There are sooooo many. I only have three or four t-shirts, two pairs of pants and one pair of shoes. They were enough for me. I just shrugged and closed the big shop-like room. I opened the other door which was a bit smaller than the other door and found what I needed.

The bathroom was also too big. It was bigger than my whole house! I looked around the room in awe. It was beautiful and everything was looking so expensive.

I didn't want to make anything dirty with my unwanted presence but my mate told me to do it and I didn't want to be smelly and dirty so I discarded my clothes and went inside the shower. Everything was so expensive. I carefully took a shower, making sure not to ruin anything or make it dirty.

I wrapped my small body with a fluffy towel and got out of the bathroom. I quickly wore the clothes given by my mate. The hoodie was so big that I was literally swimming in it. The jean's one knee of the jeans was ripped, making me wonder if he gave me his old ripped clothes but I did see some boys and girls wearing ripped jeans in college. Weird style.

But the best thing was that the clothes reeked of my mate's scent. It was so delicious. I never wanted to remove these clothes. I looked at the watch in the room and saw that it's been 15 minutes already. Oh my bunnies, I'm 5 minutes late!

Stupid Jungkook, can't do even one thing perfectly. I quickly ran out of the room. The whole house was so big that I almost got lost. I wonder what kind of work my mate does. Does he have a pack? Is this his own house? Is this a packhouse?

I went downstairs and saw that maides were standing everywhere. What kind of castle am I in? Everything is looking so expensive here. Where should I go? This place is so big. I was lost.

"Uhm miss w-where a-am I s-supposed t-to go?" I asked a maid hesitantly. She looked at me surprised as If it was the first time someone asked her something. She pointed towards a huge door.

"You are supposed to go in that room young master, all the alphas are there" she said and bowed. All? How many alphas are there? And young master?

I nodded my head and said a thank you to her and started walking towards the large door. As I was getting close, several strong scents started filling my nostrils. The scents were so strong that it made me dizzy.

I quickly composed myself and opened the big door. And I was met with a sight that almost made me faint again.

There were not one or two but six extremely handsome and godly males sitting inside the room and different scents were coming from all of them. I felt stings on my both arms indicating that different mate marks have appeared on my skin. All of the heads turned toward me, making me freeze in my place.

What in the world........

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