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Third Person's POV

Namjoon was sitting in his office in the pack house, doing some work related to the pack. Even since he found out that he has another mate, he has been thinking about it over and over again. He doesn't know if he did a good thing by sending his mate back or not.

He was about to close the documents when he felt a dull pain in his back. It wasn't too severe but it did hurt a bit.

He heard a voice in the mate link.



Someone help me. I don't want this

Someone was calling for help, and it was one of his mates. He panicked and quickly called all of his mates into the living room of their house.

Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Tae, Jimin, I want all of you in the living room, Now.

He commanded his mates from the mate link and quickly closed everything and went towards his car and drove to their Mansion.

After driving for 10 minutes, he reached the Mansion. He parked the car in the garage and ran inside. He went towards the living and nearly fainted in relief.

All of his mates were sitting in the room without any scratch. Everyone was shocked to see Namjoon standing there, panting hard. All of them went towards Namjoon and hugged him, trying to calm him down.

"What happened Joonie?" Jin said softly, making Namjoon sit on the nearest seat on the couch. "Did you- did you hear someone calling for help in the mate link?" Namjoon asked. All of them looked at each other and nodded their heads.

"Yeah, I heard a faint voice in the mate link but it was so faint that I couldn't understand what they were saying" Hobi said, all of the others agreed with his words. "Yeah, I heard it too but I couldn't understand anything," Yoongi said.

"We heard it too," Taehyung and Jimin said. "Do you know what the voice said, Joon hyung?" Jimin asked. Namjoon tensed up. "Yeah, it sounded like someone was calling for help," Namjoon said. All of them were confused.

"But if you all of us are here, safe and sound then who was that...?" Taehyung asked with a confused face. Realisation hit Jimin like a truck and his eyes widened. "J-Jungkook.."he said shakily. "Oh god oh god, Jungkook! He's in danger!" Jimin yelled, standing up from his seat, startling everyone.

"What do you mean Minie?" Hobi asked, startled by Jimin's sudden outburst. "Jungkook is in danger! all of us are here except him, oh god" he said. Everyone's eyes widened in realisation.

"Shit, you are right Jimin, The voice I heard did sound like Jungkook" Namjoon said.

"We need to do something, fast" Taehyung said, all of them agreed.

"Yoongi and Tae, you both know where he lives right?" Namjoon asked, looking at them. "Yes hyung, we know" "so let's go and ask his family, maybe they know where he is"He said. "I'm coming with you," Jimin said.

"No you are not going Jimin, it's too dangerous, I don't want you to get hurt" Yoongi said shaking his head. "Yoongi is right Minie, it's too dangerous," Namjoon said, agreeing with Yoongi.

"Nope, I'm going and that's final because apparently, he is a 'gold digger' for you and you can't accept him as your mate" He said harshly. All of them felt guilty at his words. "Ok fine you can come with us, but stay with us ok?" Namjoon said, making him smile and nod.

Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin and Hobi went towards the garage and  Taehyung and Jin stayed at home. "We will find you kookie, just wait for us"

After reaching their Destination, They all got out of the car. They were in front of a small 'house'. You could barely call it a house.

"T-this is where kookie lives?" Jimin asked hesitantly, looking wearily at the small dirty apartment. "Yep, let's go inside" Yoongi said and they all went inside.

They scrunch their nose when they entered the apartment. It was filled with a horrible stench of alcohol and dirt. The whole apartment was a mess, beer bottles were littering everything, some broken, some empty, some half empty. There were boxes of pizzas and other food items and it looked like no one had cleaned the place for years.

"What the hell is this? How could someone live here" Hobi said, covering his nose. "I don't know hobi, this place looks like a garbage dump" Namjoon said looking around, trying to find someone.

They saw an old man sitting on an old sofa, watching tv. He was drinking alcohol and laughing like a maniac. Yoongi pushed Jimin behind him, protecting him from the mad looking man.

Suddenly, the man's eyes turned towards them and his eyes widened. He quickly got up. "A-alpha N-Namjoon, W-what a-are y-you d-d-doing here?" He asked nervously.

"Are you Jeon Song-hyun?" Namjoon asked with a cold voice with an emotionless face making the man almost pee in his pants. " Y-yes, t-that's me" he said trying to look intimidating but ended up looking like a scared cat.

"Is Jeon Jungkook your son?" Hobi asked in the same tone. The man was now shaking with fear. "Y-yes he's my son" he stuttered out. The stutter was making Yoongi annoyed. He hates stuttering.

"Where is he now?" Namjoon asked, trying not to get annoyed at the stupid trembling man.

"H-he r-ran a-away, I-I don't k-know where he i-is" Song-hyun said nervously, trying not to look suspicious. Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" He asked, daring the man to lie again. "Yes," Song-hyun said, trying to look confident.

"You know what Song-hyun, there are two things in the world which I hate the most, lying and killing my enemies straight away. I like to torture my enemies in the worst way possible, making them beg for death. So, if you don't want that kind of treatment then I suggest you stop lying and tell the truth" Namjoon said in a deep and cold voice with a dangerous face. "And let me remind you who we are, the head alphas of Evil Moon pack," Yoongi said with a smirk.

"I-I-I.." the man was lost for words. This was his end now, no one can save him. "No no no, I'm r-really so-sorry A-alpha, I'll tell you where Jungkook is, I-I sold h-him, Sold him to Lee Soo-Han,'' Song-hyun said, spilling everything.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Jimin yelled, making Song-hyun flinch and cower in fear. "I-im s-sorry p-please d-don't k-kill me" Song-hyung stuttered desperately. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! DID YOU SELL YOUR OWN SON? WHAT KIND OF FATHER ARE YOU" Jimin was yelling at the top of his lungs, his eyes were filled with rage and he was ready to pounce on the man. "Jimin calm down, deep breaths" Yoongi said trying to calm his shaking mate.

"Y-yoongi he-he s-so-old m-my k-kookie" Jimin whispered, his eyes filled with tears. Yoongi hugged him. "It will be fine Jimin-ah, We will save him" Yoongi said, trying to soothe his crying mate.

"Guards, take this man to our basement, '' Namjoon said emotionlessly. Two bulky men got out of the car and picked the struggling male up. Song-hyung yelled and begged Namjoon to let him go but it was of no use.

We will save you kookie...

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