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Third Person's POV

Jungkook opened the huge door and saw six really handsome and tall boys sitting in the room. They looked like they were discussing something really important.

All of the boys turned towards Jungkook when they smelt the scent of lavender and baby powder. They saw the small boy standing who was their mate, standing at the door looking really nervous and confused. They saw him wince and all of them felt a sting on their arm too, excluding Jimin and Tae who already got their marks.

At least now they know that he truly is their mate.

"Come inside bunny boy," Jimin said as he was the only one who ever talked with him. The little boy was so lost, he was looking around like a kicked puppy. He slowly entered the room looking at their faces as if they were going to jump on him. They all had stone hard and emotionless faces making him more scared than he already was.

Jimin asked him to sit next to him. He has grown a soft spot for the tiny bunny because the boy looked so innocent and fragile, he didn't think that this boy could be any harm to them. But they needed to do this for their safety.

He went toward Jimin and sat beside him. He put both his hands on his knees and looked down as if the floor was the most interesting thing. He was looking so tiny between all these giants.

Even though he was really scared and excited at the same time. He still can't believe that he has not two but six mates. It felt like a dream. But he was scared that they would reject him. He was fidgeting with his sweater paws nervously waiting for someone to start.

Finally, the tallest one cleared his throat. "So as you must have found out by now that you are our mate" he said in a very deep and scary voice making me shiver. Jungkook nodded his head. "Use your words" he said sternly, making the doe-eyed boy flinch. "Y-yes" Jungkook said shakily.

'He kinda reminded me of my dad, he also gets annoyed when I don't use my words. He's so scary,' Jungkook thought with a small pout.

"Good, now that you already know that we all are mates, but we have discussed some things and we and you to follow them, but first we should introduce ourselves" Namjoon said and all of them agreed.

"Alright, so myself Namjoon, I'm 28, which means I'm the oldest, Head Alpha of the Evil moon pack" he said without any emotions. Jungkook's eyes widened at his words.

"Ev-evil M-moon pa-pack?" He asked wide-eyed. He was beyond shocked and his eyes filled with fear. Evil moon pack. Seoul's most feared pack, no one ever dared to come in the way of the evil moon pack because they are known to be powerful, ruthless and dangerous. He started to shake looking at all of them with fear-filled eyes.

"It's ok bunny, we won't hurt you, you don't need to be scared of us" Jimin said when he felt the small boy shaking. Jungkook sighed in relief when he heard those words. He doesn't know why but he felt the most comfortable with Jimin.

"I'm Jin, I'm 27 years old, the second oldest"

"Yoongi, 26, stay away from me, don't ever come near me" the red-haired boy said harshly, making the bunny boy flinch. He was too scared of harsh voices, it always reminded him of his dad. But he ignored it and nodded his head.

"I'm Hoseok but you can call me hobi, I'm 27"

"I'm Jimin but you can call me Hyung, I'm 23 and the second youngest, but now third" Jimin said with a smile. So far, only Jimin is only one whom he's most comfortable with.

"I'm Taehyung but I prefer daddy, I'm also 23" he said with a smirk making him confused. He's not my father so why should he call him daddy?

"Why daddy, you are not my dad" he asked tilting my head like a confused puppy. He looked at Jungkook with shock written over his face.

"There is no way you are this innocent, you are joking right?" He asked stunned but he shook my head. "Is it a bad thing, am I supposed to know?" Now he was really confused. Did he do something wrong?

"Nono it's not something you need to know, Tae is just being stupid" Jimin said glaring at Taehyung making him smile sheepishly.

Everyone was shocked at how innocent that bunny was. But anyway, it's not a big deal, many people don't know the meaning of daddy. Taehyung thought.

"Now it's your turn," Tae said.

I-I'm J-Jungkook, I-I'm 21" he said mentally facepalming for stuttering. This stupid stutter won't go away.

"Stop stuttering, it's so annoying" Yoongi said harshly, making him flinch again."I-I'm s-so-sorry" he said trying to stop his stuttering but it just won't stop making Yoongi groan. "Fucking stupid" Yoongi grumbled under his breath.

Jungkook was confused again. "W-what is f-fucking?" He asked softly, looking at them confused. Their jaws dropped on the floor. There is no way he can be this innocent. Right?

Not possible...

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