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Third Person's POV

Sitting in a luxurious car with his mates and going back to that hell hole was the last thing Jungkook expected after finding out his mate. Currently, he was sitting at the back of the car, looking out of the window. Yoongi was driving the car with a sour expression and Taehyung was sitting beside him with a straight face.

Jungkook's mind was imagining the worst scenario after going in front of his father. Will he beat him? Kill him? He can't even imagine how angry his father would have been right now. He just wanted this pain to end now, he would be gladly killed by his father because he doesn't have a reason to live anymore. His only hope of living was gone.

Suddenly, he felt like something was going to happen, something really bad. He doesn't like this feeling. He wanted it to end but it won't go away. He sighed when he saw his 'house' coming into his view. He is going to be left alone again. He whimpered quietly at the thought but thankfully no one noticed it.

Yoongi finally stopped the car in front of Jungkook's 'home'. Yoongi and Taehyung were shocked at how small and old Jungkook's 'home' was. "Wow Jungkook, your home is so......old." Taehyung said, hesitating at which word he should choose. "I know hyung, this is the least I can afford," Jungkook said with a weak smile.

He got out of the expensive car, Yoongi and Taehyung watching his every move with hawk eyes, but they didn't notice the look of fear and panic on his face. After Jungkook got out of the car, Yoongi started the car and started driving without taking another glance at the tiny omega.

Jungkook watched the car disappear into the dark with sad eyes. They didn't even look at him before leaving. 'So mean' he thought with a sad pout. He started walking inside his 'house' with timid steps.

His heartbeat was getting faster and his breathing was starting to get heavier as he entered the house. He heard a commotion coming from inside the place. He went inside and what he saw made him confused and scared.

A tall and rich looking man was standing in the middle of the hall and there were many buff men with black clothes scattered around, destroying everything. His father was begging the tall man and trying to stop the men from destroying the room. The man was smirking.

Everyone turned their heads to the door when they heard someone coming inside. As soon as Song-hyun's eyes landed on his son, he smirked as an evil idea popped into his mind.

"You can take my son," he said to the man. The man looked at Jungkook, checking him from head to toe making Jungkook shiver. He was confused as to what was happening. Why isn't his father mad? What is the talking about? Send him where? Why is this man looking at him like that? His questions were left unanswered.

"Hmm, he has a pretty and innocent face, and he looks young too, not bad, I think I can accept your offer, but..." The man making Song-hyun's face light up. "But what?" he asked. "Is he a virgin?" The man asked with a disgusting face. "Yes, he didn't even kiss anyone, pure virgin" Song-hyun said with a smirk making the man smirk too.

"Then the deal is accepted," the tall man said, shaking his hand with Song-hyun. He signalled his men to take Jungkook who was standing there with a clueless and scared expression.

"W-what is h-happening? Jungkook asked in a scared voice. "Oh? He doesn't know anything?" The man asked with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, he doesn't care about anything," Jungkook's father replied calmly. "Even more fun" the man said with a smirk.

Those black-clothed men started dragging Jungkook harshly. "N-no w-what a-are you d-d-doing, l-let me g-go" Jungkook said trying to break free from the harsh grip of the bulky men but he was too fragile and the men could easily break him easily. They just started dragging him more harshly.

"D-dad w-what is h-happening, p-please aah" Jungkook winced when the men threw him on the group harshly. Song-hyun was watching everything with a devilish smile.

"You can have him forever if you give me 10 million every year" Song-hyung said with a smirk. The man nodded, he took out a cheque book from his pocket and signed a check. He gave the check to Song-hyun who was looking at the check with hungry eyes.

"Grab the boy and put him in the back of the car" The man commanded his men. They immediately took the frightened boy and threw him inside the car.

The said boy was now crying and shaking, begging them to stop. "P-please l-l-leave m-me, I-I-I'm so-sorry, P-please" he keeps begging, trying to get out of the car which only results in a slap on his soft baby cheek, making it as red as a tomato. The harsh sting made the small boy whimper in pain.

"Shut the fuck up, your so-called father sold you to me, you are mine now, you are stuck with me forever, you are my slave now, my personal sex doll" the man said with a disgusting face and slapped Jungkook again, making him whimper.

He doesn't know what sex means but it sounded bad. He doesn't want to be a slave. Why is his life so miserable? He never did anything bad to anyone. Why can't he be happy for once? What did he ever do to deserve this kind of life? He was done with life. He wanted to die. His father sold him, his mates rejected him, everyone hated him. He doesn't have any reason to live anymore. But he doesn't have enough courage to kill himself.

He just wanted to curl up in a hole and die. He only wanted a peaceful and normal life with lovely parents and a loving mate.

But no one will ever love him, this is his life now...

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