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Katrine's POV

I cry hard against my huge stuffed bear on my bed that my mom gave me a few years back. I took a long shower and I still feel fealty... and a freak.

Take that you freak

The words play in my mind, non stop. Just echoing and replaying inside of me with no regret.

I feel like I deserved that. I mean I am a freak, and nobody likes me. I guess that was just the universe throwing karma at my face in a form of eggs...

...but Niall was the one behind them.

I hate him now, but it will change. Eventually I will forgive him inside of me and just move on, continuing to think about him.

Sometimes I think of myself as an obsessed girl. I'm obsessed over a guy that just threw eggs at me. A guy who doesn't remember my name.

But especially a guy I can't have.

You know how you 'fall in love' with a famous singer or actor? You feel like you both will be the best couple in the world, and you will never leave them.

You just make up a whole different life in your mind, with someone you just know because they are famous. If they weren't to be famous you wouldn't get a chance to know them, and if you saw them in the streets it would just be a normal person to you.

But there's actually a story behind how I 'fell in love' with Niall. It didn't happen over night, it actually took almost three years...

The sound of my phone vibrating against the hard top of the nightstand brings me out of my thoughts. The phone screen shows Brook's phone number, so I answer.

"Hello?" I ask with a sniff.

"Hey." She lowly says with a hint of forgiveness in her voice. "I'm outside your house. May I come in?"

I quickly start to dry out the tears from my eyes with the inside collar of my shirt. I don't want her to know I've been crying.

"I'll be there in a sec." I hang up and I quickly make my way downstairs to open the door for her.

When I open the door she immediately grabs me into a hug. "Oh my gosh hun are you okay?" She asks while my face is against her neck.

"Uhm yeah." I get off her grip, and she gives me a warm smile.

"I heard what happened to you. Zayn posted it in his Twitter page."

"What a dickhead." I say under my breath, but I think she heard me.

He tweeted what happened with the whole egg thing? Ugh sometimes I just feel like slapping people like that with a chair.

"Were you crying because of that?"

I look down, hiding myself with the hair that slipped out from behind my ear, covering my face.

"It was because of Niall." I mumble, hoping she didn't hear me.

She shakes her head before grabbing me again into a really tight hug.

"Don't get obsessed over something that will get you possessed." She says into my ear.

I don't know what that exactly means, but somehow it made me feel safe.


I went to the only place where I can deeply think, alone with nobody around.

I stood there, tall and relaxed against a huge skinny pine tree. Barely anyone ventured to this part of the woods, and I didn't think anyone knew that this tiny, insignificant corner of Texas ever existed.

So naturally I was startled and confused when I heard the rumble of a vehicle's engine approaching my location.

A shiny, black Jeep pulled up beside my rusty, battered up Chevy truck and I cautiously watched the Jeep driver kill the engine and step out of their car.

The smooth cold breeze ruffled his short straight hair as he observed the scratched paintwork of my truck. Smirking a little, he sauntered towards me in his skintight skinny jeans.

I redirected my gaze back to the captivating view of the small town beyond the cliff as I suddenly felt the boy's presence sitting beside me.

Ugh. Can't he see that I'm alone for a reason?

I glanced at the tattoos that were inked on his arm as he stared out into the distance. I thought the drawings on his skin were intriguing, to say the least.

"You like what you see?" He asks, still concentrated on the breath taking view.

I shake my head, looking back at what I came here for. He chuckles a little by my action of embarrassment.

He didn't speak as he raised his two fingers up to his full lips, and inhaled deeply. As he exhaled the spirals of smoke, the stench of nicotine burned my throat, causing my eyes to water momentarily.

Sadly I'm too shy to say anything about it, especially to a guy like that.

"I didn't think anyone else knew about this place," he said finally after a few clouds of smoke.

I noticed his voice is low and husky with a slight southerner accent.

"I like to come up here in time to time, when life gets a little too hectic," he continued when I didn't reply. "Know what I mean?"

I casually nodded as he mimicked my position, letting his feet hang over the edge whilst watching the town below.

A lingering silence hung in the air before he spoke again.

"So what's your story?" He asked me, taking another lengthy drag of his cigarette.

"What do you want to know?" I asked, surprising myself that I will tell a complete stranger my 'story'.

He chuckles. "Well, telling me your name would be a good way to start," he said.

"Kat Evergreen," I told him, sighing.

"Nick Jonas," he simply said. "But I'm not really into that whole handshake type of crap."

So I told him my whole story. How my mom disappeared from my life when I was at the age of fifteen. How I 'fell in love' with a guy I can't have. And some feeling that swing by me of depression and loneliness.

And then it was his turn. He told me how he has to deal with parents that don't know the meaning of love, and consistently fight in front of him an his younger brothers. He also tells me how he gets into brutal street fights, and has been expelled by many schools.

"I moved here because I got expelled from a school district." He says with a small hint of laughter in it.

"A school district? What did you do?"

"I beat up a guy that was getting on my last nerves. I broke his nose and his jaw with these baby's." He raised up his arm, flexing his muscles with one brow up. I laughed, and he joined in too.

We were so wound up in the conversation that it hadn't even crossed in our minds that it was late and the sun had set whilst the sky had turned black, and he stars had begun to shine.

"It's late, I should get home." I said, standing up and cleaning the back bottom of my jeans to take out the dead grass.

I felt Nick following me as I made my way towards my truck. I pulled the door open, and I climb in when a large hand reached out above me and closed it shut suddenly. I turned around in confusion, searching for his eyes in the dark.

"Wha-" I begun to say, but Nick's lips were already against mine, and I found myself kissing him back.

He then pulls away, leaving me breathless. "I just wanted to do that before you left." He said, then walking away, getting in his car, and then driving away.
So... did you like this chapter?

I see Nick as a bad boy sorta appearance. He still looks heck of a hottie as he does in real life.

Comment and vote please! Love you😘

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