35: Perfect

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This chapter is dedicated to booksLu
Words can't describe how much I adore you. Thank you for being here for me, and for listening to my craziness every day. You're absolutely the best.

Hope y'all enjoy!

Katrine's POV

It's finally morning; the day I'll be leaving to Seattle for a wedding with Niall. Well it's a little too early if I should say so myself to be called morning. It's 2am, which I would call the middle of the night, 'cause morning for me starts after 6am. I'm really nervous and  anxious; as if I were to be the one getting married instead.

I mapped out a whole plan in my mind, so I would be prepared, and hopefully nothing wrong happens. I made a schedule of what time we should be at the airport, what time is expected to be in Seattle, and what time I should go to sleep so I can wake up fresh and ready for the helping of the wedding.

Niall in the other hand, is so chilled back and calm about everything. He's been trying to calm me down as I would walk around in circles, blurting out every possible thing that could go wrong on this trip. I mean what if our luggage goes missing, or we remember of something that we forgot back home, or something even worse; what if the plane crashes and we all die!

Okay, calm down Kat. Stop over exaggerating. If I think of bad thoughts, then they'll happen, so all I have to do is think positive. Gotta stay optimistic about this trip.

Last night Niall called me. He informed me that his brother's future wife is really stressed out, and is a huge bridezilla. Niall's brother needs me to help him calm her down once we get to Seattle since it will take more than just one person to calm down a bridezilla. That news has made me even more anxious about the wedding.

I decide to shake off all the thoughts that are suffocating my mind, and to take a shower. Once I did so, I got ready in some comfortable-- yet cute clothes-- for the long plane trip that's ahead of me.

I didn't bother on applying a full coverage of makeup since most of the time I'll be in the plane, so I just applied a little of mascara; just to bring out a little of my features. I also filled in a little in my eyebrows before applying a nude shade of liquid-lipstick to my lips.

Once I was satisfied with my work, I called Niall to let him know I'm ready.

"I have everything ready." I smiled, even though he can't see. I hear a few loud sounds in the background, and he would constantly murmur a few things to the people with him.

"Is everything okay, Ni?" I softly spoke in a question, making him pull his attention back on me.

"Yes of course Kat. I'm just helping the boys load the truck. We'll be there to pick you up in about ten minutes. Okay?"

I said a small thank you before hanging up. I took my bags downstairs, setting them by the front door. I don't want to wake up my parents, so I grab a sheet of notebook paper before writing on it.

Well I'm off to Seattle for the week. I don't want to wake y'all up since it's almost 3 in the morning, and you guys have work at 5. Don't worry, I'll be in good hands, and I will call everyday before bed. Love you!

Sincerely: the only child ♥︎

I placed it where I know they'll see; next to the coffee maker, since they always have a cup of coffee before leaving to work.

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