14 (Real Truth)

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Katrine's POV

I blankly stare at the cop for a few moments to progress what he said. "That's impossible," I shake my head. "My mother passed away-"

"Ma'am your father William Dawn is the one you should talk to. I just came here to inform you that your mother is still alive." He interrupts me with an attitude, then hands me a white envelope.

"This is for your father-" The police man begins to speak again, but then looks behind him. A black Corolla parks next to my old Chevrolet truck on the driveway. It's my dad.

The police man then walks towards my dad when he gets out the car. The cop then hands him the white envelope he was going to give me, and tells him something. My dad's face expression completely changes. It looks like he completely froze, the same face expression when the hospital nurse told him my mother didn't make it after we were in the waiting room for nearly seventeen hours waiting for a miracle to happen.

The police man then gets in his car, and drives away from our house. My dad walks towards me, then walks pass me to get inside the house. He acts like everything is okay, like if the envelope he's holding is just a bill or something, and nothing important.

I don't know how to react to this. Is my mother still alive? How?? Ans why didn't she come back here?

"Is it true? My mom really isn't dead?"

He wipes his face with a damp paper towel to remove the small beads of sweat on his forehead before saying something. "I don't know." He lies. I know he's lying because he won't look straight at me in the eyes, and he never keeps eye contact when he's lying.

"Don't lie to me. The police just told me that she is." I'm getting mad now. I take a few steps closer to him. I'm now face-to-face with him, but I have to look a bit up since he's a few inches taller than me.

"Why do you even keep on thinking about her?" He spats at me in a harsh tone, more as if he were to be mad.

"Because she's my mother, and this whole time I thought she was dead." I raise my voice. I feel like he's been keeping a secret from me, lying to my face for almost two years since she supposedly passed away.

"Katrine, your mom doesn't love you-"

"Stop lying!" My eyes start to get watery. I bite the inside of my cheek to prevent my tears to fall out from my eyes, but they just keep on building up that it even turned my vision a bit blurry.

"Goddamn it Katrine! She abandoned us! She left us and went to go live with another man because she didn't want you! She didn't want us." He leveled his tome of voice with mine, but lowered the last few words.

I don't want to believe his words. He's gotta be kidding me, but the way he spoke, and the way he looked at me showed that my dad isn't lying at all.

The words hit me hard, hitting me with such a powerful force that would keep you speechless for a long solid amount of time.

When he sees that I'm shocked by what he said, he decides to speak. "Kat. Your mother abandoned us because she was--and still is--selfish," he takes a deep breath. "She left and told me to tell you that she died. I planned out a fake funeral and everything."


William's POV (Katrine's dad)

"Elizabeth! You can leave me, but don't you dare leave our daughter." I shout, chasing after her outside while the rain poured down on us.

"She's not our daughter William! She doesn't even have our blood-"

"She's our daughter! We both adopted her as a family, and we raised her with love. Because family isn't blood Elizabeth; its lov-"

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