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1. a person who, because of shyness, unpopularity, or lack of a partner, remains at the side at a party or dance.

Katrine's POV

It's three in the morning in a school night, and I couldn't sleep at all with the thoughts that hunt my mind.

"Nick Jonas." I whisper his name to myself as I stare at the glowing stars on my ceiling. I smile at the thought that we kissed.

People like me can easily fall head over heels for someone that speaks with their soul, not with their mind. The way he would talk, and the way he would listen to me made me feel special. He would speak so deeply, that I would forget everything around me.

It's weird how I just met him a few hours ago in the woods and now I'm here, alone in my room at three in the morning only thinking about him.

Am I crazy for feeling this way over a stranger?

I close my eyes, and I can feel myself sink into a different world, but then the sound of something hitting my window makes me sit up.

I get off my bed and I make my way towards the window. I slide it open but I don't see anything.

"Kat I'm down here!" A familiar voice whisper shouts below me. I look down, and I can't believe who I see.

"What are you doing here?!" I shout at Niall, making sure I didn't say it loud enough for my dad to hear me.

"I came here to apologize." I roll my eyes before shutting the window closed.

"Kat please." I hear him beg from the other side of the window.

Should I let him in?

My heart says no but my mind says yes. I'll go with my mind, my heart has let me down so many times.

I let Niall in, and he immediately climbed up to get in. He sits on my bed before taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes after a few seconds of silence. I sit on a chair, and I cross my legs.

"I hate hearing that." I rudely say, ignoring the confusing look he's giving me.

He sits a little straighter to fix his posture, before looking at me in the eyes. "Then what do you want me to say?"

"If you truly mean what comes out of your mouth then it will be easy to show it."

The whole room is silent, with only the sound of the wind blowing the leaves outside the only source of noise.

His hair is up in a quiff in a pure diamond shade of blond, the way I fell in love to. His eyes look lighter; close to welkin blue, because of the moonlight that creeps inside. His chest slowly rises up, then settles down.

He stands up, and walks up to me; his eyes still deeply into mine. He puts a hand under my chin to raise my head a little to look up to him. Chills shoot through my body, vibrating and forming goosebumps on my skin.

"With just one action, one movement, I can make you forgive me in a heart beat," he says. His voice is low, yet it had enough power to spread millions of sparks up my body; starting from the soul of my feet, all the way to the nerves in my brain.

"I've been up all night just thinking about you. Only you." After the words came out of his mouth he leaned in closer to me, his lips connecting mine. I find myself kissing him back, our lips moving in a rhythm.

Slut. The word pops in my head. First you were kissing Nick and now Niall?

"No." I break the kiss, and I stand up, getting away from him. "Sorry but you have to leave." I'm not looking at him, instead I hide my face from him seeing me.

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