27: Day Five

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Katrine's POV

It's the fifth day, and Niall has told me in advance where to meet up with him. I was a little curious when he told me this time it will be held at his home, but it will be better than having to attend at some fancy restaurant or a place that involves too many people. I'm supposed to show up at Niall's place in three hours-- so at 7 pm.

Today I'm not at home, I'm at my granny's house. I haven't seen her in a while 'cause she has been in the hospital getting multiple surgeries for her heart and kidney problems. I couldn't visit her at the hospital because my dad didn't want me to get worried that she might pass away, so they didn't let me see granny at all. I thought it was a little stupid and unfair that my dad didn't let me see her, but I know as soon as I saw her in the hospital bed, I wouldn't be able to stop crying.

I sat on a wooden chair in the kitchen to watch my grandma bake. She was dividing the dough into small portions to roll them up into a ball. The ball will be the size enough to cover the center of your palm-- or the size of a golf ball.

By the color of the dough, and the aroma escaping of it, I soon recognized what she was gonna bake.

Just to make sure I'll ask. "What are you making grandma?"

She turns around with a sweet smile while she rolls a piece of dough in her palms. "Your grandpa's favorite. Pão de queijo."

Pão de queijo is a Brazilian recipe, it just means cheese bread, but instead of them being a piece of bread with melted cheese on it, it's in a shape of a small golf ball. It also has a very different flavor and texture.

My grandma used to live in Brazil with my grandpa. She fell in love with the traditions and culture, so she wanted to live there forever. She learned how to speak the language, and then soon how to write and read it. When my grandma thought it couldn't get any better, something happened. My grandpa got in a horrible car accident, and died the next day from internal brain bleeding.

Months passed and she had fallen in deep depression. She wouldn't accept anyone's help, and though it wasn't worth living anymore. But one day she brought herself back together, and sold the house to move back to America. She wanted to be closer to her family since she lost someone so important to her. Since then she's been happy to be with the family, but sometimes she would look a little upset, and I knew it was because she misses my grandpa.

"I also love pão de queijo." I try to pronounce it, and she chuckles a little.

After a few moments of silence she popped the dough in the oven, and washed her hands before sitting across from me.

"So how have you been darling?" She asks, but on the look on her face I feel like she knows something.

"Good. Just studying for upcoming tests in school and just chillin'. You?" I half lie, I mean I do study a little each day before seeing Niall, but I haven't been doing any chillin'.

"I've been good." She keeps on looking at me with that face expression. It's killing me.

"Why are you looking at me like that grandma?" I ask a little nervously, but her smile widens.

"Spill it already Katrine! I know you've been seeing a guy."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Well," she narrows her eyebrows as a sign of her remembering. "I went to go visit an old friend of mine at the Italian Pizzeria and I say you at the very corner of the place with a handsome boy. I was going to say hello or something but I saw you two love birds laughing, so I couldn't interrupt you from your date."

I swear if I was drinking something I could have chocked on it or spit it out. "Nah grandma, he's just a friend."

"Well a really good one if he gave you flowers." She smirks before standing up to grab herself a cup of water.

"I swear we're just friends. Nothing more." I assure her before she goes into any more details.

"Are you sure? Do you think it's nothing more, or is it really nothing more?"

• • • •

I'm standing outside of Niall's house. I've been knocking on his door for a while now, a solid ten minutes, but he hasn't answered yet. He also hasn't replied my texts, and I'm starting to think he's not home yet.

I let out a sigh before turning around to leave, but then the door swung open. "I'm so fucking sorry Kat. I was taking a shower." He looks at me with a horrified expression while his hair is soaking wet.

I give him a small smile. "It's okay."

The corner of his plump lips carved up, and he gestures for me to enter. I can't stop thinking about what my grandma said. I mean what Niall and I have is nothing more right? We're just doing this so he would get his hugs and I will then be able to get my wish of him leaving me alone forever.

If I wanted something more with Niall I wouldn't be doing the hugging thing am I right?

We both sat by the kitchen table, and it looks like Niall prepared something. "I made chicken in Alfredo sauce and pasta."

I smile widely. "So Horan knows how to cook huh?"

"A little. I almost burned the house down while cooking it." He laughs before serving us both a plate.

When I took a bite of the chicken, my eyes rolled back. "Oh my God it's so good."

"Thanks. It took me a long time to perfectly learn this recipe."

When we both finished our meal, I decided to pop the question that has had me curious all evening. "So why did you pick your house as a day for the hug?" Each day was taken in a different place with a meaning, but I really don't know why he picked his house as one of the days.

"Remember when you once came here? It was your first time coming to my house and we were talking the whole time."

"Oh yeah." I remember.

"Well..." he looks down to his feet. "That's when I realized I fell in love with you."

Things are getting real up in here

Many of y'all have been sending me texts by DM wanting to know more about me so I'll say a fact about myself. I don't blame y'all for being curious about me.

Fact: I'm half Mexican and half Brazilian, but born and raised in the U.S

If you need someone to talk to then don't be afraid to DM me. Just don't do it in my message board, personally text me. I always answer.

Hope you enjoyed

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