08 (No way out)

156 19 40

Song for chapter: Crazy by Gnarls Barkley
See you again by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth

Katrine's POV

I stare blankly at him.


Sex slave.


Why would he do this? He just apologized and it was all just a lie.

He sang me a song in his guitar, and asked for my forgiveness. Was this all a lie?

"How did you get this?" I ask, moving his phone away from me.

He looks down, before looking at his hands. "I broke in his house when nobody was inside. I looked through his stuff and I found that list, so I took a picture."

It took me a few seconds to progress what he said. "You did what? Nick you can't just break in someone's home and search through their things. You can get arrested."

"But I didn't." He throws his hands in the air. "I'm still here and the cops didn't get me."

"You don't get the point-"

"No Katrine. You don't get it. You still haven't picked up the hint I left in a trail with the rest of hints I left before."

"What hint?"

Our voices start to get louder. The air around us gets thicker, and the gap between us get closer.

He slides both his hands through his short hair; letting out a deep breath of frustration.

"Are you serious?" he finally speaks. "You can't tell me you haven't fucking picked up the hint!"

"Tell me what it is already!"

"I fucking love you! I am deeply in love with you!"

I freeze. He can't love me. We barely met and he has this feeling towards me?

"No you don't. You just-"

"I do Kat. I didn't fall in love with you because of the beauty in the outside, but the beauty in the inside of you. I fell in love with the way you speak, the way you use the words, and the way you see the world. At first I thought it was just a little crush, but then I realized a small crush won't lead me to staying up at night just thinking about you. It won't lead me to staying in the car, thinking if I should pay you a visit."

He gets closer to me, and put a hand in his pocket. Everything went by slow.

He pulled out a small box.

Kneeled down in one leg.

And a beautiful diamond ring appeared.

"Katrine. Will you marry me?"

I stopped breathing, and I couldn't feel myself in one piece.

I can't marry a guy I just met. Especially since I'm just seventeen, and in High School. I mean I don't even know what I want to be; what career I want to have. And now I'm in the middle of a marriage proposal.

"Nick I can't. I don't feel the same." I burst out into tears.

I love Nick, but in a friends way. I feel horrible for breaking his heart. I feel like I just stepped on his soul, and I burned him into ashes.

"So everything," he says, standing up. "Everything we did meant nothing?"

"It did. It's just that I don't see you as a person I would spend the rest of my life with."

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