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Katrine's POV

"Please." Brooklyn begged from the other side of my room.

Brooklyn, or Brook for short is my best-friend, and only friend. We have been best-friends since Middle School, and we never separated. We do things together all the time, but she's sorta opposite from me. She likes to go to parties, I don't. She loves to go out at night with friends, I don't. She talks to everyone, I don't. We are totally two different people from a different universe, yet we make everything work in between us.

"Come on it's Saturday. Lets go shopping!" She says in a shouting tone, yet not too loud. I groan against my pillow that is covering my face before sitting up.

"Brook I don't need clothes." She rolls her eyes before opening my closet door, and a loud gasp escapes from her mouth.

"I thought I told you to get rid of everything that's black! You have black Converse, black shirts, black socks and black pants." I groan again before getting off of bed. She goes in deeper into my closet and takes out a lipstick that was next to my other makeup.

"Black lipstick?! Nope get in the car right now. We're going shopping before you end up painting your room black." She tossed the black lipstick away and opened the door to my room. I grabbed her by the wrist before she had a chance to leave.

"Brook this is me. You as my best-friend should understand that this is the color that I like, it makes me feel myself." She looks down, and shakes her head before looking back up.

"I don't want you to end up depressed. I mean you clearly are on the edge of it. And I as your best-friend know that your favorite color is green. So at least buy yourself some green Converse. Please." When I don't answer she pops her bottom lip out, and does a puppy face.

"Brook don't do that face." I say. She gets a little closer, and I try to not look at her. I close my eyes shut, but the temptation to look eats me alive inside, so I look, and like always I give in.

"Ugh fine." I groan at the end and she claps her hands together before grabbing me by the hand, and pulling me downstairs.

"Dad I'm going to-" I then notice that my dad is working late today... again. I stop and I take a quick look at the kitchen just to make sure, and his car keys weren't there.

"Kat come on." Brooklyn begs, already half way outside.

My mom is gone, and now my dad is working so much I barely see him. Is he going to disappear like my mom did-

I brake my thoughts, not wanting to go any further into what could happen. Right now I need to focus on Brooklyn, she's my only distraction to the real, horrible world.

I follow her; going in the passenger's seat while she goes in the driver's seat.

She starts the car, and drives away from the driveway a few moments shortly. I turn on the radio, a song from Lana del rey starts to play, filling the car inside.

We don't speak, just enjoy the music with the company of each other. I rest my head on the window, the warm sunlight hits my face, and I close my eyes.

I love this; I love being in a peaceful silence that isn't awkward at all, while listening to music. Not cheesy music that people do about break-ups and love, but music that you can actually feel the spark fading or forming inside your body as how the person was feeling when singing it.

I also love fall. I love it when the weather isn't freezing cold, but neither boiling hot. I like it when I get out the house, and that cool weather gives goosebumps on your skin. I love it that the sun warms my body, but the wind cools it from getting too hot. Plus I'm a October baby so I was born during that time.

"Don't think about it too much." She says, turning the volume to the music down.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't think about your mom." She makes it sound obvious, like if I know what she's talking about. I sit up, and I look over at the road.

"I wasn't thinking about her..." My voice trails away when I realize the truth. Maybe I wasn't thinking about her in my mind, but deep down inside of me I was. I will never forget about her, and I will never stop thinking about her. She was something special to me, and I lost her before I got a chance to say how much she means to me; how much I'm blessed to having her as a mother, but then she left. Gone before my life even started...

"You're doing it again..."

"Brook I can't stop! You don't know how it feels to have something from you just be ripped out of your soul and never come back. You don't know how it feels like to lose someone forever. Forever!" My yelling replaces the music in the car, and all the sounds around us.

I hate it that people act like everything will be okay, when it never will. It will never be okay!

"I do know how you feel like," She begins to speak. "I did lose someone before-"

"But it was because you were being a little slut." I regret the words that slip out of my mouth the second they did. Shit, why did I have to say that.

She immediately stops the car in the middle of the road, and grips the steering wheel with more force that it starts to turn her knuckles white.

"Brooklyn I'm sorry-"

"Out. Get out of my car!" Her eyes start to turn glossy, but she keeps on looking at the road to avoid eye contact.

"I'm sorry-"

"Katrine get the fuck out now!" I know there's nothing I can do now, I screwed up like always. I open the door and I get out. Once I was out she quickly drives away like if she were to be part of a street race.

I don't blame her, I mean I am the one who brought this to myself. I feel like screaming, like flipping a table and throwing it out the window in a Hulk style. I feel like drowning myself in a bathtub and just stop it with all the pain. But as much as I want this to stop, it will never leave.

I start to walk down the street to the direction of my house. The reason why Brooklyn acted that way was because of something that happened to her not a long time ago. She 'fell in love' with a guy; a guy she said a million times he was the one. She ended up cheating on him with another guy that was cheating on her in the same time. She would sleep with her 'love of her life' and her side fuckboy.

I always acted like if that wasn't wrong, but that was because I wanted to keep the truth to myself. I hate hurting people, especially with honesty.

I'm alone, again, walking down the street with nobody but my half dead soul. A lot of people see me as a depressed girl or some shit but I'm not. I just like the color black, but deep down my favorite color is green. I feel like if I don't wear colorful clothes then people won't judge me for looking loud and perky, but they also judge you for not being one.

I continue walking until I hear the roar of a car engine slow down beside me. I try not to freak out, I can just start running or attack if they are too close. Okay stop thinking negative things, just keep on walking like you don't see them.

I start to hum to myself, and I stop thinking about the car that is following me.

Then all of a sudden I hear the car starting to drive faster, and laughter of guys inside.

Then they start to throw eggs at me.

"Take that you freak!" I gasp when the eggs hit me, and I look down to myself. I'm covered in raw eggs and egg shells. When I turn around I see that Niall and his group are in the car.

Niall is in the car.
Is it getting better?

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