15 (Truth to the lies)

112 11 18

Katrine's POV

"Mom?" The woman I haven't seen in over two years is standing in front of me. The woman I thought that died but actually left her daughter and husband for another man and life.

I hate her. I despise her with every fiber in my body. But I also love her, because I grew up thinking she was my mother, and that can't change.

She looks nothing like me. She's tall and skinny with a model body. She has the perfect amount of chest to go with her waist. She's pale, but doesn't look deadly pale. Her cheeks are rosy red with small freckles that also covers the bridge of her nose, connecting to the other side of the cheek. Her hair is in a tone of burned orange, and some ruby red to it. Her eyes are in between a shade of blue and green, a mixture I've never seen in anyone before but her.

I in the other hand am totally different. I have long, curly dark brown hair, and my skin tone is a bit darker from hers. My body is a bit curvier than hers, but she has more chest and butt than I do. My eyes are brownish greenish, but most of the time they're brown. I'm not that tall, I'm only 5'9 and she's way taller.

"Katrine..." Her voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and I refocus on her.

It's kinda what I expected. I mean I fantasized in turning to look at the person in the car next to me in a stop light, and there she would be. And she would get out of the car, and hug me like in those cheesy movies when two people haven't seen each other in a while.

She takes a step closer to me, and that was enough for her to wrap her arms around me. I wanted to shove her away, scream at her for abandoning me, but that's not right. They always raised me into that violence isn't the answer. So that's what I'll do.

I pull her away from me, and I see that she has her red lipstick on. My mind flows back to when she used to take me to school, and would kiss me on the forehead and leave a stain.

"You couldn't even show up at home huh? Instead I had to find you this way."

"Kat let me explain-"

"I'll give you one minute," I cut her off. "and I'm gone."

She nods before continuing. "I adopted you because I thought that's what I wanted-"

My vision becomes blurry, and everything starts to go slow.

I'm adopted. He didn't tell me that. He didn't fucking tell me I was adopted!

"I'm a-adopted? So you're not my biological mother?"

She looks at me in confusion, but then realizes that my dad-- or so now my adopted father-- went with the plan she had told him.

"Let's take a seat," she points to a small booth. "There's a lot to explain."

• • • •

I was fighting my tears back, not wanting to show her how I feel right now.

She explained to me how I'm adopted, and left me because she wanted a real daughter; one that came with her blood. She also explained how the real reason she adopted me was because my biological mother was pregnant of me at the age of sixteen, and they saved me from her wanting to abort me.

I'm lucky. If it weren't for my adoptive parents I wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't even have taken my first breath, my first step, or said my first word. I would have died seventeen years ago because of a stupid decision a woman made in getting an abortion, and taking the life away from a living thing.

"I love you Katrine. God I really do, but I just felt like something was missing. I wanted a daughter or a son that came from inside of me. I wanted to feel them kick and move inside of me. I wanted to have that extra warmth, and be able to sing them songs-"

"Can't you hear yourself?" I spat at her. "You sound so selfish, so ridiculous for thinking that family is blood." I stand up, taking the order of frozen yogurt I ordered from the table.

"Kat wait." She chases after me. "I haven't finished-"

"I don't want to continue hearing your little story. I get it already. You don't see me as a daughter, but some petty kid who was gonna get aborted seventeen years ago." I stare at her deadly in the eyes before slamming the door open, causing some people to look at me.

"Kat please-"

"Shut up." And with that I leave.

• • • •

"Alright!" Niall shouts, rubbing his hands together as he licks his bottom lip, memorized by the frozen yogurt.

"You can eat mine too. I'm not hungry." I slide my paper bowl of frozen yogurt to him, trying to give him a fake smile, but I fail.

Lucky for me he bought my fake smile. Or so I though he did. "What's wrong?" He asks me before taking a spoonful of frozen yogurt in his mouth. He sits next to me on a stool next to the kitchen island.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I cross my arms.

He stops eating. "Okay something is definitely wrong. Something that I picked up over the years from dating girls is that when one of them says that they're fine then something's wrong."

I roll my eyes before telling him the truth. Should I tell him? "I saw my mother today." I mumble, not knowing if he heard me or not.

"Didn't she pass-"

"I thought she did." I look up to him. "It was all a lie."

Don't cry Kat. Don't cry.

Tears start to pour out my eyes like crazy. One after the other none stop. He immediately gets me off guard by wrapping his arms around me, pulling me towards him.

He rests his chin on my head while my tears soak his shirt. "Shhh. It's gonna be okay." He tries to comfort me, but nothing can make me forget the horrible feeling I have inside.

Most people would have just start planning revenge or would be doing something stupid. I just cry. I cry when the pain is too unbelievable, when it feels like it's snaking around my neck, and tightens around me like a rope.

If I was the same Kat I was about a year ago then I wouldn't be crying. I would be in the bathroom, seated in the bathtub with a razor blade slashing through the flesh of my wrist. Looking at the thick ruby red blood just roll down my forearm, and drip down on my thigh.

I handled the mental pain back then with physical pain. But now I just cry, because I don't want to hurt myself anymore.

"I don't know what to do now." I sob against his chest. He gently pulls me away, his hands on my shoulders while his icy blue eyes stare deeply into mine.

"The only way this pain will go away is if you go find your biological mother."

The world is falling apart out my window! It's raining so hard and lighting just stroke the tree to my neighbor's house! I'm not scared, I just don't like the sudden roar of lighting.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

A lot of drama is gonna start now that Kat has unraveled the truth to the lies lol

Love you💕

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